Democracy under threat? Germany shaken by far-right plot | DW News译文简介
Democracy under threat? Germany shaken by far-right plot | DW News
原标题:民主受到威胁? 极右翼阴谋动摇德国。
In a large-scale raid, German police targeted dozens of individuals from the far-right Reichsbürger scene who were suspected of planning a coup. What kind of movement is this — and what threat does it pose to democracy?
在一次大规模突袭中,德国警方锁定了数十名来自极右翼Reichsbürger(德意志公民)集会的人,他们被怀疑策划政变。这是一场什么样的运动? 它对民主构成了什么样的威胁?
在一次大规模突袭中,德国警方锁定了数十名来自极右翼Reichsbürger(德意志公民)集会的人,他们被怀疑策划政变。这是一场什么样的运动? 它对民主构成了什么样的威胁?
We hear from Till Steffen, a member of the German parliament for the Green party; Journalist Tobias Ginsburg, who spent months living under a false identity among Reichsbürger groups; and Lorenz Blumenthaler, a spokesperson for the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, which works against right-wing extremism in Germany.
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Did they actually think their coup would work, that the rest of the country would just accept them? I'm genuinely curious to learn more about this plan because I don't see how it could work.
他们真的认为他们的政变会成功,认为这个国家的其他人会接受他们吗? 我真的很想了解这个计划,因为我不知道它是如何运作的。
they wanted to seize the opportunity first corona now war and inflation when the domestic political situation is stable such people have even fewer chances. ps it's just about making a ruckus
It's an old problem. As these groups become more and more extreme, they become more isolated. They lose any sense of how far removed they have become from society as a whole.
You would have to also beat the national army.
Germany does have a army I hope?
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they just want attention
@@Crashed131963 yes they do lol
@@Crashed131963 是啊,确实,哈哈。
@@budgetking2591 And police as well.
@@budgetking2591 还有警察。
There's always someone who thinks they can ice skate uphill.
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Some make it to the top.
Dear Germany, I'm an Australian and I know hamburgers were major success and they are bloody delicious, but rice burgers are a bit extreme.....♂️
Stay peaceful ✌️
亲爱的德国人,我是澳大利亚人,我知道汉堡是一个巨大的成功,它们超级美味,但大米汉堡(Reichsbürger-rice burger)有点极端了.....
but we need to expand our market reach to asia as well, everyone is doing it!
@@user-xh4nb8gw3d you want to expand to the east?
Remember how that worked out last time Germany tried?
@@user-xh4nb8gw3d 你想向东方扩张?
I'll stick with the hamburgers.
@@JanChrissD yeah, you sucked it of its resources and left
@@JanChrissD 是啊,你们吸干了它的资源,然后离开了。
@@JanChrissD As if this is exactly the same as 80 years ago. That’s so lame…
@@JanChrissD 就好像这次和80年前一模一样。太差劲了……
We have riceburgers in Korea and I'm telling you they're pretty good. But I agree riceburgers made in Germany can't be that good.. This is quite a shocking news.
Rice burger is a common fast food staple in the Philippines.
@@phoenix5054 buy 1 take 1
@@phoenix5054 买一送一。
Who the f*** failed in art School this time?
Good joke!
Olaf Scholz.
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I can't believe I'm living in 2022 with all the crazy things happening
Hang on ,it's fixing to be a very bumpy Ride,just the beginning
Someone hasn't read their European history.
....calendars do not control people's behaviour....
Dont assume that because the world is seemingly modern and faintly civilized that extreme events cant happen. History shows major world events happen in waves and Its precisely these relatively peaceful periods where things pop off.
Every century will have this.
It's precisely the fact that so few people were expecting these "crazy things" that made them possible.
you actually live in one of the most safe and peacefull times in history.
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So many questions. What was the plan after they stormed the building? Was Germany going to submit to their ruling order? How were they going to fight the US/NATO forces nearby? What the actual f-*?
很多问题。他们冲进大楼后的计划是什么? 德国会屈服于他们的统治吗? 他们将如何与附近的美国/北约部队作战? 究竟是什么鬼?
Yeah, granted I don’t know much of the details but I can assure you these guys didn’t put much thought into any of those questions
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They were going to create a new German military command structure to replace the old one. My guess, though, is that they were more like the January 6th people in that things were not well thought out.
they saw how NATO humiliated itself in Kabul and thought they would defeat NATO, and they probably would.
