Why is India not as popular as Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, etc for tourism in Southeast Asia?

Why is India not as popular as Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, etc for tourism in Southeast Asia?
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As an Indian who just visited Vietnam I can answer this question
Infrastructure in India is still not upto the mark. In tourist areas of Vietnam, roads are good, all infrastructure is perfect. Never saw a pothole anywhere.
They atmosphere is festive and friendly in Vietnam. A tourist can sit by the roadside in the evening and enjoy a drink anywhere. Not so in India.
Easy to hire a scooter or bike and go around in Vietnam. No police harassment.
Law abiding citizens in Vietnam. I rarely saw helmets being locked in Vietnam. Try that in India.
Vietnam wants to promote tourism, there are attractions and activities designed for that. Like sun world , ha long bay, hoi an etc
India has immense potential in tourism, natural beauty and diversity. There are locations worth visiting in every season. But we need to make an effort to make it more tourist friendly. There are international standards that need to be provided at least in the tourist areas. Tourism helps in projection of the beauty of the nation and also provides jobs to some needy people.
Compared to countries that give you a visa on arrival, obtaining a visa to visit India is something a lot of people won’t bother with. Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, malaysia, and Cambodia will give you a visa on arrival. India won’t.
Is it me or am I'm crazy. First of all, India is not in southeast Asia. It's in south Asia. Please google the list of the countries in southeast Asia
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
There are so many vietnam, phillipines,and other countries in india not only of size but also of population. So there is no comparison. There are other compulsion also in india which those countries don't have.
exactly. the most famous in India Taj Mahal has a lacklustre approach. The park leading to the entrance of such a magnificent site is unbelievable. then the fear of scams and pickpocketing is rife. a lot of scams. from photographers to souvenir sellers and even the restaurants. then talk about the red fort… all these have to be looked into.
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
Extreme corruption in every place, poor hotels extorting high charges, dishonest people trying to loot tourist have made India a hell for foreign tourists. Otherwise nature has gifted several attractions to India.
First we have garbages dumped in all roads and anyone walking along roadside is nearly impossible. Useless BJP collected crores of money in the name of Swach Bharat Cess and looted the money. India has become very ugly in the last 10 years. Traffic is a nightmare in every city in India. No proper drainage system in the country. For every monsoon most of the cities get submerged in the rain water. No long term plan. The only plan for the PM is to sell Air India to TATA and buy 2 new Boeing aircrafts for himself. That's the only thing happened.
首先,我们所有的道路上都倾倒着垃圾,任何人在路边行走几乎是不可能的。无用的印度人民党以 Swach Bharat Cess 的名义筹集了数千万美元并抢劫了这些钱。印度在过去十年里变得非常丑陋。在印度的每个城市,交通都是一场噩梦。该国没有适当的排水系统。每逢雨季,大多数城市都会被雨水淹没。没有长期计划,印度总理唯一的计划是将印度航空出售给塔塔航空,并为自己购买两架新的波音飞机,这是唯一发生的事情。
Just my observations and my opinion if it counts, India has their own ways of living they preserved their customs and traditions, you'll find the most intelligent people in India we don't hear about the good sides for some reasons but those other countries mentioned are being promoted and the media doesn't show their bad sides, Indian people are not as cunning as people let say in the Philippines. In the Philippines people are deceitful they are manipulative that's their nature whether they're poor or rich, so you won't know what hits you until you've been hit, so beware. Unlike in India, you're on your guard because what you see is what you get.
I have travelled a lot in Asia I will never return to India as a white man. Every corner of every street in Jaipur and Delhi there are opportunists, scammers, men they are very clever and even when you book guided tours you cannot avoid Them. The culture towards tourism of very dishonest and you get lies to all the time. This is not just my view, but other Australians I have spoken to.
First thing that hits any tourist in India is the chaos and the filth….litter and rubbish everywhere. Don’t they even make an effort to clean up?
Even india can’t be a retirement country, since cultural differences and lots of restrictions on food, meat, cloths. Open love is a taboo and even Nikki’s are not allowed in beach. If we wear pervert stare like anything. Horrible sometime to walk alone in india. However thailand,philipiens and Vietnam is awesome in all these sense
I visited Bangalore a number of years ago, and stayed at The Taj West End hotel across from the race track. It remains my best overseas trip of all time—more memorable than my subsequent visits to Tokyo, Singapore, London, etc. I love the mix of scruffiness and elegance of the city and country in general; I love how the refined and unrefined coexist in harmony.
It’s a hard slap on the face as Indian but can’t deny any point in it. But the infra has become much better in recent years
In 2007, I overheard our school principal say that her friend was asking her to join them in their trip to India. My school principal said, “India is stinky.” I was young and thought “what a racist, ignorant, uncultured b***h.” I've always wanted to visit the Taj Mahal.
16 years and many travels later, I now understand what she meant. Traffic in India is horrible. There's too many people everywhere going in every direction, all shouting and talking animatedly. The food, while amazing, when mixed with scent of sweat in the hot humid weather, can get nauseating to the untrained nose.
Nonetheless, there are many admirable things about India and its people. It's always good to experience new enviroments and immerse in different cultures.
What stops me, as a tourist, from going to India is the way local men treat solo female tourists. You don't see as much news about female tourists getting raped, harrassed and scammed in other tourist destinations.
