Chinese boy lifts ladder to save dangling grandmother
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
很赞 ( 6 )
The grandma passed down the strong genes to her grandson. No wonder why the kid can lift that ladder by himself.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Yeah the Grandma has great grip strength for her age!
Grandma looks like could do some pull up
The ladder seems to be a lumber. It's not that heavy. Whats so amusing about it is the kid to quickly pick up the ladder and help. Most 4 year old would've run away yell for help
Picking up a ladder like that isn't hard
That grandmother also had a lot of strength. ��� What a smart and brave grandson too!
How is this family so strong?! The boy and especially the grandmother! Holding on to a 90 degree ledge like that, for so long is seriously hard and painful. Even for a strong guy. Seriously, I respect this family.
They are super heros incognito. She had to dangle so cameras wont see her fly down
Lol that would not be a challenge for a strong guy to hold on for that period of time, stop exaggerating.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
It's actually much easier for smaller individuals to hang, than for big strong guys. Little extra weight makes a big difference.
Its called eating rice instead of fast food everyday. We could learn from them lol
Because we Asians eat vegetables and not cheese with everything. Americans will even eat cheese smoothies cheese ice cream cheese cakes.
One word: adrenaline.
Asian diet be diff, if it was an american diet thing would end up different.. ;)
Don’t let the word grandmother fool you. She isn’t that old, and she may be doing hard chores everyday so she is fit. Btw they never said she is the grandmother of this kid.
The kid kept yelling grandma, and I guess not everybody understand Chinese.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
People not in the west tend to walk to places, and use their hands and muscles more often, making them physically stronger than people in the west.
Why not just let go? She's like three feet off th ground
It's called Hysterical strength refers to extraordinary displays of human strength, typically prompted by a life threatening situation. One of the most commonly cited examples is a mother lifting up a vehicle to save her trapped child. Well done little one.
I don't even think he understood the danger. He didn't look like he was panicking. The grandma was a different story.
He looked too chilled so I will disagree to say its hysterical strength he would be able to lift more but anyway he did an amazing job
This is exactly what's called "hysterical strength". When someone you really care about is in mortal danger, your body will push you beyond your limits to protect and save them.Props to the kid, dude's a hero love from fr
It was pretty impressive for both of them for sure, but she wasn't in mortal danger being about 4 feet off the ground
Strong grandma with strong grandkid. This video is so touching
Grandma has such strong upper body, the boy is also pretty strong for his age.
She hung on for exact 40 seconds that's a pair of strong arms if you ask me.
Asian perks.
She may have been an athlete when she was young....it has nothing to do with being asian I am asian.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
she was like only half a meter from the ground, and if she had hit the ground naturally, nothing would have happened.
@Birb you obviously haven't hung around old people much because otherwise you would have known how fragile their bones are. A fall like that could definitely break either her hips or her legs or both. My late 70 yo grandpa slipped and fell when he was taking morning walk, he hit his head and ended up having to be hospitalized for 2 weeks.If you are 20 yo something then yeah against half a meter fall the worst that could happen to you is twisted ankle but not for old people.
I would only last for 5 seconds
Respect for Grandma's little hero
actually its a reverse video
His parents raised him well.��� Plus, his desire to saves his grandma boosted his strength.
This video shows the strong bond between the grandma and the boy, absolutely adorable!
She is ridiculously strong for her age
I love that she laughed when her feet touched the ladder ��� such a sweet moment between a grandma and grandson. That’s going to be a cherished memory
This video testifies the fact that wisdom and power are not determined by age.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I can't imagine how could 4yrs old boy could lift up the wooden ladder like this. Amazing! Moral of this story, everything can be done if we have the determination
It’s incredible that she was able to hold on for that long. It isn’t as easy as it looks. Try it yourself. I love that she laughs after the ordea
We need to take a moment to appreciate the grip strength that old woman has
Very important tip, always have someone hold the ladder even if it seems pointless. It wouldn't have happened in the first place if they did that. Glad everyone's ok !
The way he holding the ladder after making sure it doesn't fall, melts my heart
The kid must've observed how to lift a ladder before but to recall that knowledge and use it in a pinch is still impressive.
I couldn't stop smiling while watching this. Cute brave boy and really strong Grandma.. Considering how hard should it be for such toddler to lift a ladder like this..
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
grandma is stronger than most people my age, i almost thought she would do a pull up not to mention the little boy!
I love watching these kinds of videos, they brings me some joy in these dark days.
This little boy knows what he was doing! He's smart. He lifted the end first and slowly moved to the middle so that he can lift it easily.
Both of them are amazing. The grandma to be able to last that long holding for dear life; and the boy, only 4 y.o to be able to lift that ladder all by himself. Strong genes indeed
This little hero brings me so much joy! He is being brought up well...
Such a sweet moment. This what the world needs.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
The boy even understood to go to the other side and hold the ladder to keep it stable. Wow
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I don't know if i can hold on to that ledge for too long. this family is extraordinary.