The Indian government is investigating Telegram over concerns that the messaging app is being used for criminal activities such as extortion and gambling, according to online media outlet Moneycontrol. The report follows the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov in France over the weekend.

在线媒体 Moneycontrol报道,印度政府正对电报展开调查,借口是担忧该通讯软件被用作勒索和赌博等违法勾当的工具。此报道紧跟电报首席执行官司杜罗夫周末在法国被捕。

The investigation into the messaging platform is being led by the Indian Cybercrime Coordination Centre under the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Moneycontrol wrote on Monday. The app could even be banned in India, depending on the probe findings, the publication cited a government official as saying.


Telegram is one of India’s most widely used messaging apps, boasting over five million registered users, noted Moneycontrol. The report suggests that the probe is looking into activities such as extortion and gambling allegedly facilitated through peer-to-peer communications among Telegram users.


Though the app complies with India’s Information Technology (IT) Rules, the fact that it does not have an office in the country is reportedly complicating the government’s efforts to regulate and investigate the platform.


The Russian tech entrepreneur Pavel Durov – who is also a citizen of France, the UAE, and St. Kitts and Nevis – was detained upon landing in Paris-Le Bourget Airport on Saturday. He is reportedly being accused of failing to curb criminal activities on his platform, and the app’s strong encryption tools allegedly allow criminals to flourish. The French authorities said an official statement would be issued on Monday.

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A Telegram statement on Sunday insisted that the company complies with EU laws and content-moderation policies, adding that it is “absurd” to claim that Durov is responsible for the misuse of the platform by bad actors.


Many Russian politicians have condemned Durov’s arrest, with some suggesting that it could be politically motivated. Russia’s top human rights official, Tatyana Moskalkova, claimed that French authorities arrested Durov because they want to shut down the censorship-free platform. According to journalist Andrey Medvedev, Durov is a “major figure” in the current conflict with Ukraine as Telegram is effectively an alternative to closed military communication.

诸多俄罗斯政治家谴责了杜罗夫的被捕,有些人认为此举可能带有政治动机。俄罗斯最高人权高官Tatyna Moskalkova声称法国逮捕杜罗夫是因为他们想要关闭这个免于审查的平台。记者Andrey Medvedev称杜罗夫在当前与乌克兰的冲突中扮演重要角色 ,电报其实是封闭军事通信的备胎。