What is the best way to learn Chinese?译文简介
What is the best way to learn Chinese?
很赞 ( 9 )
Learn Character, notice the logic, understand words.
Chinese is a kind of language with strong logic, so you can find it, use it, you can predict/guess the meaning of a word, rather than remembering it.
There is one thing you should know, in fact:
Chinese character = English word.
Chinese word = English phrase.
That explains why Chinese have so many characters. Just like, Why English have so many words?
What you learned, what you are trying to remember, those Chinese “words”, are actually Chinese “phrases”.
Hello in Chinese — 你好.
你 = you, 好 = good.
你好 in Chinese literally means “(wish) you good!” that’s a friendly way for greeting, right?
Take this as an example:
Do you know what is “Geriatrics”? It's a word… when you see it at the first time, it’s difficult to guess the meaning.
But do you know what is “Artificial Intelligence”? You can guess what it is about, even you never see it before.
For most Chinese “words”, they are just like “Artificial Intelligence” in this example. By knowing the meaning of each character, you can easily predict the meaning of the word.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
薯 = potato. 片 = chip (describe the shape).
so 薯片 = potato chips….
if I tell you 条 = bar (long shape).
guess what 薯条 means? … French Fries.
Even more. by knowing 眼镜 = glasses, guess what 眼镜片 means?
(By the way, 眼 = eye, 镜 = scope/mirror. that’s why 眼镜(eye scope) = glasses.)
薯 : potato 片: chip(描述形状)。
所以薯片 = potato chips
如果我告诉你“条 ”= bar(长方形)。
你猜“薯条 ”怎么说,你是对的:French Fries。
甚至可以举出更多例子。通过了解眼镜 = glasses,你猜“眼镜片”怎么说?
嗯…意思是眼镜的镜片(lens of glasses)。不就是炸薯片的形状吗?
顺便说一句眼 = eye;镜 = scope/mirror。这就是为什么眼镜(eye scope)=glasses。)
So you can make up more words… since 眼 = eye, by knowing 界 = field/border. 眼界 in Chinese means horizon (view sight).
Since 界 = field/border, and 世 = sub-celestial, 世界 = world.
Since 界 = field/border, and 边 = edge, 边界 = border.
Since 界 = field/border, and 国 = nation, 国界 = national boundaries.
I don’t know how you learn Chinese. But if you never try to focus on the meaning of each Character, never try to guess the meaning of a word, I would suggest you try it.
所以你可以编更多的文字……因为眼 = eye,,通过知道界= field/border。眼界的中文意思是地平线(视野)。
因为界= field/border,以及世 = sub-celestial,世界 = world
因为界= field/border,以及边 = edge,边界 = border
因为界= field/border,以及国 = natio,国界 = national boundaries。
2. Notice the important part of the character. (偏旁部首)
Like I said, Chinese characters = English words. In words, we have root affixes, So in Character, we have 偏旁。
what is 偏旁?偏 = not center, 旁 = side. So 偏旁 is some part of the character. In Chinese, many characters have same partial element, and such parts indicate the meaning of the character.
偏旁是什么东东?偏= not center, 旁 = side;所以偏旁是汉字的一部分,在汉语中,许多汉字都有相同的部分,这些部分表明了汉字的意思。
草, 茶, 苹, 花, 芽, 药, 菜, 莓 and so on. They all have a ‘艹’ on the top, right?
艹 means grass/plants. So Most of the characters with a ‘艹’ on the top, they are very likely to describe something related to grass/plants.
In this example, 草 = grass, 茶 = tea, 苹果 = apple fruit, 花 = flower, 芽 = sprout, 药 = herbs(medicine), 菜 = vegetables, 莓 = berry.
And what’s more, 莲, 菊, 葵, 萝… Have you seen these characters before? Maybe not, but now you can guess they may related to some plants.
Actually, 莲 = lotus, 菊 = Chrysanthemum, 葵 = Sunflower, 萝卜 = carrot.