2007年,我无意中听到我们学校校长说她的朋友邀请她和他们一起去印度旅行。我的校长说:“印度很臭。” 我当时还年轻,心想“真是个种族主义者、无知、没文化的混蛋。” 我一直想去参观泰姬陵。
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
in honesty, it’s depending on what you want to see from your visits. i’ve been travelling around asia part, china, japan, india, taiwan, malaysia, indonesia, myanmar, thailand, laos, vietnam, cambodia and a few others, each individual country has its own charms to offer. it’s difficult for me to say this country is better than this country. though if i have to pick my favourite, without a doubt, japan is the best out of them all. that said if i have to revisit, india would be my top of the list. in spite of its chaotic, dirt and grime, the country has so many things to offer in its own right. in some respect, it’d be a real shame to loose this side of characteristic. life is so down to earth and so much to explore from north to south, their cultures are different from one another. its way of life, food, religions, bright and colourful ceremonies throughout the country are one must experience in one’s life, not to mention many of its forts and ancient temples. they’re simply majestic! this term of “incredible india” says it all in every aspects. i kept returning to india four time during my travels and spent the most time, 6 months, out of them all. there’s so much to see and explore, will most definitely go back soon enough.
my advice, visit india with open heart and see it beyond your comfort zone, its dirt and grime. explore different part of india, you’d be appreciated more the value of life from the experiences.
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
I have been to India several times on business in 1990s. My view on India not being popular is:
Overall it is hot everywhere. I dont mind hot climate as I live in HK and know what hot means. But the first impression India gave me is not enough air conditioning, it is stuffy. There was not much wind (I went to Mumbai, New Delhi and Calcutta).
Good hotels difficult to find. I know Oberoi, I stayed there but otherwise it is difficult to find acceptable or decent hotels.
Taxis are the Ambassador cars - small and crampy. Poor impression to tourists and business travellers. Wonder how come India did not have other better more comfortable cars. I have backpacked to many countries, rich and poor, and never expect the small Ambassadors taxi. It makes one wanting to get out as soon as one gets in.
I wont travel on Air India again after my first and last experience. It somewhat smells. Service is OK. The lights seem inadequate. Why? It gives people a poor impression to be in a cabin with inadequate lighting. In other airlines, the lighting is good, seats are comfortable. I dont expect Air India to be as good as JAL or Cathay (at that time) but it falls short of my expectations. Recently news said some passenger on flights in India was bitten by scorpion and news said rats had been sighted in the past. To me, that is nightmare.
Public transport is terrible. I saw a boy trying to get on board a bus by holding onto the railings. I thought he is almost like committing suicide as who knows when he could not hold onto the rail further on exhaustion of his strength and when the bus turn around the corner. So I do walking most of the time.
I had travelled on Indian trains. It was crowded and I was standing at a corner of the train. I know India’s population problem but the jam pack experience is something not tourist like. I dont find Japan’s jam pack experience annoying but find it annoying in India.
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
I also have the unfortunate experience of finding my shoes gone after going into a temple (I have to take off my shoes at the door and place it outside of the temple). That is a very bad impression on tourist. Am I going to wear shoes of another person so that the person finds his shoes gone?
The above are the negative impressions left on me. Overall, to me, it is the cow dung, atmosphere, public transport. Otherwise it is OK.
I dont worry so much about water as many tourists have this concern. I drink bottled water , water waiters serve me, and boiled water. Food is OK.
It's almost three decades now. You could give it a try again. The change will amaze you. But somethings may not have changed!
Cow dung on street is intolerable. I have stepped on dog dung in America before, the most modern country in the world, but it was just random. People herd their dogs on side walks and irresponsible to let their dogs poop on the side walks but like I said it is random.
India should not allow cows wondering around the city’s roads. That’s very primitive.
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
Indonesia is very popular ? I don't think so as Indonesian. Because everyone just only know Bali and that's all, the rest other of Indonesia are not favourite tourist obxt for foreigners.
So far only Malaysian and Singaporean mostly will discover another parts of Indonesia. The rest other will only choose Bali or at least Lombok as their tourist destination.
Sorry to mention these. When I was in India in the early 70’s I was shocked on arriving in N. Delhi and the Jaipur. The smell of cooking oil, cow dung and horse dung made me sick to the bone. People were pissing on the roadside. Beggars were abound and swarm you if you look foreign.There were flies everywhere and drinking unboiled water would caused diarrhoea. The railway was havoc where even their toilets are filled with passengers. Imagine if you need to pee or poo. India has some beautiful and historic place to visit, but its environment does no seem conducive for an ordinary tourist. I hope things have changed by now.
Originally Answered: Why is India not as popular as Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Phillipines, etc for tourism in South East Asia?
I don't know if I'm qualified to answer your question, but I give it a try.
My background: I,ve been working with tourism most of my adult life in Norway and Sweden. I've been to most countries in western Europe, and have spend in total around 30 month in India all together. So I havn't been to any other South East Asian country, so I don't have hands down experience with them.
Almost every friend or people I spoken to in Sweden or Norway have been to Thailand, and they kind of like it, some more and some less. Not so many have been to India.
But I think we should ask ourself why we want tourism, as an income to the country or just that they come here and explore the beuty of the country, people or sites?
If the answere is the nations economy. Then it's interresting to compare tourism in Sweden and Norway. Norway is much more famouse for it's scenic beuty - one of the most beautifull countries in the world, and they get about 3 times more tourist then Sweden, but Sweden actually earn more money then Norway on tourism. Less pay more.
While in Sweden, pretty much the same type of tourists come, but here they take in to a local guest house, eating their local made food, and enjoy their local entertainment. And paying for it!
So if we take a look to Thailand compare to India. Most of my friends take a two - three week trip to Thailand during the winter, they buy a cheap all inclusive trip, so that they know exactly what it will cost, then of course they have some extra money to spend. But they live in that hotel, eat at that hotel, buy a sightseeing from that hotel, and the hotel is probably owned by somebody who is not paying taxes to Thailand, who also employ people from Banglades, who is cheaper to hire then Thais.
While, when I'm in India, I stay in an Indian owned guest house, eat at an Indian owned hotel,
So as you picture, my view is not on the numbers of tourist, but the impact they have on the local economy.