Does the USA have 24 hour electricity and water supply throughout the year?译文简介
Does the USA have 24 hour electricity and water supply throughout the year?
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
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Here in the United States we take this for granted. I live 12 miles (roughly 20km) from a small town in Wyomng, in what most people would consider an undeveloped or near wilderness area. Yet we still have uninterrupted power. We have a well for our water.
It really surprised me that when I got out of Beijing in China into a smaller city, we only had hot water certain hours each day.
Then when I went to India, I was surprised how often the power was off.
I never experienced these outages in Europe and did not expect them in Asia but apparently, not every in enjoys uninterrupted power and water services.
In the US, is there a constant electricity supply for 24 hours throughout the year?
The United States is a very large place. I can only answer for myself in general. My power has only blxed off for a few seconds a time or two in the past year or so. A two hour outage happened a few years ago. It is not unheard of for power to be off for days and even weeks if the storms are bad enough. These range from hurricanes along the coast, tornadoes, wind, lightning and even snow storms have all made life difficult at times for the rest of us. An occasional reckless driver has interrupted power for some people in the past as well.
Yes. Nearly 100% of the US (and by that, I mean well over 99%) has access to electricity and water 24/7/365. There are isolated areas of the country that do not, but generally speaking, if you live anywhere near a city, town, or rural community, you have both.
The electric and water grids for the country are also very reliable. Barring a natural disaster, such as a hurricane or tornado, or damage to the wires leading to one's home, electricity is almost never unavailable, and even then, outages typically last a few minutes. As just an example, I have experienced one electrical outage this year (as of September 2014), and it lasted roughly 30 seconds during a heavy rainstorm. Water is even more reliable--the only time I've ever had a loss of water access was due to pipe repair, and that's usually not done on an emergency basis (i.e., people get plenty of advance notice to plan for a few hours of inconvenience).
Yes, almost universally.
Any disruption in the supply of electric power or running water is most likely due to local failures in the distribution network, rather than supply limitations. These failures are most often caused by damage from weather (high wind, ice storms, etc.) or other unpredictable damage (trees falling, car crashes).
For a typical suburban or urban residential electrical supply in the USA, I would estimate it is between 99.999% and 99.99% reliable (between 5.26 and 52.6 minutes per year of downtime). Water supply is probably even more reliable, because the supply pipes are better protected underground, and there are fewer catastrophic failure modes. Of course, a brief interruption in water supply would likely go unnoticed by anyone not immediately using the water; electric lighting and computers, etc. make electrical failures more noticeable.
In China, is there constant electricity supply for 24 hours throughout the year?
I turned to my Chinese friend and asked. This is the conversation.
Me: When was the last time you lost electricity
Her: Lost electricity? I don’t understand.
Me: When was the last time that the government stop supplying electricity.
Her: When?
Me: yes.
Her: The last time they need to fix something. They cut the electricity. Fix it.
Me: When was that?
Me: Burnt? …
Her: [looks up on phone] short circuit. But this is very rare. Did you forget to pay the electricity? forget to pay for your light at home so now the lights don’t turn on.
Me: No. Nothing like that.
Her: Then why you ask.
Me: No reason.
Her: I think the last time was in 2005. do you know why? Too many people turn on their Air-Con and there is not enough electrcity. So the government build more power plants. Do you know __________. It is very famous.
Me: (doesn’t reply. too busy typing up this answer)
Her: Three gorges hydro electric…
Me: Three gorges dam. In English it is just called “three gorges dam”
In America, is there a constant supply of electricity for 24 hours each day throughout the year?
Originally Answered: In America, is there constant electricity supply for 24 hours throughout the year?
I have lived in the US for more than 30 years. I can only speak for my own experience. In that 30 years, I have lost power less than 10 times. Each time, there was usually a thunderstorm or some sort of natural weather that caused the outage. Each time, power came back in less than an hour.
As others have stated almost all Americans have constant supplies of water and electricity. Because of this, when there is an interruption, many people have a hard time dealing with it.
I live on the coast of Long Island Sound. After Hurricane Sandy came through we were without power for close to three weeks. After a couple of days the grocery stores reopened but with minimal generator power they were only able to sell staple goods that did not need refrigeration.
Many people evacuated and stayed out of the area until power returned.
We had a small generator and made out okay, but I suspect someone from a country where power is normally intermittent might have wondered what all the fuss was about.
In America, is there a constant supply of electricity for 24 hours each day throughout the year?
For the most part, yes.
10+ years ago, there was a storm that caused a glitch in the system and some large parts of several states lost power for as long as a week. It was considered a national disaster.
