Why is the USA such a terrible and dangerous country?译文简介
Why is the USA such a terrible and dangerous country?
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United States was created by dangerous criminals from Britain. The country is built on slavery rape murder and betrayal. The people in this country have for the most part always been extremely dangerous and untrustworthy. They for the most part always had unrealistic ideas. And foolish methods that they decide to try to use to reach these unrealistic ideas also.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
This won’t be a popular answer, but it’s truth.
The US has always had terrible growing pains but none, IMO, as terrible as now. Why? Ignorance, anger and religion, to name my top 3.
Add to those 3 causations alone the fact that too many of our people are willing to hurt each other, kill each other, control, squash and demean each other, anything to try to raise themselves up, reward themselves, worship themselves above those they hate for no valid reason.
Just my opinion, but America is no longer the Home of the Brave, the Land of the Free, if it ever was.
There are far too many reasons to list, Americans are leaving in droves, fleeing to Somalia, The South Sudan, North Korea, etc. I am watching people of all ages , Black , white, Hispanic, Native Americans and more.
All of our airports no longer have arrivals, departures only, thousands per hour are leaving, they cannot take it any longer…..!
New York City is a ghost town, even Washington, D. C. has only a few politicians remaining….!
please, Mr. Kim of North Korea, please, let me in……!!!!!
Why is the USA the worst country in the world?
Because it’s Not!
you really need a Reality check and see how People in most of the world live, because in most cases, it’s worse, if not far worse than how the average American lives, and in fact, in many Areas around the world, Americans are known for being spoiled, decadent, bums who have never experienced Real Hardship in their entire lives, which just shows how good Americans actually have it compared to most people
just to say here, I'm not saying America has no Problems, but overall, it’s still much better off than most of the world
Why is the USA the worst country in the world?
United States of America is far far far from even making it at the top 50 worse countries in the world. Much less the worst country in the world. So the question in and of itself is genuinely nonsense.
On the contrary, it is one of the best countries to live in. Especially if you are white, financially well off and healthy. So it does have its faults. Hence by no means perfect. But not the worst country.
Is America slowly becoming the most villainous country in the world?
America has one major problem because of Israel.
Americans are Christians and they have obligations to protect the Jewish people.
Iran publicly announces they want to destroy Israel and that in itself should be considered act of war.
Iran also wants nuclear weapons. This is scary situation for most American politicians and perhaps the rest of the world.
They are afraid what if extremists able to take control of the nukes and start using them to start world nuclear war?
The end of humanity as we know it. Say good bye to everyone you know and pray there is heaven.
Why is the US such a violent and unpleasant country to live in?
It really isn’t it just seems like it I’m assuming that you don’t live in the US and if that were the case you probably get most of your information from the mainstream media. the only things that the mainstream media reports on are tragedies because that’s what gets clicks. The truth is that well I live in a semi large city in South Dakota crime is incredibly low and gun control is extremely relaxed hell I could drive to any gun store get a gun and be shooting it out in a field somewhere within an hour. Don’t listen to the pricks in the mainstream media they’ll say anything for that ad revenue.
Why is the US such a violent and unpleasant country to live in?
The US is NOT a violent and unpleasant country to live in. Like any country your experience living here will depend greatly on where exactly you are. I have lived from one side of the country to the other. My experience is that if you live in a democrat controlled area the poverty and crime is higher directly effecting your quality of life experience. This usually means you have to avoid the large populous cities like Chicago, Detroit, New York City, Los Angeles. As with most anything there are exceptions. I currently live in a Republican dominant area in a generally democratic state of NM. If you go to Albuqurque the crime rate is horrendous. Where I’m at in the southeast corner of the state, its hot weather but actually a decent quality of life. I have family all across the country and have been around many different area’s…..Northern Kentucky just south of Cincinnati OH stands out as an exceptionally great place to live with a high quality of life expectancy. Many jobs, even Amazon and Ebay have distribution centers in the area. Jobs are plentiful and pay decent. Cost of living is fairly decent.
Would you classifiy United States as the worst country in the world?
That’s a silly question. The US right now is not a great place to be, but it’s still a helluva lot better than Syria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and many other places I can name. Mind you, if that ass in the White House keeps it up, the difference will get less and less.
Well, it isn’t.
USA is the best country in the world.
It is the best country because USA is the freest country in the world. There is no doubt about it.
Millions and millions of immigrants come into America every year because it is truly a wonderful country. People come because the country is not terrible and not dangerous.
You might not realize it, but for you to even post this question is a privilege that not all people have in the world. There are countries that would censor such rhetoric if they found it to be harmful. Quora, being a American platform, allows us to freely discuss ideas without worrying about our safety.
Would you classifiy United States as the worst country in the world?
Of course it is, the worst country, it hides behind a wall that everyone try not to see, but see it clear as day, I really hate it here
Isn't the United States of America the greatest shithole country in the world?
It could be much worse. It could be a shithole without military power. People are chosing to be refugees in a shithole country that can protect itself from bad hombres. Military might is the only currency that these dirtbags respect.
Why is the USA the worst country?
Wow! Mega Troll Question.
The US, despite it many serious and deeply rooted problems, is not nesrly the worst country in the world.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Why does it seem like America is turning into the worst country in the world?
I don’t why you think it seems that way. Try living in any African country for a few years and then you can decide if its better or worse than America
Why is the USA the baddest country in the world?
You mean badass right? because its not a good two shoes country but people in the country tend to think it is. I think its geopolitics is the worse because it doesnt keep its promise. Otherwise I would say its as bad its rival nations but it does want to do the right thing. As for baddest as worse country in the world its not. But its getting there just based on how policy is. Baddest country because it does what it wants. It’s a bad boy country. A chad
Why is the USA the worst country in the world?
Oligarchy. Makes wars for profit. Sells out its middle class for profit. Releases pandemics for profits. Etc.
Once it controls its oligarchy, and reminds itself of good values of the flundkng days, maybe it isn‘t that bad.
Why is the USA the worst country in the world?
This appears to be a troll question whose assumptions are not based on fact. So, here is an idea:
Get a clipboard, paper and a pencil. Face a mirror. Write down all of the reasons why the United States is somehow the worst country in the world. Look and look until you find someone to agree with you. Together, write down the thoughts of that person. You two edit this together. Now you will have your answer.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处