What is the most interesting thing you learned today?译文简介
What is the most interesting thing you learned today?
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Let me quickly summaries
I was driving yesterday late at night and suddenly one old lady walking down the road fainted and 3–4 of us stopped our vehicles to help her out.
None of us knew each other, none of us knew her. But all of us wanted to help her out someway. Since it was quite late, no auto or cabs were ready to take her to the hospital. The old lady was dizzy, she couldn't recall where she wanted to go or where she was coming from.
We were all trying something or the other to help her reach home, but nothing helped because she couldn't recall anything. All she knew was couple of names and a street name which was quite vague.
We gave her water, basic first aid, called the ambulance and were trying to calm her down.
Now it was 5 of us and a cop, desparately trying to help the old lady. Within few minutes we heard the ambulance coming, got her on the ambulance. She was very nervous and scared. All of us tried to pacify her as a son, grandson and etc.
Once she get off and i started towards mah home- I realised humanity still exists and it just takes a second to realise that. Five random people, coming together for one lady.
We had nothing to differentiate us- caste, race, religion, language, nothing. Just humans coming up for each other.
This is the society we live in or atleast we wanna live in with Peace and humanity ??
Was scrolling down my quora feed when i read some exceptionally brilliant and powerful quotes and sayings. Here are some of those :
Greed is good.
He who laughs last, laughs best.
If you are good at something, never do it for free.
If you kick me when i’m down, wish that i don't get up.
If everything is coming your way, then you are in the wrong lane.
The only hindrance between you and your goal is the same bullshit thing you keep telling yourself that you can't do it.
There is no nobility in poverty.
Death of one is a murder but death of millions is a statistics.
Don't stop when you're tired. Stop when you are done.
You are allowed to scream, you are allowed to cry, but don't give up.
If not us, who? If not now, when?
Stop wishing. Start doing.
Past :
It was always my childhood bucket list thing to solve Rubik's 3*3 cube. Whenever I used to visit my grandfather during my summer holidays, he always bought me a cube only because I wanted to learn very badly how to solve it completely. (I used to solve only one color back then). He used to get all sizes of cubes not even bothering about the prices. I stacked up all the cubes which he brought for me. And I have never learned till now.
But this week, I gifted myself a Rubik's 3*3 cube for my 24th birthday and I decided to solve it completely. The most interesting thing I have learned today is solving the Rubik's cube. I wish I had my grandfather to share with him how excited I was when I have solved it today(He passed away in 2015).
What is the most interesting thing you learned recently?
I always thought trees grew by pushing up out of the ground, in the same way that:
Hair grows out of our heads.
Fingernails grow out of our fingers.
Toothpaste comes out of the toothpaste tube.
They don’t. I was completely wrong.
And I don’t know how I never realised I was wrong about something so basic.
It’s easy to prove.
If you nail a bird feeder to a small sapling a foot from the ground and then wait a year - how high will it be?
A foot from the ground.
And if you wait another year - how high then?
A foot from the ground.
And how high after 500 years when it is a mighty oak tree?
In fact - I read up on it and it turns out tree branches aren’t even connected to trees - they are separate pieces, finely interlocked together like dovetail joints on a table, or lego bricks stuck together.
You know those knots in trees? Those are tumors. Trees get cancer too - but it doesn’t matter to trees. The cancer cannot grow or spread .
It’s not like the hair growing out of your head. It’s like making a tower of bricks. Or building a snowman. Or a sandcastle. Or burying your dad in sand on the beach. The tree is the sand you pile on top of him.
And that last thought made me have another thought - one which utterly blew my mind.
We are the same as trees.
We think we do because of our fingernails and our hair.
But fingernails and hair are the dead bits of us, like the bark on a tree. They are dead cells being pushed out of our bodies.
The living bits of our bodies do not grow like this. They grow over and around.
And that means: I am still a seven year old boy. Just like an oak is still a sapling.
But inside me there is still a seven year old boy.
Which is why I have stopped recognising myself in photos, and mirrors shock me. And I have started to notice all people over 30 act like this.
It isn’t self-image issues, I don’t care, I look fine, it's just… that isn't me.
So I realised that when very old people say in that mystified, slightly desperate way, as though despairing of ever being able to really convince anyone…
‘I'm 93, you know… 93. I was born in 1925. But it’s so strange. I still feel like a little kid inside, I really do. . I can't be 93… honestly, deep down I still feel like a kid…’
…we think they are fishing for compliments and tell them they look so young for their age and how there is still lots of life in them yet and how they put people half their age to shame.
But we aren't listening properly. We are missing their point.
They aren't fishing for compliments. They don't care about all that. They stopped caring years ago.
They say they feel like kids because they are kids.
That is a kid talking - a kid trapped inside an old man.
What is one interesting thing you learned today?
That when there’s a quality item manufactured: there’s always someone somewhere who is refurbishing and recycling these quality items.
Today we’re taking our old nearly broken down Fisher & Paykel NZ made washing machine to a guy who is selling us a refurbished one of these fabulous, no longer in production, machines. And he’s going to use our old one for parts to refurbish more of these awesome washing machines.
I so appreciate the people who refurbish appliances like this.
What is one interesting thing you learned today?
I randomly made researches about allergy to acarids and it could explain so many things, like why I have a cold all the year, why I happen to wake up several times at night because I can’t breathe, why I’m always tired, why dust makes me sneeze so quickly, the occasional dizziness because of sleep deprivation, and it probably makes me more subject to stress as well.
