Do Indians eat pigs?

Do Indians eat pigs?
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Depends on religious origin and the demographic of the province they are living. My friend grew up in Calcutta as a Christian but refuses to eat Pork because she grew up with Musli.... I know many Catholics refuse to eat pork either to pay respect to Muslim or Jewish neighbours or they believe to follow the Old Testament. They will also avoid pork if they live in a Muslim majority province as this will be literally offending the Musli... and diners may even be bullied or attacked. Hindus have varied sects from Non veg to vegans. The non veg often eat pork and the Sikhs opt for it as well. India is all about who is the majority in your province and how to keep everyone happy. Individual rights is still not recognised on a wider cultural practices so although one may not oppose eating pork, one may avoid it completely.
Yes. American Indians really love bacon, ham, pork chops, pork roast, etc. It is great tasting food. Everyone should try it and not be restricted by imaginary instructions from some invisible old white man in the sky.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
What are the best tips for essay writing?
If you want to write better essays, it’s helpful to understand the criteria teachers use to score them. Instead of solely focusing on the grade you are given, focus on how you are being graded and how you can improve, even if you are already getting a high grade.
Development of Your Thesis
A thesis is the essence of your paper—the claim you are making, the point you are trying to prove. All the other paragraphs in your essay will revolve around this one central idea. Your thesis statement consists of the one or two sentences of your introduction that explain what your position on the topic at hand is. Teachers will uate all your other paragraphs on how well they relate to or support this statement.
Strong Form
A good essay presents thoughts in a logical order. The format should be easy to follow. The introduction should flow naturally to the body paragraphs, and the conclusion should tie everything together. The best way to do this is to lay out the outline of your paper before you begin. After you finish your essay, review the form to see if thoughts progress naturally. Ensure your paragraphs and sentences are in a logical order, the transitions are smooth so that the paragraphs are coherently connected, and that your body paragraphs relate to the thesis statement.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Just as your clothes express your personality, the style of your essay reveals your writing persona. You demonstrate your fluency by writing precise sentences that vary in form. A mature writer uses various types of sentences, idiomatic phrases, and demonstrates knowledge of genre-specific vocabulary, all the while ensuring the writing reflects your authentic voice.
Conventions include spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and grammar. Having lots of mistakes suggests carelessness and diminishes the credibility of your arguments. Furthermore, because most essays are written on computers these days, there is a lower tolerance for spelling mistakes, which can easily be avoided with spell-checking tools such as Grammarly. Beyond spelling, Grammarly can also help to weed out other major grammatical errors. Follow up with a close reading of your entire paper.
Support and References
Finally, your teacher will examine your resources. sext information from reliable websites, articles, and books. Use quotes and paraphrases to support your ideas, but be sure to credit your sources correctly. Also, always remember that copying five consecutive words or more from any source constitutes plagiarism. If you are concerned about unintentionally quoting your sources, Grammarly Premium offers a plagiarism detector so you can always double-check your work.
The grades you get on your essays are important, but you can never improve your writing if they are the only things you consider. Focus on improving your essays’ overall structure—the thesis development, form, style, conventions, and support. Learning to master these five elements will cause your scores to soar!
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You are perhaps confusing Hindus with Moslems.
It is *beef* not pork that practising Hindus are required not to eat.
“Hindus who do eat meat, often distinguish all other meat from cow meat (beef). The respect for cow is part of Hindu belief, and most Hindus avoid meat sourced from cow, as cows are treated as a motherly giving animal, and can be considered like another member of the family.”
It is Musli..., who are forbidden by the Koran (their holy book) from eating pork.
Why are pigs being ignored in India? Can we feed them healthy food? Can't they deserve cleaner surroundings? What can we get from them?
Pigs are not ignored in India they are just free , yes some of the people see them as a filthy and gross animal but it's quite an opposite. Pigs play an very important part in ecosystem they eat al most anything even leftover , vegetable peels, decades food etc, so pigs are not filthy .
Yes we can feed them good food to them I always do everyone should.
Yes they deserve cleaner surrounding but for that we as humans we should stop throwing our Dirt here and there, we throw our waste in drains, roadside , empty plots all most everywhere .
What we can get for them? I am assuming you are saying about the meat trade I am totally against it not only it's unethical against culture it's against to nature. They already doing it for free which we never asked for keeping clean our surroundings.
We all should go against the illegal trade and consumption of pork meat.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Is pork prohibited to Hindus?
There are different rules for different people in the Dharma Shastras - not one rule for all. So it depends on whether one has been initiated with the Upanayana ceremony or not.
If one has been initiated and is officially a “dvija” i.e. “twice-born - then the following rules apply:–
A twice-born man who knowingly eats mushrooms, a village-pig, garlic, a village-rooster, onions, or leeks, will become an outcast.
Note that the proscxtion is for “village” pigs and cocks - the legal question is whether “Jungle” pigs (wild boars) and cocks are edible or not.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Why don't Hindus generally eat pork?
Many Indian Hindus eat pork, particularly in the states of Assam,Manipur, Tripura, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh, as do Hindu non- locals and migrant workers in Nagaland, Meghalaya and Mizoram.
