Global Currency Crisis Begins As Brazil Panic Sells $17 Billion USD In Urgent Rescue译文简介
Brazil's recent currency collapse is a reminder to the world - a stronger US dollar is bad for the world. As Trump escalates his tariff war on the world, we are dangerously moving towards a global currency crisis.
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What most people don’t realize is that it’s not so much what these countries are doing that causes their currencies to collapse, it’s a group of people on Wall Street manipulating the currency to make money off the suffering of those countries
Washington is now discussing sanctions against Hong Kong for attempting to assist those evading US sanctions. They may not realize that dedollarization is accelerating due to their seizure of $300 billion in Russian foreign assets. Hong Kong has $420 billion in foreign reserves. If Washington dares to impose sanctions on Hong Kong, the pace of dedollarization could accelerate at lightning speed.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
This is not really anything new. Emerging markets have long been held hostage to dollar strength. The sooner de-dollarisation happens, the better. On the way to that destination, there will be short term pain, but nothing that the global south has not been subjected to for decades.
It is important that as soon as possible BRICS arrive at a new and stable international reserve currency that can not be weaponized or manipulated by any country.
US factory production cost 4x more than Chinese factory production cost.
No tariffs or policies can change that, Trump or no Trump.
If you overly depend on US markets then don't cry abt being screwed. Live within your means and trade in your own currency
There are internal difficulties like, less Agricultural exports due to localized dry season in the South of Brazil.
There's another "problem".. the Unemployment is record low in Brazil, with more money, people tend to consume more imported products like electronics.
Also there's the Risk Trump, investors are just panicking, also the Banks are demanding the Government to cut investments on Healthy and Education, Something Lula is reluctant to do.
Here in Brazil the biggest problem is the mega-rich far-right speculators who are doing everything they can to overthrow the government and regain control of the Brazilian economy, increasing unemployment and reducing public spending on the poorest
The US Federal Reserve Board manages the value of the US dollar as well as it can for the benefit of the US economy. When other countries use the US dollar to value products and services they entangle themselves in the Fed's mission, which is not the welfare of countries other than the US. The US dollar has the position of reserve currency for historical reasons, but the phenomena that made the US dollar the reserve currency have gone and it is just a matter of time before the dollar's position as reserve currency diminishes.
I think you're right in your overall summary - no-one wins with all this isolationism in the long-run. The US car market, for example, is also really in trouble, with lay-offs occurring and millions of unsold cars in dealers' lots. US brand cars from Mexico are selling for $100,000... how are cars made entirely in the US, with all their imported components under heavy tariffs, going to be cheaper ? The market there will collapse even faster. And they certainly won't be able export anything they manufacture because it will be too expensive AND under reciprocal tariffs. Can the US REALLY survive as a closed loop economy ? Do Americans really want to go back to the living standards of the 1950's. It may sound rosy, but people lived with far less then than they do now...
我认为你总体上的总结是对的——长期来看,所有这种孤立主义都没有赢家。例如,美国汽车市场也确实处于困境中,裁员正在发生,经销商的车库里堆满了几百万辆 unsold cars。来自墨西哥的美国品牌汽车卖到100,000美元……那么完全在美国制造的汽车,所有的进口零部件都要承受高额关税,它们怎么可能便宜呢?那里的市场会更快崩溃。而且他们肯定无法出口任何他们生产的商品,因为它们既太贵,又受到对等关税的影响。美国真的能作为一个封闭经济体生存吗?美国人真的想回到20世纪50年代的生活水平吗?那听起来可能很美好,但那时候人们的生活远不如现在富裕……
Dedollarization is the only option left to avoid bondage to "US $ currency". Unfortunately, US$ is still reserve currency and will take years to reverse this trend.
John Keynes actually proposed a commodity based international currency called 'Bancor' at Bretton Woods. But the UK was already broken at that time. According to Keynes, using a national currency requires that country to maintain a strict and well disciplined fiscal policy. As it turned out, the discipline part was sorely lacking and now a commodity based international currency is emerging.
