This epoch we are witnessing is not a simple recalibration of the world order. We are at the end of a unipolar hegemony and its reserve currency status.


The rise and fall of empires throughout recorded history were periods of volatility and conflict. When plotting a historical timeline showing the ‘life-span’ of consecutive empires, each empire forms a sinusoidal peak. The decline of the prevailing empire and the rise of the emerging empire intersects at a point, depicting a transition period. That transition is a multiyear process ushering in the ‘changing of the guards’, which results in a tectonic shift of economy and culture. This trend of transitions has similar parallels pertaining to war and reserve currency status.
Let us examine the past 400 years of world reserve currencies. The first cycle marks the rise and fall of the Dutch Empire which was dominated by the use of a gold/silver backed guilder standard. The second cycle began with the rise of the British Empire where it crossed with the decline of the Dutch Empire marking an intersection point. One of the major events at that point was the 4th Anglo-Dutch war during the 1780’s. This second cycle of the British Empire cycle at its peak, was dominated by the use of a gold/silver backed sterling pound standard. The third cycle began with the rise of the American ‘liberal democracy’ hegemony which then intersected with the decline of the British Empire. The transition at this intersection point is marked by WWI and WWII, with the USD gold backed at its peak.
Please note, the previous paragraph is considerably simplified. This article focuses more on economic power and world order dominance. After the fall of the Spanish Empire in the 17th century, the Spanish silver Real remained a trading currency in the American colonies. Prior to the 4th Anglo-Dutch War, the gold/silver backed French Livre was a dominant trading currency during the 18th century. This currency failed, in the late 18th century due to debasement. After the 4th Anglo-Dutch War, the gold/silver backed French germinal Franc was a dominant trade currency during the 19th century. During the rise of the British Empire, France was also rising as a military superpower. Both the British and French were vying for economic dominance during that era. The British Empire won and became a world power.



Post WWII, the world reserve currency was based on the Bretton Woods system of a gold backed US dollar. During the 1960's, many began to question its authenticity as a reserve currency. French President Charles De Gaulle, embodied a sovereign nation-state perspective and was most vocal in 1965. He awakened the world to see that the US was not operating a gold standard with due diligence. In the following years, cracks began to appear in the US wanton management of the US dollar forcing parties to demand gold instead of dollars. In a desperate move to shield the US dollar's reserve currency status, an emergency measure was taken. A temporary suspension of interchangeability from US dollars into gold was declared. This was done in 1971, by then US President Richard Nixon under the claims that speculators were trying to make a run on the dollar. Soon after, major oil producers such as Saudi Arabia entered an agreement with the US to trade oil, denominated in USD only. In exchange for this agreement, the US promised in return, security in the Middle East. This placed the USD reserve currency status on life support by making it the petrodollar. Over half a century later, that ‘temporary’ suspension of interchangeability into gold is still in place. Also, the US accumulated over $30 trillion USD in debt and had no independent audit conducted of the US gold reserve holdings since.
In 2017, I uploaded a video of Russia and China 'hammering nails into the coffin' of the USD reserve currency status. These actions had become quite noticeable in the last few months of 2017. Of course, these nails were being hammered since 2012. Those nails were of different sizes and shapes. Examples included:
Development of yuan-ruble payment systems bypassing SWIFT.
Russia’s allies willing to trade energy commodities in gold.
Russia paving the road for bilateral currency trade agreements between ideological rivals, such as Turkey and Iran.
Launching oil futures contracts on the Shanghai Energy Exchange redeemable in yuan, with room in the trading system to include future gold redemption.
Ruble only payments at Russian seaports.



These developments only intensified and acknowledgement of it resulted in derision by westerners. People were ridiculed as conspiracy theorists, Putin apologists or Russian disinformation agents. Fast forward to March 2022, and Russia is implementing an arsenal of financial architecture to bypass the SWIFT system. This architecture is the basis for alternatives to the western financial system, as mentioned in my last article. Time will tell if these western economic warfare tactics will work as intended. The intention of the west's economic war is more than curtailing Russia's kinetic war. Western economic warfare at this scale is intended to destroy the Russian economy. Any failing economy will generate enough dissatisfaction among citizens resulting in destabilization. This form of regime change is standard US/NATO playbook tactics. The west's form of regime change for Russia will be to balkanize it as the west does in every region it spreads ‘liberal democracy’.