As for these — 荇, 茝……honestly, most Chinese people don’t know the specific meaning of these characters, either. But by seeing the ‘艹’ on the top, they can safely guess: it’s… some kind of plants, maybe?
在这个例子中,草 = grass, 茶 = tea, 苹果 = apple fruit, 花 = flower, 芽 = sprout, 药 = herbs(medicine), 菜 = vegetables, 莓 = berry.
实际上,莲 = lotus, 菊 = Chrysanthemum, 葵 = Sunflower, 萝卜 = carrot.
松, 杨, 柳, 桐, 桃, 椰……they all have a “木” on the side. 木 = wood. So here is the answer —
松 = Pine
杨 = Poplar
柳 = willow
桐 = parasol
桃 = peach
椰 = coconut
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
actually, characters with “木” are likely to describe things related to trees. Maybe a tree’s name, or some parts of a tree (such as 根=root).
To notice the 偏旁 is a good way to guess the meaning of a character, Though there are exceptions, it doesn’t matter, since the law is already very obvious and useful.
松 = Pine
杨 = Poplar
柳 = willow
桐 = parasol
桃 = peach
椰 = coconut
Ruyi Hua (华如意)
First of all, don’t worry too much. Take it easy.
For example, a lot of foreigners worry too much about learning 5,000 characters.
Well, you really don’t need to learn each and every character. It’s true that most Chinese people know about 4,000-5,000 characters. However, with 1,000 characters you can get a very high level of fluency in Chinese. No need to worry about 5,000 characters. You can start with most frequently used 100 characters and learn related words and idioms.
Learn like Chinese kids. Even before they can write 10-20 characters, they are already very good at speaking and listening.
Writing – don’t worry about writing Chinese. You should first improve listening and speaking. Then reading. Writing will follow.
Pinyin (拼音) is very important. Learn ASAP.
Learn real and functional Chinese. You should focus on learning what’s really helpful in real life. For example, how to use Chinese navigation software Baidu (百度) or Gaode (高德), how to order food in China (外卖/堂食), how to book bus or train tickets (订票/买票).
Don’t stress. Keep calm and learn Chinese. You can do it!
学习真实实用的汉语。你应该专注于学习在现实生活中真正有用的东西。例如,如何使用中文导航软件百度或高德, 如何在中国点餐(外卖/堂食), 如何预订公共汽车票或火车票(订票/买票).
Lots of good answers here, but they are very much limited to personal experience. While some will work and some not, the question was "what is the best way to learn Chinese".
I think that there is not enough emphasis on finding good teaching. Especially teaching methods for understanding the very building blocks of the language, which is the most important place to start. With a confident grasp over the foundations of Mandarin Chinese, learning the language becomes a rewarding and fun experience!
Short Answer:
Find the best method that makes you excited to learn.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Conventional teaching gives you study material, that you need to "study" with the guidance of a teacher. This implies that the student should work hard to understand and memorise the language.
But what if I told you that things should be the other way around. That it is the work of the teacher to make you not only understand but also memorise the language. If this sounds crazy to you, it simply demonstrates the failure of our educational system.
A modern teaching method (luckily they do exist!) will explain the language well enough to give you the control over the language, simply by listening to the teaching in a relaxed environment.
The learning happens when you understand the language, and can construct totally new sentences by yourself. And when you understand something, you will automatically remember it. I believe that this is the best way to make learning Chinese an exciting process.
Understanding is the responsibility of the teacher
When you understand something you automatically remember it
Real language learning is rewarding right from the beginning
Everything starts from a confident grasp of the basics of Chinese
I hope this helps to take the first step to finding your own best way of learning Chinese! It's a thrilling ride and if you're not enjoying it, you must be doing something wrong.
Short Answer: Find a Westerners in a similar life situation as yours who learned Chinese to the level of proficiency you desire and ask their advice. Most likely you'll discover that they best (and perhaps only) way to learn a language is to use it.