Economies around the world is facing major threat and Brazil , EU and other are peripheral symptom before the full blown of pandemic
How does the migration of the dollar off shore affect the Hong Kong dollar tied to it relative to the RMB?
In relation to Brazil, I think you didn't take into account that the former president of the central bank was a close friend of former president Bolsonaro and manipulated the interest rate to harm Brazil's economy. Today the Dollar is soaring due to speculation by large investors who do not want President Lula but rather the return of Ex-President Bolsonaro.
No one has taken advantage of the US. American companies of their own volition moved manufacturing out of the US. I doubt you can tariff manufacturing back to the US.
The more he bellows and bloviates, the more he's admitting the U$ is bank rupt and desperate.
Also, it'll be fun to watch them try to restart domestic manufacturing as raw materials nations impose sanctions/demand non-U$D payment. And how quick will the infrastructure fail? How long till workers receive proper training? Whee!!!
Brazil’s fiscal spending is far from “out of control”. The primary deficit (before interest) is estimated to be 0.6% of GDP, which is very low compared to the OECD average. It’s a federal bank president antagonistic to the government plus his friends, the “market”, that is holding the government ransom, setting interest rates sky high, without almost any justification. 3% growth is considered “above Brazil’s natural growth rate”, too hot! Ridiculous. Inflation runs a little above the initial estimates, at 4.80%, or so, but that’s mostly due to increase in dollar rate and a bad crop plus increase in electricity prices due to a drought in 2024. Nothing justifies 12% interest rate, or above.Its the wrong medicine for Brazil’s situation.
Didn't the USA government only have a lease for so many years on the Panama Canal. We can't own another country or human.
This crisis had been influenced by the Brazilian Central Bank president, who was named by the former Brazilian president. Those where his last weeks in office, now things tend to a controlled reduction o interest rates, impacting in the growth o public spending while reducing the governamental internal debt.
With over $750 billion in US reserves, China can easily recycle its surplus dollars by issuing low interest bonds denominated in USD that nations indebted in USD to Western banks can refinance their loans and purchase the bonds in RMB.
China could also issue bonds denominated in USD in competition with the Federal Reserve forcing up US interest rates.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
The AUD is not spared, the USD is too strong. Tariffs may play some significant role in the next year or two. but AI and robotic production will censor it all. Production will move closer to the home countries, and deglobalisation will displace jobs in any way. The trend towards deglobalisation, driven by factors like geopolitical tensions and the COVID-19 pandemic, is leading to more localised production. This shift can impact global trade patterns and potentially displace jobs, particularly in industries that rely heavily on global supply chains.
The fiscal deficit must have raised aggregate demand and that in turn raised imports. This would then most likely deteriorate the current account and hence the possibility for a depreciation of the Brazilian currency, that is if the capital account balance of the balance of payments is not strong enough to offset the current account deficit.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Yes, the $ will continue to go up and will do more damage to the developing economies. How severe will be the damage: no one knows : so, we will see. In the long run, this damage will work against the $ as the reserve currency. By the way, Trump will try very hard to support the dollar's reserve status.
Japan should raise interest rates to stop the Yen carry trade and Yen will automatically rise. Japanese industries will get more funding when money move back to Japan from reduction in Yen carry trade. Japan will be great again.
So does Trump plan on giving factories tax breaks, never mentioned that. Who wants to build products that no one can afford to buy? Plus it can take years, these things don’t spring out of the ground overnight, mean while he’s going to double the price of everything. Trump is stuck in thinking like it’s the 50’s & the US can bully it’s way thru a china shop (pun intended).
As a brazillian the thruth is Lula spent a lot of money in political favor and have to repay all the money he took in the presidential run, and the new economic plan was the nail in the coffin, he tried tax the rich ppl, and they fled the country. 24/12/2024 the dolat reached new high 6,74 and will get even worst. I closed my small drone fabric and I will re-open in uruguay.