There are regularly thunderstorms, snowstorms and hurricanes that take out power in certain places. These storms happen less than once a year, power is out for typically less than 3 hours, and it only happens in maybe 10% of the states.
In very high temperatures, some of the warmer states have brownouts because so many people are running air conditioners. These only last during the hottest part of the afternoon, and only in a small number of cities, and usually only for a day or two.
All of these problems are because the United States is really big and there is always a storm or construction somewhere. Most people only see about 5 minutes of outage per year.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Of course.
However, I have impression that US have more and longer electricity outages due to extreme weather than European countries. This may be because of simply more extreme weather, and because of smaller portion of distribution network being underground (big country). But still, that amounts to at most few hours of outage per year on average.
I guess that water supply is even more reliable, even in drought hit areas like California.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
If the United States lost all electricity for 24 hours, what do you think the aftermath would look like?
Northeast blackout of 2003 - Wikipedia
This blackout covered about 45 million people over large parts of the Northeast and 10 million in Canada and lasted several days not 24 hours. My area was blacked out 4–5 days.
Lots of things happened obviously, check the wiki, but it wasn’t a catastrophe. Gas stations didn’t work. Industries that had their own cogeneration got shut down too, including autoplants.
People adapted to no traffic lights pretty well, taking turns at major intersections, traffic was lighter because most businesses had to just shut down. After several days I drove about 50 miles to find a working gas station.
Just 24 hours would be much milder than this. More than a week or 10 days would start to get much tougher. It would have been much worse in the winter.
"In 2011, Americans experienced a combined 104,406 hours of power outages across the country (4,435 incidents), up 67 percent in just three years. Our 6,400 power plants and 18,150 generating units have about 99.97 percent reliability. The dark time equals about 26 seconds per day, every day – enough to cost businesses and families billions each year, from lost productivity to melted ice cream."
Source: North American Electric Reliability Corporation
Apparently we only get 23 hours, 59 minutes and 34 seconds of power per day.
Outages not from shortages but everything from weather and vandalism to broken equipment.
How is the quality of life in Canada compared to Germany?
I grew up in Germany and lived in Canada for a few years.
I’d say the quality of life differs a lot. Not in terms of “good or bad”, but in terms of how life actually is in the many details that define the experience of living.
Your home in Canada will be of much lighter build than your German home would be. Houses, to me, always seemed flimsy in Canada, built from materials and in techniques Germans would not employ on their quest to build things that qualify for the slogan “my home is my castle”. Timber frx construction with weatherboard is very common in Canada, whereas Germany still banks on bricks and concrete ceilings. But Canadian homes are often roomier than German ones, and the heating is much better.
Your car in Canada will come from the somewhat limited pool of available models on the North American market. After some initial excitement over the many cool American cars I had never seen before, it dawned on me that many of the more progressive and interesting cars available in Europe simply don’t feature in Canada. You are stuck with pretty mediocre, automotive stodge. There is a whole class of interesting, small Mercedes-Benz, BMWs, and Audis that never made it to North America.
Your work will feel more gentle than in Germany. The underlying high pressure and hard words spoken in German work contexts are mercifully absent in Canada. You may feel at times that people are less effective than in Germany at work, but it’s a price I personally am happy to pay to have a pleasant working day.
Winter features more prominently in Canada. In Germany, winters are mild and spring-like these days, but in Canada, you need to factor it into your clothing and driving much more.
When I returned to Germany after a few years of living in Canada, I was overwhelmed by the variety, sophistication, depth, breadth, and loveliness of the offers of the man-made world.
Canada charms with wilderness. Germany charms with the built environment.
If no one is working in the United States, how will we get water and electricity?
The old-fashioned way, of course. You've got a couple of foolproof options. They worked for centuries before anything resembling modern-day utility companies ever came into existence.
Rain dance. Get a couple of big-ass barrels and whatever buckets and drums you can rustle up. Then get some eagle feathers (symbolizing wind) and some polished bits of turquoise (symbolizing rain). Spin clockwise at a slow and steady pace, chanting as you do so (singing “Let It Rain” by Eric Clapton works too). Don't forget to raise your hands to the sky occasionally to persuade the rain to fall. Inside half an hour you'll have all the fresh water you need, I guarantee it. Any problems, take it up with the Great Spirit.
