Suspected NYC rapist at large after video shows woman lassoed from behind on dark street译文简介
The Bronx attack happened early on May 1
这起布朗克斯区的袭击发生在 5 月 1 日早上
Suspected NYC rapist at large after video shows woman lassoed from behind on dark street
The Bronx attack happened early on May 1
这起布朗克斯区的袭击发生在 5 月 1 日早上
这起布朗克斯区的袭击发生在 5 月 1 日早上
By Michael Ruiz Fox News
Published May 10, 2024 9:03am EDT
The New York City Police Department is on the hunt for a Bronx rape suspect who appeared on video throwing a looped belt around a woman's neck before choking her unconscious and dragging her away on a dark city street.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Published May 10, 2024 9:03am EDT
The New York City Police Department is on the hunt for a Bronx rape suspect who appeared on video throwing a looped belt around a woman's neck before choking her unconscious and dragging her away on a dark city street.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
From there, video shows him looking up and down the block before it cuts out.
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原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
The NYPD says an unidentified man attacked a 45-year-old woman in The Bronx around 5 a.m. on May 1.
Police now want him on rape charges but have yet to track him down.
NYPD has identified the man wanted for looping a belt around a woman's neck and raping her in the Bronx. (NYPD)
A still image taken from video shows the suspect the moment before he throws a looped belt around the victim's neck and drags her off on a dark Bronx street. (Obtained by Fox News Digital)
"There is a report on file for sexual assault in the vicinity of East 152 Street and 3rd Avenue within the confines of 40 Precinct," an NYPD spokesperson confirmed to Fox News Digital. "The report states that an unknown male followed a 45-year-old female victim and placed a belt around the victim’s neck, causing unconsciousness."
Police said he dragged her between two parked cars and sexually assaulted her on the street before running away.
A still image taken from video shows the suspect dragging the victim by the neck down the sidewalk. She lost consciousness within seconds. (Obtained by Fox News Digital)
The department's Special Victims Unit was investigating, but no arrests had been made as of Friday morning.
Still images from surveillance video released by the NYPD show a Bronx rape suspect accused of lassoing a woman from behind and sexually assaulting her on a dark street. (NYPD)
The video, which circulated widely online Thursday, shows the masked man sneak up behind his victim, snag her around the throat with a looped belt and drag her to the ground.
She appears to lose consciousness within seconds, her hands falling from a defensive position to her sides as he drags her between two parked cars.
That's where the alleged attack took place.
The NYPD is on the hunt for this unidentified man in connection with a rape attack in The Bronx last week. Surveillance video appears to show him sneaking up behind a woman, looping a belt around her neck from behind and dragging her away off the street. (NYPD)
Details about the victim's condition were not immediately available.
Anyone with information on the suspect is asked to call NYPD Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS.
任何有嫌疑人信息的人可拨打 1-800-577-TIPS 联系 NYPD Crime Stoppers。
任何有嫌疑人信息的人可拨打 1-800-577-TIPS 联系 NYPD Crime Stoppers。
很赞 ( 6 )
We were sold the hokum that they were disproportionately surveilled and unfairly targeted by law enforcement; but if only they were treated fairly we would see what reliable, upstanding citizens they’d become. But the moment law enforcement was relaxed, what did they do? Exactly what everyone knew they would do.
我们被卖给了 hokum,他们受到执法部门不成比例的监视和不公平的对待; 但是,只要他们得到公平对待,我们就会看到他们成为多么可靠、正直的公民。但是,当执法放松的那一刻,他们做了什么?完全是每个人都知道他们会做的事情。
【hokum:n. 是指 "空洞或欺骗性的言论或手法",常用于美国口语中,特别指那些缺乏真实性或真诚的事物。】
Everyone relax. As soon as Bragg gets done spending millions of dollars interferring with an election to determine whether or not Trump broke the law by calling a legal expense a legal expense, he'll get to prosecuting this individual.
大家都放松。 一旦布拉格完成花费数百万美元干预选举,以查明特朗普是否违反法律将法律费用称为法律费用,他就会着手起诉这个人。
Won't happen, this guy qualifies for a get out jail card under Bragg and James. This doesn't fit the Democrat's policies. Due to the fake court cases going on to take down DT, the docket is already years behind schedule and this guy will never get in front of a judge..
