What is the main problem of Indians?译文简介
What is the main problem of Indians?
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What is the biggest problem in being Indian?
I don't know why but I often feel like that time and again the world has always "used" or "exploited" India and Indians for its own benefits.
There are several reasons for this:
India has been a victim of massive invasions throughout its history. People like Nadir Shah, Mohammed Ghori, Mahmud of Ghazni, Tamerlane, Babur, invaded India and stripped it of its wealth, looted and plundered the towns and cities etc.
After the Mughal Dynasty was well established, it saw a period of peace under Akbar's reign. But after the death of Shah Jahan, Aurangzeb again imposed his orthodox views of Islam on his people. This resulted in revolts and conflicts in his kingdom.
古代印度是学习和多样性的中心。我们向世界贡献了零的概念,贡献了阿育吠陀、瑜伽、《爱经》、整形手术、吠陀数学等等。然而,许多重要的历史学习中心,如那烂陀大学(Nalanda University),被野蛮的入侵者摧毁。
Aurangzeb was the last of the great rulers of Mughal dynasty and never really trained a successor after himself. This led to the breaking up of the great Mughal empire into several smaller states and provinces each with their individual rulers. The Britishers used this to their advantage and using their policy of divide and rule, captured great amounts of land and eventually gained control of the Indian Subcontinent.
During the world wars, a large number of Indians sepoys died while fighting for the Britishers.
The Japanese agreed for an alliance with the Azad Hind Fauz established by Subhash Chandra Bose only to overthrow the British in the subcontinent. It is often said that had they succeeded in removing the British, the Japanese would have captured India. But they later withdrew their forces.
日本人同意与由苏巴斯·钱德拉·鲍斯(Subhas Chandra Bose)建立的"Azad Hind Fauz"(自由印度军队)结盟,只是为了推翻英国人在次大陆的统治。人们常说,如果他们成功地赶走了英国人,日本人就会占领印度,但他们后来将军队撤了回去。
Invasion of Kashmir by Pakistan and Aksai Chin by China resulted in India having territorial conflicts with both the nations thus resulting in 5 wars being fought. 4 with Pakistan in 1947, 1965, 1971 and 1999 and 1 with China in 1962.
Time and again India has been denied important aid by various nations. For eg: India had to develop its own Global positioning system. The requirement of such a navigation system is driven because access to foreign government-controlled global navigation satellite systems is not guaranteed in hostile situations, as happened to the Indian military depending on American GPS during the Kargil War.
Indian software engineers are high in demand abroad because of their high efficiency and low salaries demand than the native citizens.
India has been denied the membership of the United Nations Security Council and gets vetoed every time. A permanent membership for UNSC is very important for India because India has to rely on Russia to veto any unfavorable decisions against itself. This results in India purchasing over expensive military equipment from Russia or export its own goods at a cheaper price.
India detonated a second nuclear weapon in 1998 known. This was met with with heavy criticism from many countries like
US: Imposed heavy sanctions on India, cutting of all trade and exports except humanitarian aid. Although the effect of such sanctions on Indian economy was minimal and they were lifted after 5 years.
Cannada, Japan, other states: Imposed economic sanctions and suspended foreign aid.
Pakistan: Pakistan saw it as a nuclear arms race and thus prioritized its nuclear program and with China's help detonated its first nuclear weapon after few weeks.
India has always maintained a "nuclear no first use" policy and after repeatedly being threatened by Pakistan, changed it to "nuclear no first use again non nuclear states".
美国克雷公司(Cray Inc)因对印度实施禁运而拒绝向其出售超级计算机。鉴于超级计算机在核武器研发中的潜在双重用途,印度决定自主研发,于是诞生了Param系列超级计算机。为了实现在超级计算领域的自主可控,1988年,电子部成立了高级计算发展中心(C-DAC),并任命维贾伊·巴特卡尔博士为中心主任。该项目一开始获得了3年的执行时间和3亿卢比的启动资金,这笔资金相当于当时用于从美国购买一台超级计算机的预算。
1990年,印度成功制造出一个原型机,并在同年的苏黎世超级计算展览会上进行了性能测试,其性能超越了大多数系统,使印度在超级计算领域排名世界第二,仅次于美国。该项目的最终成果是超级计算机PARAM 8000,它在1991年被安装使用,被视为印度的第一台超级计算机。截至2008年,印度已经部署了52台Param超级计算机,其中8台安装在俄罗斯、新加坡、德国和加拿大,Param超级计算机还被出口到坦桑尼亚、亚美尼亚、沙特阿拉伯、新加坡、加纳、缅甸、尼泊尔、哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦和越南等国家。
There are countless examples of the atrocities of the world on India. If I keep going on, this post would never end.
Traffic Rules
The biggest problem in India is that people do not follow traffic rules. In fact, an even bigger issue is that some people are not even aware of basic traffic rules and signs.
I started driving when I was around 21 or 22 years old, and I got my license at that age. I have mostly driven in the Delhi NCR region, where there is a lot of traffic, and people often drive recklessly. At the age of 31, I shifted to London, and I drove there for almost 2 years. In the United Kingdom, almost 95% of people follow traffic rules. Recently, I came back to Delhi for a family visit, and the first thing I noticed is the significant difference in driving between the UK and India. It's not that Indian roads lack proper signs; everything is similar to the UK, but people just don't follow them.
Recently, I was at a roundabout, waiting as per the rule, and the cars behind me honked impatiently. That's when I realized that I am in India, not the UK.
I think the government should implement strict rules and use cameras to impose heavy fines. Only then can we see some changes in this situation. What are your thoughts on this?
What is the biggest problem in being an Indian?
let me tell you a real life experience. I have two friends Amit and Lokesh one of them is scheduled caste and other one is general. This is at the time of our iit coaching. My SC friend used to go iit coaching and still scored 68 marks and got sexted for jee advance paper and my general friend got 125 marks who didn't went for any coaching didn't got sexted because different criteria of marks on the basis of reservation.
让我分享一个真实的故事。我有两个朋友,阿米特和洛凯什。阿米特来自预定种姓,而洛凯什是普通种姓。这都发生在我们参加印度理工学院(IIT)辅导班的时候。尽管阿米特参加了辅导班,他只考了68分,却因为预留制度的分数标准而被选中参加联合入学考试 (JEE)进阶考试。而洛凯什没有参加任何辅导班,考了125分,却因为不是预留类别而未被选中。