For this essay, I will ignore much of the past history of these Jewish families and begin from the early 1800s, but it should be noted that these Khazar “family fortunes” began hundreds of years before this. We had the (Jewish) Dutch Tulip bubble, the (Jewish) South Seas bubble, the (Jewish) British and Dutch East India Companies and many similar. There were the centuries of slave trading, of tax farming and so much more. I will omit all of that.


India was at one time almost certainly the richest nation in the world, with stocks of gold, silver and precious gems worthy of fable and legend. The British East India Company which was eventually led by one of the Rothschilds, was unquestionably the greatest criminal enterprise in the history of the world, and the vehicle used to loot India to the bones.


Sassoon ben Salih was the chief treasurer to the pashas of Baghdad.
Exposed in an immense fraud in the early 1800s that must have involved hundreds of billions in today’s dollars, he was lucky to escape with his life (and the money). He and his two sons David and Joseph fled to India where they teamed up with one of the Rothschilds and hatched their infernal plan to force Indian peasants to grow opium for sale in China.

沙逊·本·萨利赫(Sassoon ben Salih)是巴格达总督的首席财务官。19世纪初,他被曝卷入一场涉及数千亿资金(相当于今天的美元)的巨大骗局,他幸运地逃过一劫,保住了性命(以及钱)。他和他的两个儿子大卫和约瑟夫逃到印度,在那里他们与罗斯柴尔德家族的一个人合作,策划了他们的地狱计划,强迫印度农民种植鸦片,然后卖到中国。

From the early days, they already had the young Queen Victoria firmly in their grasp. She not only supported their efforts to the extent of allocating the British military as the Jews’ enforcers of the opium, giving David Sassoon the exclusive franchise for selling opium in all of China, seizing Hong Kong for his distribution base and giving him the charter to form the HSBC. To say that the British Royal Family profited heavily from this personally, would be an understatement of some magnitude. This is where we will begin our story.


From their wholesale looting of India and the thefts from Iraq, followed by growing and selling of opium in China, Rothschild and Sassoon were reliably estimated to have accumulated wealth of more than $5 billion each, by 1835. Actually, the calculated estimates I have seen were of $6 billion and $7 billion,
and these were my estimates as well. I reduced this to $5 billion to be conservative, but the totals are still staggering. $5 billion accumulated at only 5% for the intervening 185 years, accumulates to a total in 2022, of more than $40 trillion each for Rothschild and Sassoon. And there were at least a dozen or more Jewish banking families that were not so very far behind Rothschild and Sassoon, as well as many dozens more that were very wealthy but not in this same league. That $40 trillion may seem shocking and too fantastic to be real, but reserve your judgment until the end. As you will see, that $40 trillion is almost irrelevant in the overall picture.

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(1) Slavery and Forced Labor
Jews have always been heavily involved in slave trading, including both the white slaves that depopulated Ireland and much of England and the more recent black slaves, but I will ignore that part of the past and deal only with the more recent events in China. Slave trading by these same richest Jews – Rothschild, Sassoon, Kadoorie and many others, stopped only because the First World War put an end to it. We haven’t precise numbers, but the historical record tells us that many millions of Chinese were kidnapped and sold as slave labor. Countless tens of thousands of Chinese were kidnapped and shipped as slave labor to North America to build the railroads and work the gold mines, to build the Panama Railway and the Panama Canal, to work the guano mines in Peru, and in many other instances. This is why we have Chinese all over the world; even today the population of Panama is more than 10% Chinese because of this.


In many cases, the Chinese were not actually sold to others but used by the Jews as slave labor for their own projects. As late as 1904, Rothschild had around 65,000 Chinese kidnapped from Fujian Province to work his gold mines in South Africa.
When these same Jews financed the building of the North American railroads and the Panama Canal, for example, kidnapped Chinese were the supply of free (and disposable) labor. Harsh conditions resulting in tens of thousands of deaths were irrelevant because the supply was inexhaustible. As well, there is credible evidence that Easter Island was almost totally depopulated by these same Jews who kidnapped most of the people to work the guano mines in Peru. There are letters from officials in the UK demanding that these Jews return the Easter Islanders to their home.

