Why was France so Ineffective in WWII? (1940) | Animated History译文简介
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I find it interesting that after centuries of being a feared military power throughout the world, one war changed the French reputation.
They suffered among the worst in the Great War, casualty wise and the fact that so many of the battles on the western front were fought in their territory. Many of the leaders didn't have the stomach for another war and, combined with the problems outlined in the video, led to the French soldier being ridiculed. But as Napoleon said - there are no bad soldiers, only bad generals.
@Feddy von Wigglestein Russia lost 2 million soldiers in the Great War, and then another 1 million in the civil war, but russians kept fighting, and Great Britain too. French soldiers know how to fight, but french politicians really suck and generals too...
俄罗斯在一战中损失了200万士兵,在内战中又失去了100万士兵,但俄罗斯人坚持战斗,大英帝国同样也是如此。法国的士兵知道如何打仗, 但法国的政客和将军真的是糟糕透了
The difference is that the Bolshevik government does not give a damn how much people they lose, the French government cares for its people
@Feddy von Wigglestein You could say the same thing for Germany yet they did amazing during the Second World War.
@VuHien2011 French Empire population
114,386,572 people. France had colonies colonies provided raw materials such as lumber, iron, and food + African manpower.
@Richard Ides food? Are you kidding me? The colonies do not even have enough food for themselves, so what do you think you can import to France? The French eat bread, not tapioca...Population? Because you think that the Africans are going to help design and build tanks, cannon and planes?
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
@VuHien2011 No, resorces to create tanks cannon and planes. France was in better position then Germany when it comes to resources. Germany was dependent even in peacetime on external sources for an adequate supply of oil + lack of rubber (for truck tires).
this is where we disagree. the French would have fought as hard as anyone if it was worth it. But, a combination of luck and mistakes from the French made the situation unsalvageable. When the Germans were already at the gate of Paris, it was the end. No point to continue fighting. A country continued to fight with the capital in the hands of the enemy? So don't put the blame on the French. Actually, nobody can beat the Germans besides US.
American propaganda
One war? Although WW2 was by far their worst performance, it was not the only one. The period of france military domination ended after Napoeleon and in the three wars with Germany since then they always failed. In the Franco Prussian war, they thought they could beat Germany and then their King became captive, their army got destroyed and their capital was besieged. In WW1 they could hold a stalemate bit only against half of the german army and with british support and then of course WW2 came and destroyed everything what was left from their former reputation
We all heard jokes at the expense of the french . However we also must honor the french soldiers who fought hard. It's not their fault their leadership was incompetent
We should remember that, in WWI, nearly one in four young Frenchmen died fighting. I would never, ever underestimate them.
Sure, America lost in Korea in 1950s, then lost again in Cuba in 1960s and Vietnam in 1970s. It looks like it's going to lose to Afghan Taliban very soon. The French did not continuously lose so many wars.
@Marc Bachelet I get what you are saying. But their is a big difference between backing out of a limited conflict and surrendering your country to an enemy.
Mark Bellows 1st no one won the Korean War it ended in stalemate 2 Vietnam was very different with it being a guerilla war that the Americans were not prepared for 3. The wars in the Middle East are also different with the taliban not being a country being a organization so they are spread apart and impossible to make sure they are all gone in a area also France lost tin Vietnam as well
@Sean Gardner France occupied Vietnam from 1880s to 1960s. They changed Vietnam's written language and architecture.
actually it is there fault that their leadership was so crappy. it them themself who vote the leaders.
@yia01 the military is not democratic, so... no.
I think blitzkrieg as a new concept took every country by surprise. Ussr held on because of its depth and manpower. If ussr was a country as small as any other European country, it would have succumbed like France, Yugoslavia or Greece.
Many leaders at the time thought USSR was gonna be eaten in a week.. But the size of the country, and its climate..
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
The USSR held on because you simply can't blitzkrieg through Russia.
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The German army almost reached Moscow, and they would have if Hitler didn't insist that the northernmost army group travel south to assist the southernmost army group.
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The heroic French rearguard action at Dunkirk allowed Britain to rescue its army, without which they could not have continued the war. The French problem was that their Generals were inept.
Yes, but they made so many mistakes.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
It was not only generals. The politicians kept cutting military budget and ignoring the German threat.
It was BECAUSE of France that Dunkirk happened, they couldn't defend their country, ignored British Generals advice and stayed on the Maginot Line. Because of this decision, Germany cut in and flanked. Forcing Britain to retreat.
@Goth Elvis Dunkirk happened because BELGIAN surrendered !
A lot of the French army was rescued as well.
Simplistic view on the Maginot line. It was actually quite effective: it prevented a direct German attack on the industrial heartland of France, and bought time for the main French forces.
The main causes for the French defeat were:
Very poor military leadership, Weak counterattacks against the German spearhead, compounded by poor logistics, lack of training of tank crews, poor tank design (one-man turrets...)
+Luck on the German side!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I agree but I don't think it was luck for the Germans but better tactics and equipment. The problem with the French is that they were still fighting with strategies of the last war and failed to think outside the box like the Germans did. Imho
The only goal of the Maginot line was to force the Germans to attack from the north, in order to be able to concentrate the Franco-British defense on a slightly smaller line, so as not to disperse the French army too much. And this goal has been perfectly achieved. The main mistake was to neglect the Ardennes forest. And once the Germans got around the French army, the battle was all but lost.
the Maginot line was to expensive and with all the money that would be save by not building it, france would have more tanks, better tanks, more plane, better plane, and maybe could have adpoted a more modernise strategy, so germany would have lost