Why is the US dollar is still so strong when it's merely paper? It's very annoying.
When did anybody ever take advantage of Big Bully Uncle Sam? Stop playing the victim card, tRump! After stringing along all of us, don't expect others to stay like doormats forever.
It is difficult to tell if the Investors allow Trump to talk as much as He desires?
They might simply assign blame for the next Crash on Trump.
But the US Currency shows no real signs of support.
The US Fiat Currency could die of Starvation?
Trump really doesn't understand the supply chain. What a moron.
He's shutting the barn door after all the animals have escaped. You can't protect what's not there.
There's no escaping ones destiny. Man plans but God has the last word.Problem is most people don't dwell in His reality.Its a clash never more than now.Water seeks it's level.Eventually.Accept the things you cannot change,etc...."
O governo brasileiro é obrigado a enviar 50% do PIB para pagamento de servicos da DÍVIDA. O que sobra é insuficiente para manter a máquina estatal, por isdo esse déficit eterno nos paises que, como o Brásil, contrairam dividas IMPAGÁVEIS com os banqueiros e investidores estrangeiros. O povo brasileiro vive na miséria, no sub emprego, na exploração máxima da força de trabalho, sem garantias trabalhistas e aposentadoria cada vez mais distante e precaria.Tudo isso para atender a cartilha neoliberal, pensada para saquear os países que a adotam. Isso é o colonialismo na prática.
Trump’s tariffs in essence discourages countries worldwide to export to US and trade with each other instead. As more countries trade with each other using their own currencies, the dominance of USD as the global reserve currency would further diminish.
Tariffs are the only way the US can pay the bills and pay off the debt. It will only be for a few years. We need at least 4 trillion extra dollars and there is no place we can get it. We're really going to be hurting in Jan when 150 countries move onto the new payment processing system which doesn't take our money.
Everyone has to move away from the USD. Sacrifice short term pain and go for long term benefits.
For those trading with China which most countries does, just make a deal with China to use Yuan and their own local currencies. Take the USD out of the picture as much as possible. Same goes with trade with other countries. If they are willing use local currencies or even yuan instead.
Limited analysis about Brazil's situation. "Investors" challenge government's spend so there is more funds available to pay interest rates, which are all time high in Brazil. When governments try to cut subsides for companies that do not translate those into benefits to society, or from cutting benefits and high public servants salaries, they are all against. They want the government to cut benefits for the poor.
Sean you keep saying that manufacturing is moving back to the US. It's a logisticsl impossibility. The money is not there, the population is not there, It took 20 years to move industry to China and Trump does not control where GM makes cars.
The BRiCS group are dumping the petro dollar amd also need tp boycott all the products of US/Europe
This currency crisis had to happen sometime when you only have one main currency that’s gonna cause a problem sooner or later.
Fiat currencies are all manipulated like crypto, I see no difference between fiat and crypto except for less fluctuaction.
Have you looked at what's happening to the BRICS currencies? With the exception of the South African rand, all of them are depreciating against the dollar. The real issue lies in economic mismanagement within the BRICS nations, not with the dollar itself.
China duating its Yuan as a counter to US new tariff. China had done the same in 2018-2019, it is by designed so their exported goods remain affordable despite new tariff.
Is there a magnified & differential effect on US dollar value (created by US Federal Reserve) if there is an increasing trade in alternative currencies - meaning that, as there is a decline in the total percentage of traded US dollar globally - does the US Reserve’s interventions have a bigger effect on the country’s portion still traded in US dollars?
Seems like BRICS is ahead of the curve. Why countries just don't leave the dollar prison alone is beyond me. They could just go back to some sort of gold backed currency to trade in. That would make it much easier to set a fair price on goods, replacing the fiat dollar.
It is so stupid to use USD when countries doesn't trade with the US, where is their pride and sovereignty.