Healthcare is often criticized as being subpar compared to America and the West—at least, that's what I frequently hear in my YouTube comments. But is this actually true? Healthcare is a fundamental aspect of any society, reflecting not only the overall well-being of its population but also the effectiveness of its governance. One of the biggest questions I get is about healthcare in China and how it compares to that in the West. Having lived in China for three years, I've had the opportunity to experience healthcare on numerous occasions. So, let's take a look at how it compares, the differences, and the common misconceptions surrounding it.


The first misconception I often hear is that healthcare in China is only for the rich or at least for a certain subset of the population. Many in the West seem to believe that quality healthcare in China is only accessible to the wealthy. While it's true that private hospitals in China, like in any other country, can be expensive, China's public healthcare system provides affordable care to the general population—a population of 1.4 billion people, let's not forget. China's healthcare system has evolved rapidly over the past few decades. Where it was once perhaps lagging behind the West, China has undergone a significant transformation in this sector, much like in other areas of the country.

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But has this evolution made healthcare too expensive for the average person? From my own experience, I can say no. Recently, I paid around 30 RMB (about $4) to be seen at a public hospital. This wasn't some obscure hospital either; it was the best hospital in China for that specific field of medicine, located in downtown Shanghai, the country's largest city. Considering that the average salary in Shanghai is around 13,500 RMB per month, spending 30 RMB to see a doctor seems affordable for many people. And this doesn't even factor in whether the person has insurance, which many people in China do.


In contrast, healthcare in the US is on a completely different level. Americans often criticize their healthcare system for its high out-of-pocket costs, even for those with insurance. Deductibles and other expenses can lead to significant financial strain, a point frequently discussed by politicians. In the UK, while healthcare is free at the point of use, it's indirectly funded through taxes—by some estimates, 40% of all income tax in the UK goes to the NHS. Despite this, the NHS is often criticized for being poorly run, with long wait times and operational inefficiencies.


However, even without comprehensive insurance, out-of-pocket expenses for treatments, consultations, and medications in China are often affordable, at least in my experience. And contrary to what some might believe, getting an appointment to see a doctor isn't particularly difficult either. In fact, appointments are relatively easy to secure, and the wait times are minimal compared to what I was used to in the UK. This efficiency is partly due to the digitization of healthcare services in China, where appointments, prescxtions, and payments can all be managed through a single app—WeChat. This integration of technology into healthcare has made the entire process much smoother and more patient-friendly.


For example, in the UK, you have to call at exactly 8:00 a.m. to try and secure an appointment. If you need prescxtion medicine, you must visit the doctor in person, get a signed paper, and then take it to a separate location to buy the medicine. In China, it's much simpler: you book an appointment, pay, and order medicine—all through your phone. I'm not entirely sure what the process is like in America, but I can't imagine it being as straightforward as it is in China.


Another common misconception is that Chinese hospitals are dirty. But in my experience, the hospitals I've visited in China have been clean and well-maintained. I understand this might not have always been the case, but modern Chinese hospitals appear to be quite clean.


When comparing the healthcare systems of China, the US, and the UK, several key differences stand out. The US, with its private market-driven system, offers high-quality care for those who can afford it but leaves many struggling with the financial burden of medical expenses. The UK's NHS, while providing free healthcare, struggles with efficiency and access, leading to long wait times and varying quality of care. China, on the other hand, seems to offer affordable, accessible healthcare to its population while using technology to streamline services. China's system, while not perfect, represents a balanced approach that combines government oversight with market-driven innovation. The integration of tech in healthcare significantly improves access and efficiency, something both the US and the UK could learn from.


So, while the US may excel in certain areas of specialized care, its lack of universal coverage and high costs are significant drawbacks. The UK's NHS, though admirable and deeply ingrained in the culture, is struggling to maintain the level of care expected by the public. In contrast, China's healthcare system, with its affordability, accessibility, and technological integration, seems better equipped to handle the needs of its population. Based on my experiences and observations, I would say that China's healthcare system stands out as perhaps the most effective among the three. While it has its challenges, it seems to work well for the majority of its population, unlike the systems in the US and UK, which are burdened by inefficiencies and inequalities. Healthcare will always be a critical issue, so any lessons we can learn from other countries doing better are incredibly beneficial. Hopefully, we can take a lesson or two from China's approach and implement it in our own systems.