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NO he will not. Like Bragg, he's a brother, and after all, HIS life matters. NOT.
不,他不会的。 像布拉格一样,他是一个兄弟,毕竟,他的生命很重要。 不会的。
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Yah, he'll prosecute the victim for sleeping on the street.
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Probably Braggs "Bruh"!!
【Bruh: 是俚语,意思是 "哥们"、"兄弟" 或 "朋友",通常用来称呼男性朋友或同辈。】
Bragg will be too busy downing another dozen of donuts to do anything to this guy.
Don't hold your breath. This could be Alvin's brother.
Ridiculously exhausting, isn’t it?
Ah probably not
This post made my night. Of course I’m absolutely horrified for this woman, but thanks for the smile.
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No he won’t He’ll be sent to bed without any supper and told not to do it again
Well perhaps Republicans in congress can take a break from the 4+ years they've been chasing after Hunter Biden and actually accomplish something. Or are you still holding your breath for a Joe Biden impeachment?
As usual, Republicans chased their tails for years, blowing millions, and accomplishing nothing, and now as it's become clear from testimony such as Archer's that Joe Biden is blameless and is guilty of no crime whatsoever, the entire matter seems to be abandoned, much like the "Durham Dud" that resulted in nothing at all.
This is typical for Trumper nutballs who claim to want "real work" done but then spin their wheels going after nonsense like Hunter Biden.
好吧,也许国会中的共和党人可以从他们一直在追赶亨特·拜登的 4+ 年中休息一下了,并真正地完成一些事情。还是您还在为乔·拜登的弹劾抱有希望?
No he wont.
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1 day ago
This occurred in the Bronx and not in Braggs turf.
He might have to pull in another high-ranking ex-DOJ prosecutor to do it, though.
you mean releasing him with an a apology
Then letting him go.
No he won’t.
Guns aren’t the problem, it’s criminals and criminals with stolen firearms that are the problem. The government knows this, they just want everyone’s firearms to leave us all defenseless.
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Adolf Hitler - “To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.”
阿道夫·希特勒 - “要征服一个国家,首先要解除其公民的武装。”
M,1949年:“所有的政治权力都来自枪杆子。***必须指挥所有的枪; 这样一来,枪就再也不能用来指挥D了。
弗拉基米尔·列宁 - “一个有枪的人可以控制一百个没有枪的人。”
乔治·梅森 (1788) – “解除人民的武装是奴役他们的最好和最有效的方式”。
民主党人——“我们必须禁止所有枪支,除了我们自己的、由纳税人资助的、每天 24 小时守卫我们的私人安全部队。
Replying to harve
District Attorneys, Judges, elected representatives, etc - no matter the Party - are licensed to carry concealed weapons at all times for self-protection and they have taxpayer-funded security protection too. Many of these folks contend you and I cannot protect ourselves.
地区检察官、法官、民选代表等——无论属于哪个党派——都有权随时携带隐藏的武器进行自我保护,他们也有纳税人资助的安全保护。 这些人中的许多家伙声称说,你和我无法保护我们自己。
It is hard to suppress an armed citizenry. That is the reason we have the 2nd amendment. The founders knew at some point those in power would get to liking that power too much.
But we were told it's white supremacy that is the real danger
They will get mine one bullet at a time...
Belt, not guns?
Replying to autorotator
The one time you see one with a belt, he's not using as intended.
Replying to oklatex780
You win the internet for the day!
Replying to oklatex780
So now we have to worry about the one with a belt. And not the ones with their butts hanging out.
Replying to autorotator
Same difference.
回复 autorotator
Looks like belts are a big problem too.
I'm sure if she had a gun, this would have never happened-- she just would have turned around a blew him away when he got within 20 ft of her.
Guns aren't the problem here...belts are...
Democrats are the problem.
Never going to happen.!!!!
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Democrats are the problem. Vote them out and problem gets solved.
Right and you also don’t need a gun to rape someone
Anybody want to make a bet for lunch? When they find him, he'll have a criminal record, numerous catch-and-release arrests, and be on some form of probation or supervised release. He'll have grown up in a single-mother household with no active father. And you'll look at his last arrest/conviction and reasonably conclude he should have still been doing time for that one-- and been off the streets.
