Why do most poor people remain poor?译文简介
Why do most poor people remain poor?
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Thank you all for your upvotes, comments, and shares. I wrote this essay as an example of the level and kind of difficult discussion required to solve problems in our country.
Original Answer:
The best answer to why do most people remain poor is an experience I had.
My state, Oregon, is a little like the rust belt because the forest industry collapsed. No, it is not because of environmental laws. Instead of milling the logs here, they closed most of the mills and sent the raw logs to mills overseas for pennies per board foot.
Some mills closed because there are only 10% of the old-growth trees remaining.[1] Younger third growth trees require computerized mills with digital saws to be profitable. The investment in automation and upgraded equipment saves the few remaining mills still in business.[2]
一些木工厂被关闭,因为只剩下10%的老树了。较年轻的第三年的树需要配备数字锯的计算机化木工厂才能盈利。 对自动化和升级设备的投资挽救了为数不多仍在运营的木工厂。
Someone challenged me to help a poor woman who lives nearby get a job. A flawed piece of legislation that Clinton signed, the so-called "Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act," took away her assistance. Joe Biden was the self-proclaimed architect of this law. The effect of this law was to put this family into "food insecurity," newspeak for your children will now go to bed hungry every night because you don't have a job. BTW, today 15% of families in Oregon have food insecurity, including 194,070 children
So, what does 3rd generation of unemployment look like in a rural state? Here is the situation. There is a request for help from the local church by a mom who needs a job. This family is a couple living with their three young children living in rural Oregon.
有人向我挑战,要我帮助住在附近的一个贫穷妇女找到一份工作。克林顿签署的一项有缺陷的立法,即所谓的“个人责任和工作机会法案”,剥夺了她的援助。乔·拜登(Joe Biden)自称是这项法律的设计师。这项法律的效果是让这个家庭陷入“粮食不足”的境地,现在,你们的孩子每天晚上都要饿着肚子睡觉,因为你们没有工作。顺便说一句,今天俄勒冈州15%的家庭存在粮食不足,包括194070名儿童。
1. Dad, who is an abusive drunk, gets up every morning at 11:00 AM, goes to the small market, buys a six-pack of tall beers, drinks them, returns home, yells at the kids, and often proceeds to beat up the mom. Then he sleeps in the afternoon and goes to the local bar in the evening.
2. Mom has no driver's license because Dad wouldn't allow her to get one. The family lives in a rural area about 3 miles from town, so transportation is a problem.
3. Mom only has pajamas for clothes.
4. Mom is not a dummy, but she is like 60% of the people in her community, a high school dropout; she has no job skills.
5. Dad will stop Mom from applying for a job by beating her in front of the children.
6. There is no one to take care of the kids because, well, we are going to get rid of Dad.
There is the argument that helping this family enables them to be what they are. There are children involved, and this is not your alcoholic uncle. How do we, as a community, help these children? Also, remember that the unemployment problem here in Oregon is a self-inflicted wound because our country ships its use of labor overseas. The big employers in the wood-products industry are the mills that moved offshore to enhance profits. The mill towns are a lot like the Rust Belt in the midwest. The government that incentivized offshoring work started during the Reagan era should be responsible for fixing what they destroyed, which are families like this one.
Please think about this situation from the children's perspective. They have never seen a parent get up in the morning, dress correctly, and go to work. For the children, the situation is normal. There is a good chance the little boy will follow in his Dad's footsteps because Dad is the role model. The little girls, like their mom, will likely get pregnant at 16 and drop out of high school.
The family is one example of how the cycle of poverty works, but it is not the only one. Do you see the problem?
We get assistance for the family while mom trains for a job skill. We can also get financial help for job training, but there are tremendous obstacles:
Getting support for Mom requires regular visits to the state unemployment office. Job training is going to require Mom to get a driver's license and a car. Children need more child care for this.
It takes twelve volunteers and numerous state and county agencies to get mom into a situation where she can go to school and feed her children. She hasn't even got a job yet. Maybe this will be a success. It's up to Mom now to simultaneously work two or three jobs at minimum wage just to pay for the child care, but she will get her assistance back.
Of course, the critical thinking by our illustrious politicians in Washington DC was that the "Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act" would force the family into being "responsible," and into taking care of themselves. On what kind of delusional bizarre planet do these politicians live? The law passed by Congress and signed by Clinton was a political act only and not meant to improve situations.
Imagine what kind of resources it would take get the Dad responsible? He's not going to do it himself. People who think this situation will remedy itself are the problem.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I am writing this answer based on the conversations with the young girls who stayed in my house to look after my child.
Poor people earn on a daily basis. Once they are back home in the evening, they spend their whole day earning on food and drinks.
If they earned a little extra someday, they will mostly use it for the next day and won't go to work.
Men in most families (BPL) drink a lot. They snatch their wife's money also who work as domestic help in several houses.
Poor people don't believe in savings. They barely have an account in the bank.
Also, they don't know how to make money with money. Since most of them are illiterate, they don't understand the investment. Hence, they are incapable to earn more through an investment.
Also, their belief system is different. They believe more family members will help to earn more. Hence, they generally have more children. But the consequences are opposite of their belief.
In India, the government too doesn't have proper plans, education and training for them. Here, everything is for the vote. Two times meals in the school are not going to bring change as the children go to school just to fill their stomach. Teachers in these schools are highly incompetent. They are also there to fill their stomach, not for the children's welfare.
Thank you for reading.
Stay Calm!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Growing up in a more modest upbringing, the biggest factor that I can say is simply the cycle.
The only people I knew who went to college were my teachers and doctors.
