China's EV giant, BYD, makes more electric vehicles than any of its competitors and sells them for as low as $10,000. The cars are not yet sold in the U.S., where hurdles include a 25% import tariff. Meanwhile, U.S. lawmakers are concerned that smart car technology could be used to spy on American drivers. NBC News' Janis Mackey Frayer reports.

中国电动汽车巨头比亚迪以其卓越的生产能力,制造了比任何竞争对手都多的电动汽车,并以惊人的低价——仅需1万美元——提供给消费者。然而,这一令人瞩目的成就并未能迅速拓展至美国市场,主要障碍便是高达25%的进口关税。此外,美国立法者对于智能汽车技术可能引发的隐私泄露问题表示担忧,他们担心这些技术可能被用于窥探美国司机的日常行踪。NBC新闻的Janis Mackey Frayer将为我们带来这一话题的深入报道。