You can be guaranteed he has been in the system before. Bragg or similar released him because of DEI some other nonsense.
你可以得到保证他以前在系统中。布拉格或类似的人因为 DEI这类废话而释放了他。
yeah, it's tough to convict criminals in New York. A lot of people are saying that you shouldn't even bring charges against someone who has been indicted on 91 federal charges by common people on the grand jury.. Repeated violations of federal laws seem to grant some people "complete immunity". Even "convicted" sexual predators.
是的,在纽约给罪犯定罪是很困难的。很多人都在说,你甚至不应该对一个被大陪审团的普通人指控了 91 项联邦罪名的人提出指控..一再违反联邦法律似乎赋予了一些人“完全豁免权”。甚至是“证明有罪”的性侵犯者。
Now that this has been on the news and New York has been shamed into it, they're going to give him 20 years when caught. No-cash bail? Not on your life. The problem is that he and hundreds of other similarly-situated individuals should still have be doing time for their LAST one, and shouldn't have been on the streets to begin with.
现在这已经上了新闻,纽约也为此感到羞耻,如果被抓到,他们将给他 20 年的时间。无现金保释?绝不可能。问题在于,他和其他数百名处境相似的人应该为他们的最近一个定罪坐牢,并且不应该一开始就在街上。
Well, speaking of disproportionate. Isn't the amount of crime they commit disproportionate? The community is the problem.
好吧,说到不成比例。 他们犯下的罪行数量不是不成比例吗? 这个社区是问题所在。
Not "the" community, but "their" community...
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And that's why crime should be the biggest domentic issue in 2024. Inflation? Housing prices? You can always buy Ramen or move to a smaller place. But the notion of Magilla Gorilla strolling up behind you, choking you out, then dragging you into an alley for some sexy fun-time is utterly terrifying. Absolutely no way you could see that coming.
这就是为什么犯罪应该是 2024 年最大的问题。通货膨胀?房价?您可以随时购买拉面/廉价食品或搬到更小的地方。但是一想到,马吉拉大猩猩(Magilla Gorilla) 在你身后漫步,掐住你的脖子,然后把你拖进一条小巷里享受性的乐趣,这真是太可怕了。你绝对不能看到它的到来。
【Magilla Gorilla: 是一个虚构的卡通角色,是一只大猩猩,出现在1960年代的美国动画系列《Magilla Gorilla》中。他是一只在动物商店待售的大猩猩,但总是因为各种原因无法找到合适的主人,因此每次都被退回动物商店。】
When are we going to get some common sense belt control? How many belts does one person even need? There should be AT LEAST a 3 day waiting period to buy a belt. And anything over about 40 inches is just ridiculous. These belts of war have no place in a civilized society.
我们什么时候才能获得一些腰带管制的常识?一个人甚至需要多少条腰带?购买一条腰带至少应该有 3 天的等待期。而任何超过 40 英寸的腰带都是荒谬的。这些战争的腰带在文明社会中没有立足之地。
When statistics prove a fact that they are more likely to commit violence, it’s a fact. If you’re black and innocent it’s not your fault, but you do have to live with consequences of a fact. We all live with consequences of fact
当统计数据证明的事实是他们更有可能实施暴力时,这就是事实。如果你是黑人而且是清白的,那不是你的错,但你确实必须忍受事实的后果/影响。 我们都生活在事实的后果/影响中
Gee-- too bad there wasn't a cop around who saw this guy with a towel around his face-- clearly seeking to avoid security cam identification. Maybe they could have stopped him. Frisked him. Ran his ID to get a clue as to what might be up with him and whether he posed any threat to the public....
“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”
―Jesse Jackson ——杰西·杰克逊
Black males aged 15-39 are only 3% of the total US population. According to FBI crime statistics, this 3% is responsible for: 54.9% of all Robberies, 49.4% of all Murders, 54.1% of all Aggravated Assaults, and 42.5% of Forcible Rapes.
15-39岁的黑人男性仅占美国总人口的3%。根据联邦调查局的犯罪统计数据,这 3% 负有:54.9% 的抢劫案、49.4% 的谋杀案、54.1% 的严重袭击和 42.5% 的强迫强奸。
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