Everyone I knew was struggling with the same things.
I didn't know anything else. I didn't realize that there was any other way people lived, because the only thing I saw in real life were people like me. Everything else existed in the movies.
When I got to be 16–17, my teachers didn't ask me if I was going to college. They asked which colleges I was applying to. And, to my surprise, I got admission to all five.
When things got stressful and I had to make tough decisions, I didn't have anyone to ask. No one I knew had been through these experiences. I had to figure it out on my own.
Breaking a cycle is hard and it takes an immeasurable amount of work to dig yourself out of the circumstances you are born into.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Past weekend I was out with my friends on a long weekend drive.
I was driving and meanwhile we all were having discussions on different topics.
One of them(Lets call him ‘A’) mentioned that his family is shifting to a new, bigger apartment as he was getting married to his girlfriend the next year.
The township which he was moving into was built by one of the reputed builders of the city.
One discussion lead to another and I mentioned how the developer/builder of that township was about to make a fortune.
I usually avoid talking about finances but my curious business mind just did a rough estimation of the amount of money the builder would make and I told my friends about that.
Here is how the conversation went:
Me: That project is just huge, the builder will at least make a profit 500 crores out of the project.
and there was a pin drop silence in the car for a few seconds.
I regretted making this mistake of speaking my mind and I knew what was about to happen next.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
‘A’: Those people are thugs, the kind of money they use for such projects is black money and and is mostly earned by illegal means.
He went on blabbering about how it is impossible to make such huge sums of money unless you do something illegal or shady.
I nodded my head the entire time and decided not to argue and I suddenly brought up a new topic to stop this discussion.
This was not the first time I heard something against the wealthy people.
I’ve had plenty such experiences with many other people as well where wealthy people are heavily criticised.
This is why most people will never become rich.
You might say that people who make large sums of money do it via illegal means but that implies that you are telling yourselves that you cannot make a lot of money unless you commit a scam or a crime.
People who think this way not only harm themselves but they also harm others by spreading such misinformation.
Such people have kids and propagate the same mindset to their kids as well.
The kids when grow up pass it down to their friends and the endless cycle continues.
Belief my friends is the most powerful tool in the world.
If you believe in something, not matter good or bad, it will eventually come true for you in your life.
Hence it is very important to believe in the right things.
I sense a possibility that if a single person can do something great then so can everyone of us.
When I see a tall building, a flourishing business, or a huge commercial premises ,it gives me a sense of hope and inspiration. I become aware of the opportunities around me.
When I see someone doing better than me I feel happy, because it makes me aware of the human potential.
How belief logically works:
Lets assume you are working on a huge project which has a potential to change your entire life.
Currently you are completely unaware if the project will succeed or fail.
Now, for the first case lets assume that you fully believe that no matter how hard it is ,the project will be successful at the end if you stick to it.
This belief that you will succeed will inspire you to work even harder thereby achieving success.
On the other hand, lets consider that you are not entirely sure if the project would succeed.
Due to the partial surety, you will put in partial efforts, you will hold back from working hard on the project.
Because you are not sure if the project would succeed.
Finally you are bound to fail as you have not given your 100% and what you believed in just became true.
This is how belief plays a major role in determining if you are successful or unsuccessful, rich or poor.
Hope this helps.
It’s absolutely horrible. I was 50, had recently sold my very successful car washes, had a $1MM in my checking account, the big house, kids in private school and life was grand. I was focused on growing my other business (car wash equipment sales) when the manufacturer we represented lost a client that accounted 1/3 of our business, Hurricane Katrina hit (followed by several other hurricanes), and then the great recession. I had stopped taking a salary and started loaning the company money. I was determined to work through this. I even spent my retirement in a last attempt to turn things around. Fast forward, the company was broke, I was broke, and I couldn't pay the house mortgage. I had to give up the house and shut down the business. A personal bankruptcy soon followed, and then a separation from my wife of 30 years. The stress was unbearable, and I contemplated suicide. The only thing that stopped me was that my dad had taken his life when I was 26, and I knew first hand the pain that my loved ones would bear for my actions.
The worst part is the loss of self confidence and depression, followed by the loss of “friends”. It’s amazing how quickly they disappear! I will say that two friends stuck by me. One in particular would check on me and take me out to ride his motorcycles to help take my mind off of things. I moved into a friend’s rental property and I started looking for work. I had owned my own companies since college, was a past Entrepreneur of the Year finalist, and had never really worked for anyone. At the worst, I was working at a construction company repairing equipment in their yard, collecting food stamps and living alone.
In summary, there are a couple of important lessons to take from this:
Good times don’t last; bad times don’t last.
Most of the people who claim to be your friend are only there for the good times.
Business associates that you’ve spent millions of dollars with over decades will instantly turn their back on you when the money stops.
Don’t ever stop taking care of yourself. Exercise is great for relieving the stress.
Face facts. Recognize when you have a losing hand and walk away. And if bankruptcy is inevitable, just do it. Don’t procrastinate and stick your head in the sand.
Do not EVER use your retirement money. I used mine to try and save the company, and I am now 60 years old and starting over.
Never stop believing in yourself.
If you’re poor, everything costs more, because you don’t have enough capital to take advantage of bulk buys and special offers. You can’t afford driving lessons or a car, so you pay through the nose for public transport. You can’t afford training courses. You can’t afford good clothes that last, so you have to buy cheap ones which wear out and end up costing more. You can’t start a business because you have no money to invest. If something breaks, you can’t replace it. You can’t afford to buy a house, so you rent, which costs you more and goes on costing you more all your life.