在许多情况下,中国人实际上并没有被卖给别人,而是被犹太人用作自己项目的奴隶劳工。罗斯柴尔德从福建省绑架了大约65000名中国人,让他们在南非开采他的金矿, 一直持续到1904年。例如,当这些犹太人为北美铁路和巴拿马运河的建设提供资金时,被绑架的中国人提供了免费(和一次性)的劳动力。造成数万人死亡的恶劣条件无关紧要,因为供应是取之不尽的。同样,有可靠的证据表明,复活节岛几乎完全被这些绑架了大部分人去秘鲁挖鸟粪矿的犹太人所毁灭。英国官员写信要求这些犹太人将复活节岛居民送回家园。
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At this distance in time, it isn’t possible to construct a comprehensive tally of the totals of Chinese slave laborers conscxted by these Jews for their projects, nor to estimate the “value” of all this slave labor, but it was certainly substantial and carried on in great volume from about 1800 to 1920 and, as I mentioned above, it was only the First World War that put a stop to it. I list this because it is an important contributing aspect to the accumulated wealth of these Jewish banking families, but I do not provide a leger entry for it.


(2) Diamonds
It’s not a secret that DeBeers controls the diamond production of South Africa, and also in Zaire, nor that DeBeers is a Rothschild company. Let’s not forget the origin and purpose of the Boer Wars. Diamond production statistics seem scattered, with South Africa claiming around 650 million carats of total production,[14]
while Statista claims twice this amount. South Africa places a value on this production (at $100 per carat) at about $60 billion, but with no allowance for the compounding an average of $300 million per year over 150 years: (average of 3 million carats per year at $100 per carat). If we allow for compounding at 5%, this accumulates to about $10 trillion. To keep things simple, I have excluded all other countries from this calculation; the addition of these and other Rothschild and Jewish-owned production would at least double the total. It should also be noted that the Jewish enclave of Holland is still the center of the world’s diamond trade, the great majority of which is firmly in Jewish hands.


(3) Gold
It is difficult to find comprehensive and reliable statistics on the actual annual production of gold from the Rothschild-controlled mines, but production apparently reached more than 1,000 tonnes per year 50 years ago. With 32,000 ounces in a tonne of gold, and gold selling at $1,700 an ounce, that represents many billions of dollars per year, compounded at 5% for nearly 150 years, about ten times the value of the diamond production listed above. The picture is clouded by fluctuations in both production amounts and gold prices, so definitive results are impossible to calculate.[15]
I have assumed what I believe is a conservative estimate of only twice the diamond production and value.


(4) Canals: Panama and the Suez
It is universally-known that the US built the Panama Canal – after “liberating” the Province of Panama from Columbia, but not so widely-known that it was Jewish money that paid for the canal.[16]
We can reasonably assume that the profits from the canal for about 120 years would have accrued to those who financed it. The Suez Canal was also built with Jewish money and existed as a privately-held corporation. However, since the revenues from these two amount to only a few mere billions of dollars per year, I will omit them from the totals.
Leger Entry: $0 trillion in today’s dollars


(5) Cash Management
It isn’t widely-known but, as part of America’s Monroe Doctrine, the US used not only its powerful bullying “diplomacy” but also the CIA and the full force of its military to arrange for a few Jewish bankers (and the US FED) to obtain the position of “investment managers” of all the cash assets and central bank holdings of the countries under its control. This included Latin America, but also countries like the Philippines and the 50+ countries where the US overthrew a government and installed a compliant dictatorship.

