Why do most people hate Indians?译文简介
Why do most people hate Indians?
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I'm not sure if it makes me a racist to say that I really dislike Indian culture. I'm not saying that all Indians are dirty filthy smelly scum but the males that I have encountered are shocking when it comes to how they deal with women.
From my observation they are very bitchy and act extremely jelous and insecure. They a no yea masculine men.
And their accent is beyond irritating.
Just putting my 2 pence in.
I have worked along side many Indians in high tech. Many of them lied about their skills and credentials. I found many Indians to be unmotivated and dishonest. They just wanted to get paid and not put in the work. This is very much true in the software development, software QA, and in the I.T. worlds.
There are some good ones of course, but that number is exceptionally low.
I just don't respect their culture and work ethics. Perhaps that is why India is where it is today. Still very much a third world country. They can't make it on their own as a nation.
-They’re dirty.
-They stink.
-Their food stinks and its smell sticks everywhere to hair, clothes, furniture, curtains, etc.
-As clients, they’re very entitled and disrespectful, they think rules don’t apply to them and also they’re very fake, two-faced and coward, and they’ll stab you on the back whenever they can.
-Annoying accent.
-There are many Indians in YouTube who upload videos talking in their own language, but they put the title and the thumbnail in English, misleading you into thinking the video was in English.
because there is nothing desirable about them , they're culture is horrible , they are dirty and filthy and dont get me started on the accent , its like the most annoying thing and for some reason they always have to include “jai shree ram “ in everything and they cant speak English without adding Indians words while speaking it , and i generally dont like them , im not being racist , Indians are just so irritating
Because of indian males and their behaviour. In my town white guys hated indians because they always tried to grope white girls in the clubs. Also because of the culture. White women who date indian guys MUST conform to the culture or the bf/husband if not, his family will break them psychologically and emotionally…
I hate them mostly because of the men and the Indian culture. Want to encounter a group of people who don't know humility, even thou they live in shit? Just interact with a typical Indian man, and sometimes women. They act as if they are better than others even other minorities. I mean u could stand that behavior if they didn't lie, cheat, stretch the truth and a lot more.
Crazy how they don't see that in themselves. Then the way the women are treated. Indian men see women as garbage and treat them as such. No wonder when they leave India, they grope women in foreign countries and find a hard fitting in.
You'd think a country of “Singh” s would behave majestic, instead they behave like the sh*t they pour in the Ganges.
Indians are hated worldwide because we live in a white world and Indians are the antithesis of the white race. They are complete carbon opposites in every race. The European Neanderthal race ever since it crawled out of the Caucasus Mountains has done whatever it takes to plunder and rob India. The Indian race were always the main attack for the European neandethal river shitters. You have to remember that white people originate from caves. 99% of their history is nothing but plunder and rape. Why do you think all indigenous people of North America and South America are called Indians? Why are areas of Indonesia called the Dutch East Indies? Why are areas of the Caribbean island are called West Indies?
British, French, Portuguese, Dutch and even Greeks have NEVER left India alone.
Indians are an insular race and their whole history has zero instances of conquering and plundering other lands. Everything that Indians had for 10,000 years was produced by Indians
Buddhism, cataract surgery, martial arts, water on the moon, numbers, zero, and even the fiber optic cables you're using to type these messages were pioneered by Indian men
Indian men have a much richer and more resilient history of high levels of civilization as opposed to European squatters who who used to bathe naked near the Danube River for thousands of years.
Even the first cities to have plumbing were from the Indus Valley Civilization.
Sanskrit is the richest language in the world and the most compatible language for software development
The white race has produced nothing in history without stealing it from Indians first
They started scam companies like British East India company and asked the locals to sell clothes there just to invade from behind closed doors.
White men are the most effeminate men in the world. They would have never invaded a single well built Empire and only aimed for weaker lands. Any empire as strong as India was to met with internal invasions through dishonorable business practices and they shoot the person who let them start a business.
White men don't have the testosterone or even muscle to get on a horse and invade lands the right way. They need guns and deception to do it.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
White men are the most cunning, dishonorable, and effeminate race of men in existence.
Without guns and deception, they would have never invaded a single land.
Even 99% of all inventions they claim are through plunder and robbery.
他们所宣称的几乎所有发明,99% 实际上是通过掠夺和盗窃手段获得的。
Becouse these stinky animals will come from their 3rd shithole into civilised countries like Canada, UK, Germany,… and behave like monkey..
The men will be raping and harassing the women, or even the underage girls and expecting to get no punishment since in India is woman seen as property of man who doesn't have feelings and thoughts…
But remember Indians are NOT war refugees, all civilised countries should deport them back to India aka their shithole where these filthy monkeys belong.
Behavior. Females look down upon locals who don't conform to their culture of hiding the hair and then you have the males who are predatory.
Cleanliness, they come from a place where it isn't a big deal and I've lived unfortunately in dorms with a few over years who will literally not wash their hands, leave raw chicken on the counter for days or even at a local tims picking up dropped food and putting it in the bag like nothing or just not wearing gloves, I even worked at a mr sub with a manager as a kid who encouraged us to lick sauce nozzles which when opposed she scowled at me.
Lying, they have a tendency to lie and be con artists in general even on resumes
Alienation, begining to feel alienated with the over population and getting extreemly sick and tired im just be honest and legit
i work with some indians at office. i really don't like them since they are really laud, soooo rude and love gossips. they act nice in front of you, but they speak ill behind one's back. i hate it.
they are also duty and stink. when they talk with the strong accents that irritates me so bad. i wish i didn't need work with them.
Yeah, it's kinda annoying that some ppl stereotype all Indians to be street shitters and smelly and that the food stinks. First things first, street food stinks. we all know that. but calling them smelly is a stereotype, just like to way people say Mexicans only have a life cuz they jumped the wall, all Americans do is eat hamburgers and hold shotguns, British people all have nasty teeth, drink tea and colonise all day long, and Chinese people have no eyes. Some times people see assume the entirety to be the majority.
They smell they’re rude and annoying as hell they think they are better than everyone else I’ve had so many bad experiences with India people in the past I hate them I know that makes me racist but I don’t care I don’t respect them as they’ve been rude to me in the past they’re inconsiderate. End off