Understanding the Most Depressed Country in the World译文简介
South Korea is an incredible country with a vibrant culture... but it’s also undergoing what’s possibly the worst mental health crisis in the world. So between playing video games, hosting a reader meet-up and eating some of the spiciest f*cking food of my life, I went out to discover what intense social pressures foster such high rates of anxiety and depression.
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as a born and raised Korean, 'having the worst mix of Confucianism and capitalism' is the most on-point statement of Korean society
I'm Korean. "If you get your shit together, you don't have to suffer from depression or anxiety" - that's what my mom told me all my life, being depressed herself for decades.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Changes nothing. I've seen a successful Korean man and his friends they're all depressed. I've lived in Korea forn10 years and I'll never forget how depressed I've been throughout.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Your mom's advice doesn't seem very helpful. But I think your country's medical health care system needs to be fully addressing mental health problems publicly not privately. It also needs to be discussed among Korean governments and medical Healthcare establishments in every news media, including internet news.
What about the bullying and hierarchy? Some are bullied to death in the military and schools, only because they are poor, not good looking, or even just younger.I think it is a really big and serious problem existing in Korea.
In a society where play time for children is consider wasteful, im not surprise its an outlet for their congested emotions.
As a Korean, pros and cons of my country are exactly evident.It's a heaven for a consumer,
a hell for a worker/service provider/students
You forget the rich. Korea has tremendous class divide between rich and poor. If you think the Rich enjoys privileges in US, wait till you go to Korea where rich do not even get pulled over by cops. The rich can literally get away with murder. Good thing the murder rate is so low. But why murder anyone when they bow and scrape and do whatever you tell them? Whenever I visit Korea, I only speak English. I refuse to bow. I act like a rude American and they treat me like a VIP. First time I visited, I spoke Korean, I bowed, I showed respect and everyone treated me like I was homeless bum begging for a handout.
I'm a Korean-American, born and raised in Korea until high school and immigrated to America in 1981. This video is spot-on. When I was living in Korea, I was under so much pressure to excel in school, mercilessly driven to study so very hard to go to a good university - by the time I was in high school, I felt so old, exhausted, and wanted to retire from life. It was all about studying all the time to get the best grades with no time to play or have fun. We even pressured to waste as little time as possible on sleeping at night. I was so stressed, depressed and worn out. It was brutal. We never blamed society or others with sense of entitlement that most Americans have, and we just took all responsibility on our individual selves to work hard, improve ourselves and excel. Some of my Korean friends as adults had to work so hard, couldn't go home at night, had to continue working all night and sleep at their desks, some of them died of failed health - literally working to death. There is a price in coming so far from the poor and war-torn country to the one now excelling in every field.
我是一名韩裔美国人,我在韩国出生长大,直到1981年高中毕业移民去了美国。这个视频说到点子上了。当我在韩国生活时,我在学校里承受着巨大的压力,为了考上一所好的大学,我被无情地逼迫着去非常努力地学习-- 到了高中,我感觉自己非常苍老,疲倦,想着直接在这场人生中退休下来。我生活的一切就是为了获得最好的成绩而不断地学习,没有玩耍或者娱乐的时间。我们甚至强迫自己少睡觉,因为睡觉也被视为浪费时间。我当时压力很大,很沮丧,很疲惫,一切都是如此的残酷。我们从不像大多数美国人那样,把自己所面临的困境归咎于他人或者社会,我们只是将所有的责任都抗在自己肩上,努力工作,提高自己,超越自己。我的一些韩国朋友成年后不得不没日没夜的工作,他们晚上不能回家,被迫彻夜工作,睡在办公桌上。其中一些人死于健康状况不佳---实际上就是工作到死。从当初那个被贫穷和战争蹂躏的国家,到现在这个各个领域都表现出现的国家。这就是韩国人为此付出的代价。
I live in Ethiopia, I have worked with several Korens and most are older and whenever I point out these problems they tend to be defensive and avoid the conversation. It is a good start that the younger generation is aware of the issues.
I think Ethiopia vs Koreans are like opposites. I've worked with Ethiopians for business and they never showed up at the time they chose - they literally showed up 1 day late. I told them I won't move on with them. One is too relaxed, and the other is dying for work
Younger generations can’t do anything about it as well. they are running away from their homeland.90% of younger generations in Korea wanted to immigrate to other countries.Things are getting even worse now.
I enrolled in an online beginner Korean language class and the teacher is South Korean. He is pretty ok but he has a tendency to be sarcastic and put some of the students on the spot who can't understand on the get go what he is teaching. It's not a conducive atmosphere for learning, some of my classmates didn't even come back. I watch some Korean shows so I wasn't that shocked by what was going on. The teaching style is Confucian and he tries to make students compete against each other. I have questions but I end up looking for the answers on my own rather than have the unpleasant experience of being put on the spot for asking for clarification. Anyways, i just have 3 sessions left and I'll just finish them. Thank God I have a good sense of myself and am not a people pleaser otherwise i would have ended up depressed! I don't resent him, I am just accepting that he is like that cause that's how he grew up and that's what Korean society is like in general. I also found out that the reason why he gets all 5 stars on Google reviews is because he will give you a 30% discount for your next enrollment. He also has a very elementary grasp of the English language so it gets confusing sometimes since he starts rattling off in Korean. My goodness, it's a beginner Korean class he should know that his students might not understand what the hell he is saying even if it's a simple Korean sentence. Honestly, i feel like i got duped because of those google reviews. I'm still thinking if I'm going to leave an honest review on Google or chalk this up to experience and do my due diligence next time before spending my money. I don't want to end up hurting this guy even if he is abrasive and condescending.
I am a Korean in my 50s.
I read an introduction to this video in a newspaper article.
There is no major financial shortage, but I have always lived with guilt and anxiety.
I've thought it was entirely my personal responsibility, but I've come to understand that there are parts that come from the structure of society.
It's a little comforting.
I'm a Korean in my late 30's. I felt the same feelings with you. I got a professional job and have no special social problem, but I've lived with guilt and anxiety for whole my life.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I'm Korean but I've been living abroad most of my life. I had no idea that I am culturally not Korean at all until I started dating in Korea. People nonchalantly mention suicidal thoughts, and wanting to run away and quit everything. How casually they deal with severe mental health issues and substance abuse, and even the news of an acquaintance killing themselves, is shocking. or how much they care about optics (as opposed to how much they don't care about what they feel inside).Their societal, cultural issues have been boggling my mind so much so that I've been getting therapy too after witnessing this in person.
I'm a foreigner living in Korea. Recently, I had a bad mental health episode. I went to my psychiatrist and told him I wanted to (unalive) and I hated myself. He laughed and said "so what? Are you from a third world village? Who doesn't feel like that? Just don't do k--- yourself. Take your meds and go. You're fine. You're normal."And I was so frustrated by the sentiment because it felt like he wasn't listening to me when I really needed the help.But it made me wonder if I'm also surrounded by people in Korea who just feel the same.
What the hell! This is not normal at all ! you should see another one pills are not working alone
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
He need to lose his professional license.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
What he did to you was wrong !