The end of a world reserve currency status, (not the currency itself), is historically accompanied with a shift in world order. Over the past decade, Russian and Chinese statecraft, have been leading in the creation of a multi-polar world order frxwork. They plan to promote regions comprised of sovereign states co-existing and competing for mutual benefit. The case for this multi-polar world order is antithetical to the ideology of liberal democracy touted as the best form of governance. The eastern partnership towards a multi-polar world order is quite evident today. Their multi-lateral economic, military, trade and cultural developments in Eurasia attest to this. Some of these developments include:

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The BRICS nations group comprising of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
The Eurasian Economic unx (EAEU).
The Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO).
The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO).
The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
The One Belt One Road, (OBOR) Silk Road initiative.

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The preservation of nation-state sovereignty is considered in these partnerships. The ethos of these organisations, is not founded upon a unipolar rules-based international order. These countries view multi-polarity as a function of their civilizational posterity. These institutions do not dictate policy to nation-states as in the west. An example of western institutions imposing counter-productive policies is the ‘Troika’. The 'Troika' oversaw the debt restructuring post 2008 for Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain (PIIGS nations). Those countries today remain in excessive and perpetual debt with even worse socio-economic problems. See my article on the Troika from over a decade ago.
Chess moves by Chinese and Russian statecraft are unassertively played. They trained themselves to be humble in their actions, based on the lessons learnt from the fate of Iraq’s Saddam Hussein and Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi. There are consequences for running around the Middle East, offering the concept to trade oil in a currency other than the USD. Even more, for questioning why Middle East oil trades in New York and London. Saddam was guilty of both these actions. There are ramifications for pleading with Arab and North African leaders to create sound money. Even more, for planning to back the Libyan dinar with hundreds of tons of gold in the Libyan Central Bank. There will be conflict for going further to suggest the use of a gold dinar for Libya’s oil trade. Eyebrows raise, when one preaches that poor black people of Africa must use their own resources for African development. Gaddafi was culpable of saying all this. ‘Pride cometh before the fall’, even if you’re an authoritarian with a brilliant idea.

这些伙伴关系虑及维护民族国家主权。 这些组织的精神,并不是建立在以单极规则为基础的国际秩序之上。 这些国家认为多极化是未来的必然趋势。这些机构不像西方那样对民族国家发号施令。西方机构实施适得其反的政策的一个例子是“三驾马车”。 “三驾马车”监督了葡萄牙、意大利、爱尔兰、希腊和西班牙(欧猪五国)2008年后的债务重组,但这些国家今天仍然处于过度和永久的债务之中,社会经济问题更加严重。

Russian statecraft has also made their chess moves with patience. One of the chief architects of an economic plan designed to commence an industrial revolution in Eurasia is Sergey Glazyev. He is a high-ranking economic advisor to Russia’s leadership and the EAEU’s economics minister. Many years ago, he wrote two books that forecasted what is happening today. His predictions cover western sanctions, war and an unreliable USD reserve currency system. His proposals can shift Eurasia and its allies towards a sovereign nation-state trade system. One based on using a monetary and financial system, that excludes the use of an individual national currency or USD. For years, his team have been organising and patiently waiting for this moment to implement their plans. He has already proposed removal of exchange controls for cross-border settlements within the EAEU and China. As a result, their national currencies or a new international currency will be used instead of the USD. The information in the public discloses that the international currency will be a basket of national currencies. This currency can be incorporated into a blockchain payment system. The national currencies would be backed by commodities such as gold, oil, metals, grains and natural gas.


The east is fundamentally altering the entire working assumptions of the global trade system. Russia has recently made moves to begin lixing the ruble to gold. The Central Bank of Russia is offering to buy gold from Russian banks at a fixed price of 5000 rubles per gram. Adding gold to the national reserves, while having energy payments transacted in rubles, is enough for us to know where this is heading. Disregard the western media’s joy, in reporting that the ruble is crashing post western sanctions. It’s over, the ruble has now recovered to pre-sanction levels. A yuan redeemable oil contract is being traded on the Shanghai Energy Exchange. The inter-convertibility into gold for this oil contract is in the works. When the east begins using gold as a unit of account in trade, physical gold demand will increase. As a result, what happens to the paper gold markets at the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) and the US based Commodities Mercantile Exchange (COMEX)? Rehypothecated futures contracts and derivatives of exchange traded funds (ETF’s) exchanged at the LBMA and COMEX will ‘blow-up’. Boom! This will detach the gold market from the USD system giving the east an ability to set a gold price floor denominated in their own currencies.