Animal sacrifice. Once you've finished covering the roof of your house with as many lightning rods as you can practically fit up there, put a big slab of rock in your backyard, find the biggest and fittest-looking goat you can track down, cut its throat, and let it bleed out on top of the rock. Then pray to the gods to send you fire. The thunder gods will hear your devout prayers and strike your house with as many lightning bolts as are necessary to fill up the high-capacity batteries stored in large banks in your basement and connected to the lightning rods by thick insulated cables. (If a handsome shirtless man with an irrational fear of birds shows up at your door with a burning torch, tell him there's been a mistake and send him on his way.)
And there you have it! Post-apocalypse water and electricity, brought to you by the power of prayer and interpretive dance.
雨舞。找几个大桶,随便找什么桶和鼓。然后准备一些鹰的羽毛(象征风)和一些抛光的绿松石(象征雨)。以缓慢而稳定的速度顺时针旋转,一边旋转一边念诵(唱埃里克·克莱普顿(Eric Clapton)的《Let It Rain》也可以)。别忘了偶尔向天空举起双手,说服雨下下来。半小时内你就能喝到你需要的淡水,我保证。任何问题,都可以向伟大的神灵提出。
动物献祭。一旦你用尽可能多的避雷针覆盖完房子的屋顶,在你的后院放一块大岩石,找一只你能找到的最大、最健康的山羊,割开它的喉咙,让它在岩石上流血而死。那就祈求诸神赐火给你。雷电之神会听到你虔诚的祈祷,用足够多的闪电击中你的房子,这些闪电足以填满你地下室的大容量电池,并通过厚厚的绝缘电缆与避雷针相连。( (如果一个英俊的光膀子的男人非理性地害怕鸟,拿着燃烧的火把出现在你的门口,告诉他弄错了,让他走开。)
What would happen if Canada stopped supplying electricity to the USA?
It would be a very bad situation for everyone involved.
If it happened suddenly the northeastern United States would be in turmoil. Imagine what the lives of 30M people would be like without electricity after 7 days. Massive food spoilage, civil unrest, no internet :). The world's financial markets not available. People would start dying.
The US government would consider this a major national security event and react accordingly. Expect military action.
If the stopping of electricity was announced with notice, it still would be a major crisis, with rationing until the US was able to reconfigure its power grid and infrastructure.
Canada would be in a world of pain as well. Hydro Quebec, Manitoba Hydro and BC Hydro are billions and billions of dollars in debt. Without export revenues, they will go into bankruptcy beginning a chain reaction of governmental financial meltdown.
Thankfully this isn't going to happen.
加拿大也将陷入一个痛苦的世界。魁北克水电公司、马尼托巴水电公司和卑诗省水电局(BC Hydro)负债数十亿美元。如果没有出口收入,它们将陷入破产,引发政府金融崩溃的连锁反应。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Do you regret moving to Perth?
Been here twelve years and have seen a couple of ups and downs in economic cycles. There was no train line to Mandurah when we arrived so saw that develop, open and flourish. The train line north has also been making its way further as the years have progressed. Roe highway has become a bit of a political football but in my view is a missed opportunity for WA and could have been accomodated with environmental sensitivity. A few weeks after emigrating we headed down to the local mall to find it closed on a Sunday which was a rewind to the late seventies when people still did their personal banking on a Saturday morning, quaint but inconvenient. I was pleased coming back from a weekend away to see WA’s wonderful wildflowers last Sunday to see the car park at that exact same shopping mall almost full to capacity. Not all is good, the price of coffee is annoying as is a beer and the price of a meal out compared to eastern states but overall the quality of life is good especially when you add in Perth’s good facilities like good roads, fantastic bike paths, numerous clubs and facilities, fantastic parks and kids play equipment as well as the Swan and Canning Rivers that are the focal point of my daily commute. As a migrant do I regret moving to Perth? Based on my personal experience, the answer is no regrets.
Do you get 24 hours water supply and electricity where you live? If no, then why not?
Yes, I do, live in the US where clean water and electricity is in abundance due to a fairly massive electricity grid as well as vast amounts of plumbing for delivering clean water throughout the whole country continuously. I’m happy I grew up in a fairly large first-world powerhouse of a country. And if a certain section of the electrical grid needs to be shut down? No worries, just re-route the power around the nonfunctional section even if it has to take a slightly longer path to reach its destination. If it fails due to damage, backup generators take over and supply the electricity needed to run essential systems until the grid is back up and running again. Clean water is supplied in one of many ways in the US, either with the help of utility companies, naturally as snow up in the mountains starts melting and the resulting water is ran through a purification system to make it safe to use, or water is collected from the oceans and desalinated and purified. If there’s a drought, no worries, the US is prepared for that by conserving and recycling water by any means necessary.