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-------------译者:-Z2Y---- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

China wants to be a global leader in Artificial Intelligence by 2030. Tech giant Baidu recently released Ernie Bot to rival the much-vaunted ChatGPT. In China, A.I. is finding applications in healthcare, education, and entertainment. McKinsey estimates that A.I. could add 600 billion to China's economy by the end of the decade.
Yet, suspicions over date handling and privacy could limit Chinese A.I. beyond the country’s borders. The ongoing trade war over microchips also puts a hardware hurdle in its path. Can Beijing truly realise its A.I. ambitions?

中国希望能在2030年成为人工智能领域的全球领导者。科技巨头百度最近发布Ernie Bot(文心一言)与备受追捧的 ChatGPT相竞争。在中国,人工智能正寻求在健康保健、教育和娱乐领域的应用。麦肯锡公司预计,人工智能将会在这个十年末给中国经济增加6000亿。