Long Answer…
I asked this Quora question when I arrived in China and was struggling to learn Chinese. I've recently turned the corner and can now have day-to-day life conversations with Chinese people. Although I'm nowhere near the level of proficiency I desire, I have found a process that is working for me and feel bit more qualified to answer my own question.
I moved to China in the Spring of 2012. It was a hard landing for me, much harder than I expected. In America I spent about 6 months studying part time with software products like Memrise, Chinesepod, and Anki flashcards as well periodic lessons with 1-1 tutors. I continued this practice in China, and by May of 2012 I was intensely frustrated with my progress. Chinese people had a hard time understanding even basic words I was saying and I understand almost nothing of what I heard. Fortunately my hours using Memrise had given me a good grasp of pinyin and knowledge of about 1,000 characters, so at least I could use SMS to communicate as a last resort. But overall I realized that if I didn't find a better approach to start rapidly improving I was on the road to becoming another Westerner who tried to learn and gave up.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I met a lot of Westerners who started working when the first arrived in China, took few hours each week of lessons, and never really got to the point where they could use Chinese as well as I can now. I commonly hear the regret, "I wish I had first focused on Chinese when I arrived."
Every Westerner I met who was "fluent" (1) spent at least several months studying Chinese full time, and (2) spent massive amounts of time speaking 1-1 with native Chinese people.
Of course this doesn't mean that software products, classrooms, and studying part time don't help - I just didn't meet anyone who had used them successfully.
出于极度的沮丧,我开始向Daniel Tedesco(见他的回答)等人寻求建议。我请Benny Lewis(3个月流利的说汉语)吃饭,听取了他的建议。我对各种各样的观点感到震惊,有些人持强烈的观点。有些建议很有帮助,有些建议(比如“找个中国女朋友”)对我的幸福婚姻而言是毫无用处的。
I increased my 1-1 time with Chinese teachers from ~8 hours/week to ~25. I found two great teachers(one from a school in Beijing http://www.livethelanguage.cn/, one referred by another American expat) and worked with them 1-1 for 3-6 hours per day, 7 days/week. These 3-hour sessions were exhausting at times.
Outside of class I got stacks of spoken Chinese textbooks with MP3 recorders. I spent hour after hour listening to MP3s, reading dialogs, and asking my teachers for help whenever I didn't understand a word or grammar. Whenever I could listed to the MP3 at full speed and read and understand the entire dialog I would move on, never going back, always moving on to the next dialog.
No flashcards, no textbook exercises (unless part of speaking with my teachers).
I started watching episodes of 喜羊羊与灰太狼 per Daniel's advice. I could not (and still can't) follow the dialog at full speed, so my teacher would transcribe the dialog for me and I would study it as well. With my teacher I would explain the entire episode to her, ask questions, and attempt to use the new words and grammar from the episode. When I could watch it at full speed and understand everything I would move on. Sometimes I would have to see the same word multiple times before getting it.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
我开始按照丹尼尔的建议,看几集《喜羊羊与灰太狼 》。我不能(现在仍然不能)全速跟上对话,所以我的老师会把对话转录给我,我也会研究它。和我的老师一起,我会向她解释整个情节,问问题,并尝试使用情节中的新汉字和语法。当我可以全速观看并理解所有内容时,我会继续前进。有时候,我不得不多次看到同一个汉字才能理解它。
And...it worked. By the end August, my 3 month deadline, I was able to carry out basic life conversations.
I still plan on working 1-1 with teachers a few hours a day, reading Chinese, and writing at every opportunity.
In retrospect, my advice is…
1. If life allows it, dedicate 6 months, full time, 24x7 to studying and using Chinese when you arrive in China.
2. Find a way to spend 20-30 hours/week in one-on-one dialog with native speakers. Professional teachers are the best if you can afford it ($5-$20 USD/hour) but you can also get students and tutors if necessary.
3. Be patient, be determined. It is so hard but it gets better.
2、每周花20-30个小时与母语人士进行一对一的对话。如果你负担得起的话,专业老师是最好的(5- 20美元/小时),但如果有必要,你也可以请学生和导师。