How Britain Became a Poor Country

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Interesting warning, the most telling thing about britain from a polish person perspective is watching the general mood of people around shift from dreaming to emigrate to the uk to live there, to watching around 70% of those people i know whe left for it back in poland by now, and the rest complaining about uk life.
UK one of the richest countries of the world ??
When you do not look at the absolute GDP per country, but GDP per capita (which you should), the UK is number 28, which is equal to Cyprus
英国是世界上最富有的国家之一吗?当你不看绝对国内生产总值(GDP),而看人均国内生产总值(GDP per capita)时(这才是应该看的),英国排名第28位,与塞浦路斯持平。
I was 15 when the Brexit vote happened. Leaving the EU has made my life tangibly worse for the foreseeable future, and I wasn’t even able to have a say in it. I live in an area of Wales which received a significant amount of funding from the EU, especially for investment in new infrastructure, and the impacts of leaving have been devastating for our communities. My family still jokes that a significant proportion of people who voted for it are probably already dead, while the majority of us who are left, especially younger people, have to deal with the worst of its consequences. The fact that none of our major parties seem to barely mention the impact of Brexit when talking about our failing public services and cost of living crisis utterly baffles me. It’s not the only factor of course, but it’s still so infuriating that they won’t even engage with it.
Imagine hating poor people so much that you continually vote yourself into deeper and deeper poverty....
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Worked at Royal Mail for a bit recently. All of the veterans say that the job now just squeezes its workers for every last bit of sweat. You cant have a life with this job anymore.
Rich counties don't exist no more. Only rich individuals and poor individuals.
BTW, the "there is no money" letter was a running joke always left by the outgoing party. However, the Tories turned it into a political weapon.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
When I look at the housing, schools etc. UK was always a poor country comparing to Europe.
Watching this by a foreigner makes this video really informative about the last 14 years of British politics. I really liked how the events have been lined up in a short and clear story. Congrats!
Britain is actually a perfect example of what it really looks like when an empire dies. Most of us imagine barbarians at the gate or some major catastrophe but more often than not it’s just a slow dismantling of the original order and a series of cascading failures.
You need to go back to Thatcher to understand why Britain is poor. She sold our nationalised industries, destroyed our social housing, wrecked the welfare state and took the brakes off deregulated vulture capitalism. She presided over the first government since the war to allow unemployment to rise, in order to keep inflation down. In other words profit before jobs. Yes, it's all got worse from then, but that was the point at which the post war social contract began to be dismantled. Paint Cameron as Sauron if you like, but don't forget Morgoth Thatcher.
Like America, the distribution of wealth has steadily decreased - and been channelled to the very few.
"Then-Prime Minister Rishi Sunak". Future-proofing the video while also (correctly) predicting he won't be in office much longer.
I live in Inverness... the stalling and cutting back on infrastructure is ridiculous when the population is growing here. There is so much wealth and money to be unlocked here yet not investing is holding everything up. We need infrastructure, it is fundamental to a growing and subsisting economy.
Good explanations. Thanks for clarifying the timeline of events and the details. Cheers!
We are a poor country with a lot of rich people in it
I dunno man. Maybe centralizing your entire economy around London while you make zero effort to actually develop any meaningful industries or attract any worthwhile investment wasn't the right call? Did you really think London could carry the entire country on legacy finance orgs forever?
I have worked in hospitality when covid happened- we were closed for a year and so but my restaurant was a "traditional" one with pretty cramped inside and almost no space outside. Also majority of customers were retirees and families so you can imagine how it went. In hushed whispers we called this place a "incubator" for covid and each week someone from staff got infected.
Tom, what a brilliant summary of recent British history. As a mere Chartered Engineer I can understand most engineering problems, but most of the political commentaries on the tv are more like scxts of “yes, Prime Minister”. Your video makes it clear without spin and bias. As an 81 year old this is the first time that I could properly follow British politics. Thanks.
I never understood how it'd be okay for a country to sell off its basic infrastructure, just to pay maintenance for it anyway. Just like those banks that were "too big to fail."
A really important point on austerity - it was also done to manufacture low interest rates, so middle class tory voters could have cheap mortgages forever (and skyrocket their house prices). One of the main reasons Cameron won in 2015 in protecting his base. Explains the shy tories, people nakedly making their own wealth level a more important issue then the emmiseration for the poor.
As an American watching this video, I find the subject matter very fascinating but also highly regret that our two countries have chosen inverse color schemes to represent our liberal and conservative parties. That is not confusing at all.
I went to work in the UK in 2015 and went back home just 9 months later. As a Hungarian I sometimes faced open hostility. I'm bilingual, yet people would tell me "you can't understand me because your English is poor" when I told them no because their request was impossible. I saw some open disdain from colleagues. Work conditions were bad. I made minimum wage working in hotels. Most people there were immigrants. I lived in a room with the bathroom at the end of the hall, the heater didn't work in the winter. I was contracted for 40h, had to work 52. I ended up with severe depression because I was exhausted, tired of the working and living conditions, the hostility I saw from hotel guests, the British coworkers and even sometimes shopkeepers. When I was home already Brexit happened and someone I thought was a friend put up an anti immigrant post. I said something about that's how we met. He wrote back that I'm good because I already went back home. Yeah, nice. So that's a look from the other side. Also food on minimum wage was really hard.
We’ve had Thatcherism since 1979 which serves the interests of the (mainly overseas) wealthy. The problem with Thatcherism is that you eventually run out of assets to sell to overseas investors so that they can rip off British consumers. The Tories have sold nearly everything that we owned and are currently selling the NHS big by bit.