@@unconventionalideas5683 To put it mildy. They had no idea. I also think that we are soon to dicouver that there are strong lixs to the Putinistas of Moscow and the world that saw a opening trying to test the strenght of an elected democracy
@@unconventionalideas5683 委婉地说。他们不知道。我还认为,我们很快就会发现,俄罗斯与莫斯科的普京主义者和世界有着密切的联系,他们看到了一个试图测试民选民主力量的机会。
@@duncansmith7562 Germany is in NATO
@@duncansmith7562 德国是北约成员。
“All you need is a taste for violence, and a dream!”
@@casper6014 "It Can't Happen Here!"
@@casper6014 “不可能在这里发生!”
@@duncansmith7562 There is no possible metric you can use to suggest the coalition forces were offensively bested by the Taliban
@@duncansmith7562 你无法用任何指标来表明联军被塔利班打败了。
@@anthonym8395 how about the billions of dollars worth of Coalition weaponry now in the hands of the Taliban? Or did the coalition fly out of Kabul with billions of dollars worth of Taliban sheep and goats>
@@anthonym8395 塔利班手中价值数十亿美元的联军武器怎么说? 或者说联军是带着价值数十亿美元的塔利班绵羊和山羊飞离喀布尔的?
Things will likely get interesting once the authorities start going through emails, text, etc.
I finish a video from Peter Zeihan talking about trade and economic conditions very similar to the 1930s, with him emphasizing that those of us who have studied those times know how that worked out. I look at my feed from DW and see this. That’s enough internet for the day.
Oh I hear you there buddy!
Some of the things happening these days are like watching a Hollywood action movie!
I saw Peter’s video, as well. Iran already sent a suicide drone into an oil tanker a few days ago. Many of Peter’s predictions, many pre-COVID, are coming to fruition. No wonder he’s hunkered down in the mountains of Colorado.
Yes, we all know how that worked out. And we can see similarities, it's a bit of an unstable period we have entered. BUT, there is also massive, massive differences from the world back then to the world we have now as well. I have listened to Peter Zeihan before, and althoug some predictions come true, we must not also forget to count all that do not, there are usually many more of those!
Seems like Germany still hasn’t gotten over its past yet.
To find comparisons between the economics of today and the 1930s is like looking at clouds and seeing unicorns. You've really got to want to see it.
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they were going to install a minor aristocrat as head of state?, why not a major aristocrat?, they weren't thinking big enough
他们要让一个小贵族当国家元首? 为什么不是一个大贵族呢? 他们的想法不够大。
If you believe Zeihan and DW i have a bridge for sale going cheap. Its over the Danube. LOL
They may be dangerous, but that doesn't stop them from being kinda silly as well. It's almost like teens larping as revolutionaries, except the guns were real.
But I can at least give it to them they have been willing to do a lot more than practical everyone else around here. That's just sit there and make excuses for poor Behavior
Are you familiar with this quote from John Carpenter director of Halloween (1978) and other classics? "In England I'm a horror filmmaker, in Germany I'm a filmmaker, in America I'm a bum."
@@divergentthg7925 action for the sake of action never leads to a favorable outcome. Don't confuse patience with inactivity
@@divergentthg7925 为行动而行动永远不会带来好的结果。不要把耐心和不行动混为一谈。
@@tefpunkt thanks for proving my point
@@tefpunkt 谢谢你证明了我的观点。
Everyone needs a hobby lol
But no gun has ever been used just cracy guys.
The big question is: what would they do with Karl Lauterbach in the back of their minivan just cracy
This is the tip of the iceberg!!! Scary. He said, "The thinking" is widespread and that cannot be contained. I am sure the Intelligence knows lot more, does not want to divulge all its cards for now. The biggest fear is this "thought" is and will be endemic not just in Germany but around the neighboring countries; it will be hard to surmount this Thinking in day and age of digital world.
I think you're exactly right. It's a worldwide issue.
Congratulations to the police and authorities who caught these nutters.
The Shultz Staffel Police . Which work for Ursula von der Liar .
Germany is so cute. They have "one" group of people trying to overthrow the government. In America, we have close to 75,000,000 people trying this every day.
Be nice if they could have a trial
USA..Watch and learn
You are a [REDACTED]
@@davidnoelfranks1124 don't insult them like that, these are more like stasi but even gayer
@@davidnoelfranks1124 别这么侮辱他们,他们更像斯塔西(前民主德国国家安全局),但更只因。
Could have waited until after the World Cup Final. Things are starting to warm up. Reminds me of the 80's when a random hooligan would storm the pitch and run off with the ball. Extremely rude.
