世界敌不过中国铁路 - 中国一等座列车(2)
很赞 ( 9 )
I traveled from Guizhou province to Yunnan province, some of those tunnels are OVER 20 KILIMITERS, single tunnel over 20km,. unbelievable.
There is a subway when you exit the station, so there is no need to take a DIDI. If you must take a taxi, just queue up at the taxi station and take an ordinary taxi. There is no need to take Didi because it is difficult for Didi to enter the station.
Congratulations to you guys for riding on a bullet train for 10 hours to reached your destination in China this gone weekend in great joy August of 2024
祝贺你们乘坐历时 10 个小时的高铁列车,于 2024 年 8 月的这个周末满怀喜悦地抵达中国的目的地。
Welcome to China! You will be surprised by the China's diversity and un-interrupted 5000-year culture and history. China is a real tolerated society, you can speak Mandarin, you can speak Guandonese, you can speak Arabic, you can speak ......, etc. I am a Chinese American, you travel across the States, from north to south, from east coast to west coast, you don't see this kind of culture diversity, although we call ourself a big Melting-Pot. The truth is, we are all melted into Anglo-Saxon culture.
欢迎来到中国!中国的多样性和五千年绵延不断的历史文化会让您大吃一惊。 中国是一个真正包容的社会,你可以说普通话,可以说粤语,可以说阿拉伯语,可以说WWE语,等等。 我是一名美籍华人,尽管我们称自己是一个大熔炉,但你走遍全美,从北到南,从东海岸到西海岸,都看不到这种文化多样性。事实上,我们都融进了盎格鲁-撒克逊文化。
Your train is the older train, the 1st generation train. This train was developed with the help from Japan and Siemens. Its operational speed tops at 250km/hr. China has since developed the 2nd generation of its high speed trains from ground up so that they can sell to other countries like they did for Lao and Indonesia. The 2nd gen train is called Fuxing (复兴号 - reborn) and is much nicer and can go up to 350km/hr. When booking trains, for example from Guangzhou to Chenngdu, there are about 22 trains per day and each train has different travel times, ranging from 7 hours to 10 hours. That is because they don't travel on the same route. Each train goes through different cities and travels at different speeds. The trains starting with D (Dong che) are usually 250km/hr trains and the one with the G (Gaotie) are high speed trains and travel at 350km/hr.
您乘坐的列车是老式列车,即第一代列车。这种列车是在日本和西门子的帮助下开发的,其最高运行速度为250公里/小时。此后,中国又从头开始研发第二代高速列车以便像销售给老挝和印度尼西亚那样销售给其他国家。第二代列车被称为复兴号(Fuxing),它比和谐号漂亮得多,时速可达350公里。在预订火车时,例如从广州到成都,每天大约有22趟列车,每趟列车的运行时间不同,从7小时到10小时不等,这是因为它们的行驶路线并不相同。 每趟列车经过的城市不同,运行速度也不同。以 D(动车)开头的列车通常时速为250公里,而以 G(高铁)开头的列车则是高速列车,时速为 350 公里。
Dev looks very charming and her voice is intoxicating!Your videos upxe very slowly. We are always looking forward to your new Video.Wonderful China! I used GOOGLE to search for relevant information, and it was shocking!China is still expanding its high speed train network year in year out until 2035 to 70,000 kms, now is 42000ish. I traveled in China by high speed trains many many times.The reason why take high speed train is they are comfortable and you can have a good experience with beautiful scenery while journey is boring...Now China train network is the best in the world... ultra fast, always on time (98% of the time), no strike.comfortable, not expensive.I Saw some Western 'experts' said that China would never show a profit on the High Speed trains.I guess they miss the point.Chinese government heavily invests in infrastructure to improve the lives of its people. It's not about profit first.