While i am not religious i had a discussion with my friend on what is considered the worst sin, my friend said wrath but i said Greed
Last 14 years are just the tail end of the story ( so far ) , short termism, lack of investment - in Industry, in infrastructure, in education, list is long. Brexit wasn't a symptom of genuine widespread anti EU sentiment, the EU was just made the scape goat for peoples frustration with so much of what went before.... in particular everything that contributed to the persistent widening of the wealth gap in the UK.
This is what has always angered me; the tories advertise themselves as the economic party, but all they do is implement short term solutions with massive long term costs that leave us worse of than before
Inequality is rising everywhere. India's GDP is growing at 6-7% p.a. but unemployment and poverty are rising faster than the gdp. A businessman spends $320 million for his son's wedding, meanwhile millions of people have no money to afford even a single meal everyday.
We elected the Tories, then kept re-electing them, then did a Brexit.
Ok ok I'll actually watch the video now...but that is the short answer.
我们选了保守党,然后一直重新选他们,然后进行了脱欧。 好吧好吧,我现在会真正看视频了……但这是简短的答案。
I remember there was a line in the crown, where the queen called the Conservative Party a “a confederacy of elected quitters” which oddly watching this video, was way too accurate
I can't wait to hear what you think of Milwaukee!
Can I just say: the fact that neither sunak nor his staff can apparently both read the weather report and organise an umbrella for an event as important as the announcement of a general election kind of says it all about their ability to govern....
Let me guess. We got rid of most specialised sectors, industry, manufacturing, and focused everything on the city of London moving money around, while the rest of us work service jobs with depressed wages?
PLEASE tell me that when you started typing "at 4:40 AM on the 24th of June, 2024" in the bit about the referendum that that was autocorrect fixing your date and time
The biggest takeaway from this video is that leftists and socialists really need to come up with a unified easy to explain economic strategy. The fact torries clearly make the wrong decisions for the public so many times over such a long period of time and still be anywhere near relevant is wild
Interesting and informative video. First time viewer but I'm looking forward to your film.
The fact that the first 28 minutes happened before I could even vote yet I had to go through it all and will have to go through what is to come while the people who voted and implemented it are mostly dead by 2050 is quite funny tbh
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Who knew almost a decade and a half of siphoning money from those who don't have it and giving it to those who already have too much would lead to wide-spread economic ruin?
Excluding London the average wealth of the UK regions average the same as Mississippi, which is insane
why? because it transformed from an empire to mainly a financial land without barely no more industry left...
Come to Poland to work! We need cleaners and plumbers!
You missed one thing: Short terminism. Parties are so focused on the now, they forget the now will impact things in even as much as hundreds of years time. HS2 is a perfect example of that, IMO.
It actually started under Thatcher, privatisation of infrastructure companies like Thames Water in the 80s (that should never have happened) is about to bite us in the arse.
Labour are crap too, they will continue to privatise the NHS, and neither major party bothers to control immigration which regardless of what policies they enact, will always lead to higher levels of poorness.
Labour will not save us, nor will the Tories.
Unfortunately, the first past the post vote counting system will continue to give both these major parties the majority of seats in the commons.
事实上,这种情况始于撒切尔时代,例如上世纪80年代对泰晤士水务等基础设施公司的私有化(本不该发生的事情),现在这些决策开始对我们产生负面影响。 工党也一样糟糕,他们将继续私有化国民健康服务(NHS),而两大主要政党都不关心控制移民,无论他们采取什么政策,都会导致贫困率上升。 工党不会拯救我们,托利党也不会。 不幸的是,第一过桩投票计票系统将继续使这两大主要政党在下议院获得大多数席位。
WW I and WW II virtually bankrupted England. In the first case, with the number of men killed and/or wounded. In the second case, in actual money. The cost of the war was not only a monetary issue, but a global one for them. A huge colonial power, after WW II many of those countries clamored to be free, India being a huge loss. Their possessions were gradually reduced to almost nothing and their wealth declined precipitously. Then, they had to deal with the actual recovery in England from bombings, to food, which had been conveyed largely through shipping during the war. There were shortages of everything, and rationing didn’t end until the early fifties. The social upheaval was also significant after the war. So, they became rich on the backs of conquered nations, and got poor when it all came tumbling down. It’s not that simple, of course, but can be traced largely back to the end of WW II.
People keep letting corporations run their country and fully expect them to operate in the best interests of the population and not their own best interests. They actually expect these companies to operate like a government. That’s why they’re so comfortable privatising everything. Then they get so baffled when the nice companies just strip-mine social cohesion for profit. (Of course there is also if you’re poor or disabled or an immigrant then the Conservatives find you disposable. I mean there is very much that.)
This is insanely infuriating, and it Angers me how a handful of incompetent and amoral men get to play with the lives of the masses while enjoying great privileges , all of that, free of consequences
It is in part because the industrial growth and manufacturing that made Britain powerful have been greatly reduced. Also, poor leadership that made short-term decisions that screwed up future potential. It's challenging for the average person to afford to live there now than ever.
A key part of the disaster of Brexit was the exporting of jobs from the City of London....a sector that is a massive contributor to the tax take. Dubai...Paris and Frankfurt could hardly believe their luck.
Can we in the western world collectively accept that conservative economic policies don’t work, please?
You're missing some more important points that are cross party.
1. 33% of UK GDP is processed through American Private Equity owned British psedo businesses, or through multi-nationals, that then legally circumvent paying corporation tax in the UK.
This then impoverishes the government of tax revenues, which then either cuts public investment or borrows more with the burden being on our shoulders.
I'm tired of Conservative/Labour doing tic for tac.
There is a whole lot more on, that not enough people are talking about, which actually moves the mountains.
As someone who lives in Birmingham the country has gone too shit most of the pubs around me have all be abandoned or burned down loads of empty parts of land and houses that are empty and they say there’s a housing shortage and yes things have nearly doubled in price what a fucking joke