鲜为人知的是,作为美国“门罗主义”(Monroe Doctrine)的一部分,美国不仅利用其强大的恃强凌弱的“外交”手段,还动用中央情报局(CIA)和军队的全部力量,安排少数犹太银行家(以及美国联邦储备委员会)获得其控制下国家所有现金资产和央行资产的“投资经理”职位。这包括拉丁美洲,但也包括菲律宾这样的国家,以及美国推翻了政府并建立了顺从的独裁政权的50多个国家。

The scheme was simple. These nations were forced to turn over all their liquid assets to the Jewish bankers in the US who would “prudently manage” all that cash for the benefit of these smaller nations. In practice, the Jewish bankers invested the money in New York real estate and profited in the billions while paying those nations 3% on their money. This practice was coupled with a bad American habit of invading, then forcing open and emptying, the vaults of the central banks of these same nations of all their gold. These practices are sufficiently documented to withstand challenge and, having existed for about 150 years, I think we could reasonably attach a total compounded to today of at least $1 trillion dollars, but the historical records are insufficient and so I make no leger entry for this item.
Leger Entry: $0 trillion in today’s dollars


Germany’s Hyperinflation
It is widely accepted today that Germany was set up for this precise circumstance from the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles and the corresponding restrictions enacted by Jews to prevent Germany’s recovery. Regardless, the inflation rate was so extreme that money became literally worthless, permitting the Jewish bankers to buy up much of Germany for virtually nothing. This was one of the deep resentments harbored by Hitler toward the Jews, knowing they were behind the treaty and other restrictions that could have had only the bankruptcy and subjugation of Germany as the one possible purpose. We needn’t go into details here, but it was Hitler’s eviction of the Jews from Germany’s banking system and taking over the country’s central bank that resulted in the “miracle” of Germany’s economic recovery which, unfortunately, was not to last. There is no way to estimate the value of the looting of Germany that took place at this time, and I attribute no definitive value to it although the present value would surely be in the many trillions of dollars, all to the benefit of these same few bankers.
Leger Entry: $0 trillion in today’s dollars

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(7) Central Banks
European Jewish banking families, led by the Rothschilds, own or control the central banks of at least 30 nations, including the FED in the US. There are several very nasty results of this ownership, one of which is that these nations cannot print their own money but must borrow it from the (privately-owned) central banks – and pay interest on it. This is of enormous magnitude. Until the late 1970s, Canada owned its own central bank and paid little to no interest to foreigners. But then-Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau (Justin Trudeau’s father) committed an astonishing act of treason – on his own account, without even the knowledge of his own cabinet or Parliament – and committed Canada to foregoing its financial birthright to print its own currency and from then on borrowing from the European Jewish bankers. The result is that in the past 30 or 40 years little Canada has paid these bankers more than $1.1 trillion in interest for borrowing its own money.


But Rothschild and a handful of other Jewish banking families have owned the central banks of the European nations, and others including the US FED, for well over 100 years. If little Canada has paid more than $1 trillion in interest in a relatively short time, the governments of countries like England, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, South Africa, have paid much more during the past century. As one example, Italy’s debt is several times that of Canada, and many other countries are in the same position. I have no accurate record of total interest the US has paid to the FED, but its current debt is more than $13 trillion – an amount which will never be paid off.


Working from Canada as a baseline, and counting only 30 countries, an excessively conservative estimate would be $30 trillion paid out in interest to these bankers. If we then allow for only 100 years, we can multiply this by more than three times and arrive at around $100 trillion paid in interest – entirely without need or justification. And this doesn’t allow for the US FED which could increase the total by half again. It should also be noted that those 50+ nations where the US military and CIA overthrew a government, the Jewish bankers were right behind them to take over ownership of all those central banks. In every case where information has escaped – Iraq, Libya, South Africa, the Balkans, this has been their priority and simple logic dictates that it would be very high on their list in every country where they had access. I have not included this item in my estimates. Considering all of the above, my leger entry is arguably conservative by 75% or more, but there is insufficient detail. My estimate below makes no allowance for the compounding of interest for even 100 years; to do so would multiply the total to a truly astronomical figure, and yet the real-world situation is that this amount would indeed be compounded, and for more than 100 years, to the many hundreds of trillions.