Dev 看起来很迷人,她的声音令人陶醉!你们的视频更新得很慢,我们一直期待着您的新视频!我用谷歌搜索了相关信息,结果令人震惊!中国仍在逐年扩大高铁网络,到 2035 年将达到 70000 公里,现在是 42000 公里左右。我曾多次在中国乘坐高速列车旅行,我乘坐高速列车的原因是它们舒适,你可以在无聊的旅途中欣赏美丽的风景,获得美好的体验......现在,中国的火车网络是世界上最棒的......超快、总是准时(98%的时候)、无罢工、舒适、不贵。我看到一些西方 "专家 "说中国的高速列车永远不会盈利,我想他们错过了重点。中国政府大量投资基础设施以改善人民的生活,它并不以利润为先。
But thank you so much! China is definitely fascinating and it’s been really awesome to experience everything first hand! hope you can take a trip to China soon!
The trains starting with letter G are faster. The fastest train from Guangzhou to Chengdu takes only a little bit more than 7 hours.
以字母 G 开头的列车速度更快,从广州到成都最快的列车只需 7 个多小时。
Welcome to China this weekend in great joy & peace to tours many places in 2024!!!
bcoz lots of college students need to go back their different school at this time.
14:28 I am actually surprised you guys did not go to YangShuo for it’s one of the most known destinations for foreigners you should check out FengJie station in ChongQing, it’s literally (actually) between two super long tunnels......
14:28 其实我很惊讶你们没有去阳朔,因为阳朔是外国人最熟悉的目的地之一,你们应该去重庆的奉节站看看,它在两条超长隧道之间......
a bit unfortunatlly is that you took the train line starts with "D" instead of "G", and "D" Train is the oldest high speed train first came up like 15 yrs ago. As you can imagine it is a little bit out dated. With the "G" Train you could have save 3 hrs in this journey cuz it`s faster and newer and moderner. Check the train line next time before you buy the ticket :)
有点遗憾的是,您乘坐的火车线路以 "D "开头,而不是 "G "开头, "D "开头的火车是 15 年前首次出现的最古老的高速火车,可想而知它有点过时了。如果乘坐 "G "字头列车,您可以节省 3 个小时的时间,因为它更快、更新、更现代化。下次买票前,请检查一下火车线路:)
1st Class normally have free food(snacks) and water, but yes, it's not worth. And there also have business class, that's much big
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
you guys need to try business class! in china the highest class is business class and our business class is their first class
This is Guangzhou South Railway Station, not Guangzhou West Railway Station. Guangzhou West Railway Station is a small freight railway station.
Correct the information at startup. Guangzhou has no west railway station. The station should be Guangzhou South Railway Station.
If you are in Sichuan please go to JiouZhaiGou Valley (double UNESCO sites in the valley) the most beautiful place not only China but the world (the only place in the world with wild pandas)
Thanks you guys so much for your new remarkable video from China to shows these amazing places in 2024
非常感谢你们从中国带来的新视频,它展示了 2024 年这些令人惊叹的地方。
China adopts a completely different development model, and the advanced development of infrastructure drives the development of other industries.
Maybe try out Dunhuang in gansu.
Is very beautiful as is in desert.
Really really nice esp in nightime
14:03 well the price of no-seat is same as 2nd class...... it’s the option for people who need to travel on that specific time and did not book ahead of time, or like during Chinese New Year the whole country is on the go
14:03 无座票的价格与二等座相同......,这是为那些需要在特定时间出行但没有提前预订的旅客或者像春节期间全国都在出行的旅客提供的选择。
10 hours train is too long, unless u get a bed type. bullet meant to replace flight for.5hrs, not this long.
10 个小时的火车太长了,除非您买的是卧铺。高铁列车的目的是取代 5 个小时的飞行而不是这么长的乘坐时间。
That was the 1st generation bullet train, a bit old. Try the 3rd generation train next time, and you will feel the difference.
The minute I saw you were going to take a 10 hour train trip, I knew you would not feel very conformable this time. Any train trip longer than 5 hours, better take a flight.
