What's the worst type of immigrant in America?

What's the worst type of immigrant in America?
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The ones who don’t try to assimilate to some degree and be productive members of our country.
I personally think America should always be accepting of people who want a better life, will follow our laws, and want to do good in their community. I also don’t expect, nor really want, people to lose their own cultures, foods, music, etc.
We as a country are stronger when we take people in who become Americans. As a MN resident I find the the local Hmong and Latino populations to be great examples of collective groups of immigrants who have come and embraced being American while maintaining who they are culturally.
You're not a true American if you don't assimilate and you don't adapt to the culture of the United States. You do not deserve to become a citizen. You are just using our country for your own benefit. You are probably sending money home and at one point in your life you plan to return there. So you're not really an American. You are just biding your time here and taking up space.
To a degree, yes. One of the things I like about our country is that people have the freedom to choose how they want to live. As long as they aren’t pushing shit like Sharia Law, which is utterly incompatible with US law and values, I have no problem with people who want to come here and become an American but still retain the positive aspects of their culture. I agree that sending money back to their home country can very easily have a negative impact on our country and should not be encouraged in any way, shape, or form.
I try and stay as positive as I can in my answers. There’s enough negativity in the world as of late.
Add Indians too, very nice people, if you are hungry just hop in their house they'll feed you.
The worst type of immigrants are those who never learn English, don’t work, rely on our welfare system, and break laws.
We all have immigrant backgrounds, especially the Founding Fathers, who wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution!
Child rapist. Higher incidence of immigrants rape and murder of children in America and Europe. Terapon Adhahn, a famous Thai immigrant responsible for rape of several 11 to 12 years old White American girls and connected to unsolved murders that are considered a mystery for decades.
儿童性侵犯者。在美国和欧洲,移民犯下的性侵和谋杀儿童案件发生率较高。Terapon Adhahn,一个臭名昭著的泰国移民,因性侵多名11至12岁的美国白人女孩而被捕,并且与几十年来一直悬而未解的神秘谋杀案有所关联。。
The ones that have kids who don’t remember their families came from somewhere else and decided to post attacks anonymously.
I don't understand the above comment.
It’s not complicated. We are all immigrants. Simple.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
One that broke our laws to get here, then kills innocent legal taxpaying citizens. Then heads over to get his/her SS check, food stamps, off to the free medical care. Then down the road to register to vote as a democratic!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Bingo! You hit the nail on the head.
The type that spawned the right-wing anti-immigrant racists of today.
Military age , non english speaking disease infested criminals drug dealers and sex offender release from prison and mental institutions from all over the world .
That is a horrible thing to ask. Each person is an individual. I do not judge the people. In some cases a similar behavior trait is common. And one can predict future outcomes but that doesn’t make them better or worse. Here is an example. there are people from Canada that are illegal immigrants and there are people from Mexico that are illegal immigrants. Illegal immigration is a behavior I judge as criminal behavior. Where they came from does not make them better or worse. Their action is a crime against our immigration system. However if we look at past data we would find that there are more illegal immigrants that came from Mexico then from Canada. Therefore it is reasonable to predict that in the future that trend will continue.
I understand what you’re saying. But I don’t think you have the full picture. There are different reasons why people don’t speak English. One reason is that it is one of the hardest languages to learn. Because for every rule, there is an exception. Other languages are phonetic; they sound like they look. Not English. It’s half latin and half german. With a lot of words from around the world thrown in.
Dan I like you. You offer your opinions and arguments and try to back it up with your life experience. It helps me understand where you are coming from. Honestly I’m enjoying the discussion I’m having with you.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
You should speak to the Mexican president about this.
Your ancestors were criminals in North America and Europe before they came here
Hi Sam. My wife is a legal Iranian immigrant I love her very much. I have a business partner on an internet business. He’s a good friend, good partner and a very hard worker. The man has a lot of talent, skill and drive. I lived in New Mexico for 10 years. I’ve known many immigrants that from Mexico. Some were legal some were illegal. I live in Everett, Wa. There are lots of immigrants around here.
The purpose of immigration is to enhance our nation. To make it stronger. Instead the data shows that in 30 years the majority of Americans will have darker skin, Population growth will be out of control and poverty will increase sharply. I am not racist I am only repeating what I am reading. You can read it for yourself.