This is perhaps something that many people do not know about, but Japan has some domestic raised Chinese (albeit less in numbers than in the West). For the sake of simplicity, let's refer to them as JBCs.


I have talked to many JBCs and their parents and I have come to the conclusion that despite Japan being an obxtively insular country who hates Chinese people, JBCs are much better integrated and socially accepted. Here are some trends that I'm observing with JBCs compared to ABCs.


1) Japan born Chinese usually experience full social integration. Most JBCs are accepted by their peers and on average have more friends than ABCs. I was a bit surprised since I expected Japanese kids to be racist towards JBCs, but the reality is that the vast majority literally do not care and treat JBCs the same as how they treat other Japanese kids.


Meanwhile, ABC kids in the West especially ABC males face a lot of passive aggressive behaviours and micro aggression which makes it harder for them to befriend white kids. I would argue that ABCs in the West occupy a similar social position to Jewish Europeans in 1930s Europe; they are a fringe population that is undeniably "othered" by the bulk populace including "anti-racist" White people, which contributes to why ABCs oftentimes just have other ABC friends unlike JBCs, who seem fully integrated and many even state that they have never experienced bullying for being "Chinese".


2) JBCs (for male) differ significantly to ABC males in terms of dating experiences and self esteem. Most JBC males report having some amount of Japanese girls overtly liking them/confessing to them/giving them gifts as early as elementary school. Even below average looking males usually have at least one girl who shows interest in them during their childhood/adolescence.

2) 日本出生的华人(男性)在约会经历和自尊方面与美国出生的华人男性显着不同。大多数日本出生的华人男性报告说,早在小学时就有一些日本女孩公开喜欢他们/向他们表白/给他们礼物。即使是长相低于平均水平的男性,通常也至少有一个在童年/青春期对他们表现出兴趣的女孩。

However, this is a foreign concept to many ABC males raised in the West, who frequently report no girls showing overt interest in them, especially in white areas. This applies even if they are above average looking, not to mention they rarely receive compliments. Over time, the lack of validation from women negatively impact how an ABC male perceives himself, leading to low self esteem. Meanwhile, JBCs are frequently extroverted with high self esteem and most perceive themselves as good looking.


3) JBCs are frequently very athletic. This surprised me at first, but apparently JBCs make up a large proportion of Japanese athletes especially in sports such as basketball and volleyball. Famous JBC athletes include Haku Ri, Yuto Kawashima, Tomokazu Harimoto and many more. I suspect this is mostly due to racism. In the West, ABC kids are frequently told by their non-Asian peers that Asians are unathletic. This results in stereotype threat where ABC kids and their parents end up internalizing these racist beliefs, thus discouraging them from sports and affirming this racist stereotype even more. Meanwhile, JBCs do not have this barrier at all and most are encouraged to be athletic.

3) 日本出生的华人通常非常擅长运动。起初这让我感到惊讶,但显然日本出生的华人在日本运动员中占很大比例,尤其是在篮球和排球等运动领域。著名的日本出生的华人运动员包括李博、川岛悠翔、张本智和等。我怀疑这主要是由于种族主义。在西方,美国出生的华人孩子们经常被非亚裔同龄人告知,亚裔不擅长运动。这导致了刻板印象威胁(一个人会担忧或焦虑自己的行为,将会验证那些对于自己所属社会群体的负面刻板印象,而这种焦虑使得他的表现变差),美国出生的华人孩子和他们的父母最终将这些种族主义信仰内化,从而阻止他们参加体育运动,并进一步肯定这种种族主义刻板印象。与此同时,日本出生的华人根本不存在这种障碍,并且大多数人都被鼓励参加体育运动。

Overall, despite the stereotype of how much the Japanese people hate the Chinese, JBCs are much more likely to become accepted by their country than ABCs.