Pork is the favourite meat of a large part of the population in Assam . Many lip smacking recipes are available to the pork aficionado . These include pork cooked in banana leaves, pork with mustard greens, pork with colocasia , pork cooked in tamarind pulp, pork with roasted tomato and potato, pork with sesame seeds and Bamuni Gahori ( pork) - authentic Assamese style pork curry.
While some dishes are available year round in restaurants state- wide, special recipes are on offer during the Magh Bihu festival in mid- January in community celebrations.
Jadoh is one of the most loved culinary specialities of Meghalaya patronised by foodies from the entire North East.
While tourists opt for the Jadoh that is cooked in pork or pork fat , locals also enjoy eating ‘Jadoh snam’ that is cooked in blood, giving the dish an unique flavour and complexity.
Meghalaya also has a number of other pork centric delicacies , such Doh Neiiong ( Pork with black sesame seeds), Doh Khleh ( pork salad), char- grilled and wood - smoked pork, pork liver curry , which are savoured by tourists, guided by local and outstation taxi drivers, from small eateries and road side stalls , found all over the state.
A delightful pork salad - also called pork bharta colloquially - Wahan Mosdeng - is Tripura’s pride and joy. The dish goes equally well with rice as it does in sandwiches and wraps as a stuffing.
Also upwardly mobile Indian Hindus who live in or vacation in Europe,Australia and USA, absolutely adore their German sausages, blood sausages,bacon, ham and salami served at breakfast in leading hotels.
虽然全邦各地的餐馆全年都有一些菜肴,但在1月中旬的Magh Bihu节日期间,社区庆祝活动中提供了特别的食谱。
虽然游客选择用猪肉或猪肉脂肪烹饪的Jadoh,但当地人也喜欢吃用血烹饪的“Jadoh snam”,这道菜具有独特的风味和复杂性。
梅加拉亚邦还有许多其他以猪肉为中心的美食,如Doh Neiyong(黑芝麻猪肉)、Doh Khleh(猪肉沙拉)、炭烤和木烟熏猪肉、猪肝咖喱,游客们在当地和外站出租车司机的引导下,在全邦各地的小餐馆和路边摊上品尝这些美食。
一份令人愉悦的猪肉沙拉——通俗地说,也叫猪肉沙拉——Wahan Mosdeng——是特里普拉邦的骄傲和满足之物。这道菜和米饭搭配很不错,就像三明治和包馅一样。
Can Zoroastrians eat pig?
The flesh of swine is not mentioned among the most universal traditional Zoroastrian dietary taboos.
Among the explicitly forbidden meats are mentioned especially the flesh of human and of monkey (the ban on cannibalism and on the eating animals which are very similar to humans), the flesh of dog, the flesh of otter, the flesh of fox and the flesh of unclean creatures – reptiles, amphibians, insect, parasites, worms, scorpions, rats, carnivorans. Among the birds especially the flesh of vulture, raven and owl are forbidden.
(Note: While a dog and a fox are technically carnivorans, they are not deemed to be unclean unlike the other carnivorans, so they are mentioned separately. They are forbidden not because of uncleanness, but because they are not supposed to be eaten.)
This list mentions probably the most universally widespread ancient traditional Zoroastrian dietary taboos (but is not necessarily completly exhaustive). The rejection of pork by (some) Zoroastrians could be possibly rather the influence of Islam.
Did you eat your pigs?
There was no other reason to keep pigs around. Pork salted well in barrels before refrigeration, and of course smoked pork bellies became bacon, one of the best reasons to live during a cold winter in an isolated location.
In the Eastern Ontario countryside you may still happen upon the odd large, cast-iron pots about three feet in diameter and comparable depth. Traditionally this implement was for the manufacture of potash from collected ashes from wood fires and large-scale timber burning. When the demand for chemicals in the British Empire died down, these pots boiled sap into syrup in spring, watered livestock during the summer, and in fall boiled water to scald the recently-butchered pigs.
A brief immersion in the hot water made it much easier to scrape the bristly hair off the dead pig, as most cuts, including bacon, involve leaving the skin on the finished product.
Pigs provided lard for cooking, as well as about half of the meat in a normal rural diet over the last century in rural Ontario.
Is it possible to combine the Western culture and Hindu rites?
Absolutely possible - the only difficulty that I have encountered is the inability of most westerners of whatever ethnic origin, to sit on the ground. Youngsters today are incapable of sitting cross-legged for a couple of hours, and all Hindu rites are conducted on ground level. Nowadays the couples use stools and in some cases chairs. even conducted on the dining room table!! Most priests have also shortened the rituals to suit the attention span of the hosts.
Western culture contributes more dignity and honour to Hindu rites through its self-discipline, consideration and respect of others. Hindu rites conducted in a largely Indian Hindu context are noisy, hectic and chaotic affairs with everyone talking over each other and the louder the priests chant the louder the congregation chat amongst themselves! People rarely gather on time and some people bring offerings when the ceremony is finished. Even the participants themselves pay scant attention - worrying more about the guests and their dietary requirements than about the ceremony and its transcendental significance.
Even grand functions like weddings are similarly treated with disrespect
When there are a larger number of westerners in the audience the Indian guests are much more subdued and sometimes even silently respectful. Hindu rites conducted in western cultural settings are more pleasurable and meaningful.
Hindus have so much to learn from western culture in relation to performing their rites and rituals and even the maintenance of temples and ashrams. Seriously! Which westerner would have dinner served during a wedding?