人民币可赎回在上海能源交易所交易的石油合约,石油合约可兑换黄金的计划正在进行中。当东方开始在贸易中使用黄金作为记账单位时,实物黄金需求将会增加。因此,伦敦金银市场协会(LBMA)和美国商品交易所(COMEX)的纸黄金市场会发生什么变化? 在这里通过交易所交易基金(ETF)达成的期货合约和衍生品将崩盘。嘭!这将使黄金市场从美元体系中分离出来,使东方国家有能力以本国货币设定黄金价格下限。

This multi-polar world economic and security architecture is led by power structures in Russia and China. This architecture has the fundamentals to guarantee a high probability for its realisation. Their unique form of ‘Lex Mercatoria’ (Latin – ‘Merchant Law’) serves, two main functions. Firstly, it represents an autonomous legal order of international economic relations for trade. Secondly, it exists independently from national legal orders and has rules for settling disputes. ‘Lex Mercatoria’ also covers fundamental legal principles for trade. It provides a basis of how money and currencies function in relationship to trade and private property rights.

这个多极化的世界经济和安全架构由俄罗斯和中国的权力结构主导,这种架构具有保证其大概率得以实现的基础。它们独特的形式“Lex Mercatoria”(拉丁文“商人法”)有两个主要功能。
其次,它独立于国家法律秩序而存在,并有解决纠纷的规则。“Lex Mercatoria”还涵盖了贸易的基本法律原则。它为货币和钱财如何在贸易和私有产权的关系中发挥作用提供了基础。

Russia is setting an example for its allies by honouring natural gas contractual agreements during turmoil. They are giving a preview of to expect in the multi-polar world. The plethora of actions against Russia could have been computed as sufficient for Russia to declare ‘force-majeure’. Claiming 'force-majeure' on natural gas contracts with Europe and Ukraine, should have resulted in turning off the gas valves. The economic actions taken against Russia fulfilled the pre-requirements for ‘force-majeure’. Those actions materially and economically affected Russia's ability to perform their obligations. These actions were:
Being financially cut-off from inter-bank transfer messaging system SWIFT.
Economically, shut-in with a load of sanctions from the west.
Shipping companies having stop trade with Russian ports.
Russia’s hundreds of billions in sovereign foreign exchange reserves ‘frozen’ by the west. Note, Russia’s reserves are protected under sovereign immunity, so freezing it is equivalent to stealing.

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The natural gas has not stopped flowing. Russia, being cut-off from the international financial system, still fulfils gas contractual obligations. When Russia asks for payment in rubles, what do the European leaders do? They hysterically demonise Russia even more and refuse to pay in rubles. Russia responds to Europe by creating a mechanism within Russia's financial system for payments. Europe can now deposit their payment in a currency of choice to a bank, get it converted into rubles and credited back, to then pay Russian gas suppliers. This compromise even provides cover for European leaders to tell their citizens that they are not paying in rubles, when in the end they are. In this case, which party shows themselves to be a reliable and trustworthy trading partner? Also, note that citizens of China, Africa, the Middle East and the global south are all paying attention.

天然气没有停止流动。由于俄罗斯与国际金融体系隔绝,它仍在履行天然气合同义务。当俄罗斯要求以卢布支付时,欧洲领导人会怎么做? 他们歇斯底里地妖魔化俄罗斯,拒绝用卢布支付。作为对欧洲的回应,俄罗斯在其金融体系内创建了一个支付机制。欧洲现在可以选择一种货币将付款存入银行,然后兑换成卢布,再贷回给俄罗斯天然气供应商。
这种妥协甚至为欧洲领导人提供了掩护,让他们可以告诉本国公民,他们不是在用卢布支付,尽管最终他们确实是在用卢布支付。在这种情况下,哪一方是值得信赖的贸易伙伴? 此外,中国、非洲、中东和南半球的公民都在关注。

The US and their allies have thoroughly undermined the essence of the concept of the nation-state order. The modern idea of a nation-state was ascertained by the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648. This idea is based on territoriality and the exclusion of external actors from domestic authority structures. US/NATO are known for funding and arming rebel groups to destabilise unfriendly countries. This is a prime example of using non-state actors to undermine a nation-state. The US trained and used the Mujahideen who evolved into Al-Qaeda terrorists. Similarly, the same way the US along with NATO armed ‘moderate freedom fighting rebels’, who evolved into ISIS extremists. The west uses NGO’s and aid organisations to sow dissatisfaction among a target population. Two examples of such NGO's are, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the Open Society Foundation. The created dissatisfaction then results in political instability, so as to usher in regime change. Colour revolutions are used at most times to sway an election or overthrow a government. These actions undermine nation-statehood derived from the Treaty of Westphalia.
