Who was the all time best President of the United States of America?译文简介
Who was the all time best President of the United States of America?
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原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
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Who was the greatest US president?
Historians pretty much unanimously consider Lincoln to be the greatest president for his ability to calculate his every action to unite a fragmented unx government, and ultimately the country as a whole. While emancipation was a distant secondary obxtive, Lincoln realized that it gave a higher purpose to what was initially considered to be a “white man's war". He struggled to deal with ineffective general staff and eventually recognized/promoted Grant and Sherman who were openly disdained and underestimated by others, yet instrumental in ending the bloodshed. Furthermore, he set a plan for reconstruction that would unite instead of punish the south for their transgressions. Unfortunately his assassination resulted in a series of ineffective leaders who twisted reconstruction into a profit motive, setting the tone for another hundred years of southern poverty and discrimination that arguably might have been avoided.
FDR is usually ranked as the second best president. His social programs gave the country hope during the depression, and he sexted some of the most brilliant military leadership that led to a successful two front war all while manipulating a fiercely isolationist population to support the Allied war effort. His lend-lease policy provided much needed industrial and financial support to the British and Soviet unx during the darkest days of their war effort.
Eisenhower is responsible for the construction of our interstate highway system, along with educational and scientific reform that ultimately kept us ahead of the Soviet unx in missile technology. Carefully balancing a policy of restraint that prevented Russia from seizing western Berlin while overseeing the reconstruction of western Europe. He helped to silence policy makers who wanted Germany reduced to an agrarian shadow of a civilization, recognizing that a strong and friendly Germany would be an essential barrier to Soviet aggression in Europe, necessary to maintain the future balance of power. Finally, he was wise enough to warn us of the dangers of the military industrial complex (which we then ignored to our own detriment, leading to our currently dysfunctional approaches to education and healthcare)
Although Adams was very unpopular as a president, his administration has been more favorably reuated in recent years. He was forced into signing the Alien and Sedition act to prevent a war with France that would have undoubtedly destroyed our new nation. He was most responsible for convincing the continental congress to unite against the British, championing Washington to lead the military, and recognizing the talent of Jefferson to draft the Declaration of Independence (with some important input from Franklin).
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
For these reasons, I would rank Madison as a better president for his central role in authoring our final constitution and his leadership during the War of 1812.
T. Roosevelt
John Adams
Wilson. Incredibly intelligent. Lied about keeping us out of the war but it was the right choice, as the war would have dragged on for a decade. If he was given more respect during peace negotiations we may have prevented WW2.
Coolidge. Coolidge deserves respect for restoring public confidence following the unprecedented scandals of the Harding administration, and being the first 20th century president to champion black civil rights. No small task considering he inherited the most corrupt cabinet in history.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Reagan (He accelerated Soviet collapse by scaring the shit out of them and forcing them to try and keep up with defense spending they could not afford. On the other hand he arguably brought us closer to nuclear war than Kennedy, he pursued an evil war backing the Contras with drug money. Worst of all, his racist drug war resulted in a permanent underclass and incarcerated more citizens than any other country while throwing away billions to the DEA who have failed in every measurable way to prevent drug addiction. I have the most mixed feelings about his administration out of any. His relatively high ranking says more about the failures of other presidents than his own triumphs. He made the world safer and made us the most powerful civilization in history, yet created social injustice that will likely persist for many decades to come.)
Obama likewise deserves accolades for federally legalizing marriage equality, negotiating an effective halt to Iran's nuclear weapons program, normalizing relations with Cuba and attempting healthcare reform. His economic reforms were more effective than he is credited for.
就目前情况来看,我同意大多数历史学家将富兰克林·皮尔斯列为最糟糕的美国总统。他无能的政府和对南方的同情加速了内战的根源,这场战争几乎摧毁了美国,杀死的美国人比第二次世界大战还多,并留下了至今仍然存在的伤疤。安德鲁·约翰逊(Andrew Johnson)紧随其后,因为他搞砸了重建工作,布坎南(Buchanan)经常因为未能阻止内战而被评为最糟糕的(尽管我认为他当选时可能已经太晚了)。
Who is or was the greatest President of the United States?
My votes:
George Washington: for the simple reason that the presidency was created specifically with him in mind and every single thing he did in Office created precedents that lasted for decades, if not centuries. The two term limit, for example, lasted until 1940 without serious challenge and even then only on the eve of world war.
Abraham Lincoln: he saved the unx. Period. Without him, the United States would not exist as a unified nation. He also expiated America’s original sin, slavery.
Franklin D. Roosevelt: saved America twice, firstly from economic collapse and secondly from fascism. Also saved the world from fascism. Without him, it’s not at all certain American democracy would’ve survived the Great Depression and it’s certain the world wouldn’t have survived fascism.
Theodore Roosevelt: created the modern activist presidency after decades of torpor during the 19th Century and established America as a global power. Laid the groundwork for the modern regulatory state and helped end the age of the Robber Barons.
Harry Truman: saved Europe from either a return to fascism or total domination by Stalin with the Marshall Plan. Decisively ended World War 2. Managed the difficult transition to peacetime. Laid the groundwork for the Civil Rights Movement by ending the shameful racist segregation of US armed forces.
西奥多·罗斯福(Theodore Roosevelt):在经历了19世纪数十年的沉寂之后,他创立了现代激进主义总统制度,并使美国成为全球大国。为现代监管国家奠定了基础,并帮助结束了富豪掠夺者的时代。
Who in your opinion was the greatest American who ever lived? Why?
I’m going to go with Benjamin Franklin. He embodies so much of what is best in Americans: that restless energy, that boundless curiosity, that expansive intellectual breadth, that irreverent wit, that noble vision. He was at once folksy and erudite, humorous and deadly serious of purpose. As one of the architects of a brilliant political system that was the institutional expression of the values of the Enlightenment, we owe him a tremendous debt. A debt, too, is owed Walter Isaacson for that terrifically readable biography of Franklin that cemented for me his place as primus inter pares in a pantheon of great Americans.
我选本杰明·富兰克林。他体现了美国人身上很多最优秀的品质:永不停歇的活力、无限的好奇心、广博的知识广度、不卑不亢的智慧和崇高的远见。他既随和又博学,既幽默又严肃。作为杰出政治体系的缔造者之一,这一体系体现了启蒙运动的价值观,我们欠他一大笔人情。沃尔特·艾萨克森(Walter Isaacson)为富兰克林撰写的那本极具可读性的传记,也让我对他有了一份感激之情。这本传记为我奠定了富兰克林在伟大的美国人的万神殿中的首要角色地位。
Which president had the greatest positive impact on America?
I'm a fan boy of FDR. He invented the concept of the social safety net that buffers us against hard times to this day. Unemployment insurance makes losing your job a little less catastrophic. Social Security has made a comfortable retirement possible for millions of seniors. The FDIC protects your savings in the bank.