I had a pack of 15 tissues packets last Wednesday, today’s Tuesday and I have two left. I don’t know how many times this caused me to bleed because I blew my nose too much. At this point I even wonder whether I really had eczema because of stress or if it is irritation because of dust. I actually got my skin irrirated by dust several times. The doctors I saw for that supposed eczema were perplexed that it was only on the back of my hands, I’m supposed to finish the second treatment tomorrow but it always comes back and it lasted for more than six months already.
It reminds me that my eyes happened many times to be irrirated for no obvious reasons and no one seemed to know why it was.
At the same time, I learned there are thousands acarids in every textile that feed off of your dead skin and leave their waste in dust, and dust is like everywhere — how disgusting is that? This fact alone makes me think being a human being is disgusting and insects are probably cleaner than us because they don’t have those acarids on them.
I woke up from twice to four times each night since last Monday and I’m so totally exhausted. I felt dizzy on Saturday and almost stumbled. Today, someone told me I looked tired and another one that I looked sad. Well, fuck acarids.
Edit (March 11, 2020): One month and a half ago, I saw an allergist and was diagnosed with an allergy to acarids.
What is the most interesting piece of new information that you just learned today?
That vanity has a wierd twist of irony in it.
Warning, content further ahead not suited for those who might get grossed out easily.
I have a friend who sells LPG (Liquid Petrolium Gas) wholesale to clients. If you don’t know that’s the kind of gas you use to make a gas fire.
Anyway, he was telling me about this client who buys quite a lot and regularly. What does the clients business do I ask? So he explains.
This client, buys waist food from all the restaurants in the area and a few other places. It can’t be the kind that lies outside. So he buys this and it comes to his factory where it all gets shoveled onto a large / wide conveyer belt that moves very slowly.
At a certain stage and through a process they are seperated / removed from the food waist and put into huge pots filled with boiling water (This is where the gas is needed to boil the pots of water).
The maggots are boiled (sterilized), rinsed, dried out and ground into pulp.
Here comes the interesting part - want to know who buys the maggot pulp?
The pharmaceutical industry, why? To make make-up of course!
It turns out maggots are high in a specific type of protein that makes a very effective and non reactive base for certain types of make-up.
While chemicaly there is absolutely nothing wrong with this - it just has a wierd irony in that people may be putting make-up on to their faces, eyes, lips to look pretty while the make-up is made-up of well, maggot protein.
它被放进一个干净的房间,与其他东西隔绝,在这个房间里有一种特定的苍蝇(就像你可能在垃圾里看到的那种),但更特定,是专门培育的。 这些苍蝇在已经腐烂的食物里产卵。传送带现在仍在缓慢移动,移动到另一个封闭的房间,在那里幼虫(蛆)被允许孵化,并吃一些它们繁殖的食物。
What is the biggest life lesson you have learned this year?
It was midnight and my phone started to ring. It was my boss. I got anxious. “Did I make any mistake during the work hours?”, I said to myself and picked up the phone.
“Hello Krishna, sorry for calling you at this time. I need a quick suggestion.”, he said.
“Sure, is everything ok?”, I enquired.
“Today I met a young girl at a social event. She said she has brain cancer and might live for another 5 years at max.”
“Oh my God.”
“I suggested her to forget everything and live her life to the fullest and asked her to do whatever makes her happy. Was my suggestion right?” He asked.
“Yes, that was right,” I said
“Not at all,” I replied.
“I can sense that you want to say something. Be frank, buddy. I have always treated you like a friend.”, he insisted.
“Are you waiting for cancer?” I asked him gently.
“What?”, he said, visibly shocked.
“Do we need to get cancer to live our life to the fullest?” I added. My boss went silent. I sensed that he is listening.
I continued and said, “Don’t you think that we are so busy with our lives that we have forgotten to live? We are so busy that cancer is giving us wake up calls?”
“OMG! Yeah, that's so true.”, he said loudly.
The conversation continued for another half an hour. My humble request to all of you is that…
What is the most important thing you have learned in life?
The Art of Communication
When someone asks, “How are you?”, don’t reply the same cliched terms like fine, amazing or awesome. Instead reply “Somewhere between better and best. What about you pal?”.
“So what’s the craziest thing you have done lately?”. This is a question which helps me stir up an otherwise boring conversation. Use it when you have no topic to discuss. Works like a charm.
If you notice a person using a certain word again and again, compliment them by saying, “I really like the way you use the word ‘fill it'. It suits your tone”.
If you get a call while having a conversation, use the simple words, “Excuse me. I really got to take this. Please give me a minute”, rather than just rushing away with your phone.
People love to hear their name. Use it whenever possible. Replying with “Yeah sure Alex. I will take it buddy.”, instead of “Yeah sure. I will take it.”, would seem more appealing.
As I mentioned in my other answer [1], try to replace “sorry” with “thank you” in certain situations. For example, instead of saying “Sorry for being late”, you can say “Thank you for waiting”. It sounds more diplomatic.
如果你注意到一个人一次又一次地使用某个词,那么可以赞美他们,说:“我真的很喜欢你使用‘fill it’这个词的方式,它适合你的语气”。
Fill your conversations with real-life stories. “Even I experienced the same. The other day I visited our grocery store and”, continue. It helps to keep the conversation funny and more lively.
Involve the listener to your conversation too. When you are done talking, continue with, “So what’s your opinion on that?” or “Did anything similar happen to you?”.
And when the end of the conversation is near, don’t use the same boring, “Okay see you then. Bye”. Spice it up with, “Anyway, I don’t want to monopolize all your time. It was great talking to you. Hope we can catch up more often.”
These little effective tweaks has helped me to spice up my way of communication in daily life conversations.
Feel free to post any query or any suggestions in the comments. I might add it up in the answer later.