@@davidnoelfranks1124 ..for ursula von pfizer and WEF and nazy Klaus Schwab
@@davidnoelfranks1124 ……乌苏拉·冯·辉瑞、WEF(世界经济论坛)和纳兹·克劳斯·施瓦布。
@@user-ic5ki7eh5i Now don't exaggerate XD
@@user-ic5ki7eh5i 别太夸张,哈哈。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
One question: If those extremists were taking a building, does that mean they took over the country? Sounds like a video game.
一个问题:如果那些极端分子占领了一栋建筑,是否意味着他们控制了整个国家? 听起来像电子游戏。
nobody on state media mentions this potentially being a honeypot.
sounds like the Cato Street Conspiracy, set up by the police in 1820.
It's just media, it is not as dramatic as it was
@@danesha4705 shut it yes it is, the trying to summon Ohio
@@danesha4705 闭嘴,它就是这样,试图召唤俄亥俄(?)。
This prince guy is about to write 2023 best seller in germany
Did you hear Trump is writing a memoir? .....(just kidding, he's illiterate) ✌️
你听说小特要写回忆录了吗? (开玩笑的,他是个文盲。)
Is this man a Hidden Royalty!if so ,he will gain traction and following!
这个人是隐姓埋名的皇族吗? 如果是这样,他将获得牵引力和追随者!
Will it be about his struggles?
I hope he isn't a failed artist.
@@paweekornbutrawong48 try harder not funny
@@paweekornbutrawong48 继续努力,不好笑。
Putin must feel really sad right now, more than his usual since the last 9 months.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
why? because german deindustrialization is now irreversible? why he should be sad about it?
为什么? 因为德国的去工业化现在不可逆转了吗? 他为什么要为此难过?
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@@user-jh6ec2tl9f Because all his different schemes are failing.
@@user-jh6ec2tl9f 因为他所有的计划都失败了。
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@@user-jh6ec2tl9f If you didnt notice, he's losing a war wich he intented to win in a week, so i think it's safe to say, yes, Putin is very sad, he's also dying he has cancer so he's running out of time.
@@user-jh6ec2tl9f 如果你没有注意到,他正在输掉一场他打算在一周内打赢的战争,所以我认为可以肯定地说,是的,普京非常悲伤,他也快死了,他得了癌症,所以他没有时间了。
@@mduckernz Ukraine still lost lM
@@mduckernz 乌克兰还是输了,笑死。
How do you have a coup without military backing ?
They already contacted Russia.(or tried to do so, that isn't clear to me yet)
But, that was a big part of there plan.
There already, 1km closer to bakhmut.
Almost in Berlin for reinforcements I supose
Ye it was never gonna be successful. You'd end up with hostages etc. And perhaps casualties. And then it would be ended and over.
@@marcelbruin9151 So Russia would have send their armies into Germany to help these guys carry out a coup? How shallow minded can you be to believe that
@@marcelbruin9151 所以俄罗斯会派军队去德国帮助这些人发动政变? 你能这么肤浅吗?竟然相信这种事?
@@marcelbruin9151 Russia? What are they gonna do?
@@marcelbruin9151 俄罗斯?他们会怎么做?
@@wobblybobengland Nothing, just like they're doing in Ukraine.
@@wobblybobengland 没什么,就像他们在乌克兰做的一样。
@@JBEMultimediamadrid no numnuts....Google "sarcasm" perhaps you understand my last sentence.
Fact is, they were in(or tried to) contact with Russian ambassador.
@@JBEMultimediamadrid 不,笨蛋……谷歌一下“讽刺”的意思,也许你就能明白我的上一句话。
@@marcelbruin9151 oh, got you now... I missed the second part of your comment. My bad
@@marcelbruin9151 哦,现在明白了……我错过了你评论的第二部分。我的错。
@@marcelbruin9151 Where is the evidence to your claims . Which tangible evidence do you have to lix Putin to this shenanigans. Just saying ' Putin bad so all my problems are because of him doesn't cut it.'
@@marcelbruin9151 你的说法有什么证据。你有什么确凿的证据能证明普京和这场恶作剧有关。只是说‘普京不好,所以我所有的问题都是因为他’是不够的。
@@JBEMultimediamadrid no worries.
@@JBEMultimediamadrid 不用担心。
Gruber? He was in on it. LOL.
格鲁伯吗? 他也参与其中。哈哈
If a couple years ago one of my writing students said they wanted to write a fictional story about political extremism and set it in modern Germany and come to me with this plot I would have said to change a little bit to sound less ridiculous... Whoever out there keeps challenging the universe by saying "it couldn't get worse than this", Please stop because apparently the universe is quite imaginative.