一看到你要坐 10 个小时的火车旅行,我就知道你这次一定会不太适应。任何超过 5 个小时的旅行最好坐飞机。
For 10 hour journey, I would go for the business class. Come on, just 2 of you, not like you have a family of six.
如果是 10 小时的旅程,我会选择商务舱。拜托,就你们两个人,又不是一家六口。
Need to upgrade their train toilets to AI self-cleaning so it's cleaned after every single usage.
Need to prepare and carry your own alcohol or antiseptic and air freshner and tissues for rest room or toilet break for these type of older trains.
I think you booked D train. Which is slow train and it only go up to 250km/hr. G train is better and its 350km/hr. And new
我想您预订的是 D 字头列车,那是慢车,时速只有 250 公里。G字头火车比较好,时速可达 350 公里,而且它更新。
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
The "no seat" option is anything but sad! At the very least. The people that chose "no seat" can still get to where they are going at the budget that they can afford. In the west, people that can't afford to pay for a ticket will either have to resort to riding illegally by "Fair Evasion" or not go anywhere at all. What is sadder? Getting caught for fair evasion, can't get home to their hometown or get home on a less comfortable ride to see family ?
next time better not sext those C train, they are slower, Trains are older also. G trains are much better, faster and more comfortable.G train are new style.
下次最好不要选择 C字头列车,它们速度较慢,列车也比较老旧。G字头列车更好、更快、更舒适。
Honestly theres not much anyone can compete with China, they are decades ahead...
That is the biggest difference between capitalism and socialism. Capitalism always looks into returns. How long and how much the investment could return and when can it get a profit. Socialism looks into people. How livelihoood of people can be improved with the investment of the infrastructures. In capitalism, miles of cable to supply electricity or road to a remote village of a few hundreds will never get built. But in China, the government just do it for the people. Produce are sold and tourism sustains, which are intangible in the account books. That's exactly the advantage of a big government, comparing to the western so called small government. Big government, which is twisted to autocracy in western term, is really working well as long as it sticks to its moto 'people first'.
这就是资本主义与社会主义的最大区别。资本主义总是关注回报,投资多久能有回报,回报多少,何时能获利。而社会主义关注的是人,基础设施的投资如何改善人民的生活。在资本主义社会中,为一个几百人的偏远村庄铺设数英里长的供电电缆或道路是永远不可能完成的。 但在中国,政府只会为人民服务。产品卖出去了,旅游业维持下去了,这些在账本上都是无形的。与西方所谓的小政府相比,这正是大政府的优势所在。只要坚持"以人为本"的宗旨,大政府(西方人称之为专制政府)就能真正发挥其作用。
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
10 hours to cover 1500 kms doesn't seem that fast. It means average speed is 150 kmph. Or may be this train has lots of stops which also kills the speed.
10 小时跑完 1500 公里似乎并不快,这意味着平均时速为 150 公里。也可能是这趟列车停靠站点多,影响了速度。
I assume that the railway has to pass many mountains and valleys in Sichuan province.
They takes not fastest train. The fastest train takes 7:02 from Guangzhou to Chengdu. The average is faster than 200kph.
China start to build HSR around 20 years ago, in the beginning, we buy the train from other country, later on we have better train and designed by ourselves, but we can't scrap the old model, right? it's a big waste. the old model cover the speed from 180kmp to 300kmp. our new model is "Fuxing" train which is running at 350kmp.
FYI - A lot of questions have recently started to be raised about the viability of China's rail infrastructure. Lines and stations are being closed all over the country because they're white elephants and hardly ever used. They cost a lot, not just in terms of money but also for local populations (who were displaced to make way for them initially) and the local environment.
In 2023, Guangzhou South High-speed Railway Station will have about 182 million passengers arriving and departing, with an average of about 503,000 passengers arriving and departing per day.
One thing I want to correct you, there are at least two countries that can compete with China, one is India, the other is South Korea.