Could have been worse... homie
I had a Rice-Burger once and it gave me the most terrible indigestion. Never again.
Question - As this is the right wing, was there any involvement or backing by Russia?
Yes, supposedly they were Russian “supporters” in this, and thankfully too. Germany is only drawing itself closer to Russia the longer this war draws out also, which is great. If only it really was the end of the current coalition in Berlin.
@@DrSpartyon why didn't you comment in russian? Vranyo doesn't work here after all
@@DrSpartyon 你为什么不用俄语评论? 毕竟Vranyo在这里不顶用。
@@tefpunkt I wish I knew Russian alter, it’s a pretty language, but I had to look up that word. Lying? What I said is what was reported by another DW reporter this morning in another segment and that some of them allegedly backed Russia or have showed support.
@@tefpunkt 我希望我懂俄语,这是一门漂亮的语言,但我必须查这个词。撒谎吗? 我所说的是今天早上德国之声另一位记者在另一个节目报道的内容,其中一些人据称此事受到俄罗斯支持,或俄罗斯表示了支持。
@@DrSpartyon let's put it this way, chancellor scholz once said he sees the AFD (right-wing party, where one politician came from from the Reich citizens) as a stooge for russia.
@@DrSpartyon 我们这么说吧,德国总理肖尔茨曾经说过,他认为AFD(右翼政党,其中一名政客来自帝国公民)是俄罗斯的傀儡。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
@@DrSpartyon The AFD is also observed by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution
@@DrSpartyon FD还受到宪法保护办公室的监督。
@@habakuk2504 interesting. I actually didn’t know that. Thanks for letting me know.
@@habakuk2504 有趣,我还不知道呢,谢谢告知。
Or the US as well
"It's a way of thinking that spreads at a rapid pace" - so very true. It is extremely concerning.
I feel a big LOL for guys with such plans
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Some of those were members of KSK (special forces unit of German army) and also one was a very experienced police officer, a woman was deputy in German parliament (i.e. she can enter parliament without security check even if she carries weapons with her. And she can bring anyone into the parliament without security check)
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I feel a big LOL for democracy
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Is it November 8-9, 1923 over there? It seems like this has happened before.
现在是1923年11月8日-9日吗? 这事以前似乎发生过。
Can’t wait for the upcoming best selling novel by this prince dude
Hey you caught them before the coup good job Germany.
History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce.
And the west talks about Russia The west needs to worry about it's citizens
So they gonna reconquista all non europeans?
@@affluentbigslime6651 what does that mean
@@affluentbigslime6651 这是啥意思?
@@PuppyRage it means you need to pick up a book sometime and read it
@@PuppyRage 意思就是你需要多读书。
An age old problem. The police and military, who are trained in the use of force, attract those that may be far removed from democratic principles. They need to be policed and learn to recognize and vet out the threat from within its ranks.
I am really depressed about this, the Reich's Burger always had the best french fries. (couldn't resist)
Mmmm nothing burgers…
I preferred their Hamburgers and Frankfurters.
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Currywurst sounds worse than a Reichsburger they thought.
Bürger, not Burger! First means a Citizen, 2nd is to eat
是Bürger,不是Burger! 前者意思是公民,后者才是食物。
yep they fries French the best with their panzers the fourth reich
@@nonamegirl9368 didn't know that, learn something new every day
@@nonamegirl9368 我还不知道呢,每天都有新知识。
Maybe Heinrich XIII. Prinz Reuß should have aimed to become a Bürgermeister instead of a Burger King.
(I'll show myself the door now )
They really trying to do this again?
Is it just me or does Reichs-burger sounds really tasty?
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I find the whole thing to be distasteful.
they are very tough to chew and often leave a foul brown stain - wouldn't recommand.
Sounds dry really.
They may have had a half-baked coup plot, but I can think of another rebel who started the same way...
You know what they say?
Third time's a charm!
fringe groups never fail to amuse.
There are always people who are right wing extremists etc. We have those minorities of extremists here too, going around the city once in a while driving around screaming about crazy stuff. They’re seen as the crazy ones and not one pays them any attention. And they aren’t a threat at all here. Their value is rather old fashion and it rather cringes people. It’s very surprising that in the West, right wing extremists seem to be a major threat in their society.
There are like 100 of them out of 80 Million and they got them all.
There are realy more Real threads
In my mind it would habe been more usefull if police would do somthing against the Real problems in this country with the same "force" like they did here Bit they are Looping away
That was a small attempt - let’s say a tryout for a prelude to never again
If they’re like the American Q demographic, they pose the biggest threat to Walmart scooters.