A Winter Of Anger译文简介
if you’d ask most citizens of whichever EU country if they are willing to risk being unable to feed and heat their children in order to support Ukraine and Zelensky, they would say NO. Hell no!
But that is what they’re all being pushed towards.
Food prices look to at least double from here, after they’ve doubled once already, while energy prices are set to triple or worse. And there’s no logical reason for it.
Food prices look to at least double from here, after they’ve doubled once already, while energy prices are set to triple or worse. And there’s no logical reason for it.
This is not due to some inevitable market mechanism, it’s because the west decided to halt all Russian imports after the latter’s Special Military Operation in Ukraine. All western leaders found that reason enough to cut all, or nearly all, imports from Russia. Gas, oil, fertilizer, food. Essentials. They could have been sitting around a negotiating table, but chose not to. Which only works as long as things remain sort of affordable. And then, it does not.
Problem is, they had and have no alternative to the Russian supplies of these goods (and there’s many more).
See, this is how we know they don’t make their own decisions. Those are made in Brussels and Davos, and then the “leaders” have to carry out the preconceived programs, and they will.
No elected official on his/her own would risk to destroy their own country’s energy or food safety, with elections coming up every few years. But their WEF/Davos connections have changed that “logic”. The WEF makes sure no western leader gets elected who is not a member of their club. There’s only one path to power these days.
看,这就是我们如何知道他们不做自己的决定。这些决定是在布鲁塞尔和达沃斯做出的,然后 "领导人 "必须执行预先设想的方案,而且他们会这样做。
没有哪个民选官员会自己冒险破坏自己国家的能源或食品安全,因为每隔几年就会有选举。但在达沃斯世界经济论坛他们改变了这种 "逻辑"。如今,达沃斯是一条通往权力的道路,每一个西方领导人都是由这个俱乐部的成员当选的。
See, this is how we know they don’t make their own decisions. Those are made in Brussels and Davos, and then the “leaders” have to carry out the preconceived programs, and they will.
No elected official on his/her own would risk to destroy their own country’s energy or food safety, with elections coming up every few years. But their WEF/Davos connections have changed that “logic”. The WEF makes sure no western leader gets elected who is not a member of their club. There’s only one path to power these days.
看,这就是我们如何知道他们不做自己的决定。这些决定是在布鲁塞尔和达沃斯做出的,然后 "领导人 "必须执行预先设想的方案,而且他们会这样做。
没有哪个民选官员会自己冒险破坏自己国家的能源或食品安全,因为每隔几年就会有选举。但在达沃斯世界经济论坛他们改变了这种 "逻辑"。如今,达沃斯是一条通往权力的道路,每一个西方领导人都是由这个俱乐部的成员当选的。
But these people grossly underestimate the effect that hunger and cold -will- have on their citizens. The first signs of that are visible in the protests of truckers and farmers, but that’s just a start. You just wait till the cold sets in, and the running blackouts, and the hunger. Wait till people have to feed their kids scraps from a bare table in a cold dark home.
That’s when you will see who people really are. People in the west are overfed, and lazy, and not too sharp, but wait till their kids, and their families, are truly suffering. They’ve seen the example of the farmers and truckers. Wait for people to see the lix between their own lives, and the farmers; then you will see who they really are.
In Europe, the Germans and Dutch will manage to be sort of OK, but only at the expense of poorer EU countries. And that won’t even be their main problem; that problem will be at home; their own farmers will come for them. And their poorest. Countries will leave the EU (and the euro). Hungary first to go?! In Greece, there’s already talk of rolling blackouts this winter, and they get most of their electricity from hydro. Italy is a shambles. How many present “leaders” will still be in place January 1 2023? How about June? After a winter of great discontent?
在欧洲,德国人和荷兰人将设法过得还不错,但这是以较贫穷的欧盟国家为代价。而且这甚至不是他们的主要问题;这个问题将在国内;他们自己的农民会来找他们。还有他们最穷的邻居。各国将离开欧盟,匈牙利首先要走?在希腊,已经有人在谈论今年冬天可能的停电,而他们的大部分电力来自水力。意大利一团糟。到 2023 年 1 月 1 日,还有多少现任“领导人”仍然在位?六月呢?在一个极度不满的冬天之后?
在欧洲,德国人和荷兰人将设法过得还不错,但这是以较贫穷的欧盟国家为代价。而且这甚至不是他们的主要问题;这个问题将在国内;他们自己的农民会来找他们。还有他们最穷的邻居。各国将离开欧盟,匈牙利首先要走?在希腊,已经有人在谈论今年冬天可能的停电,而他们的大部分电力来自水力。意大利一团糟。到 2023 年 1 月 1 日,还有多少现任“领导人”仍然在位?六月呢?在一个极度不满的冬天之后?
And they’re all telling you that “we” have to win in Ukraine first, and everything will be alright. But “we” have already lost in Ukraine, we did on February 24, and “we” should be talking to, and making peace with, Russia. Why are we not? Because we don’t want food and energy? The folks in Brussels and Davos will not be hungry and cold. But in other EU places they will be. And they will come to balance this thing out.
As for the US, I’m scared there too. Energy prices may not get as bad as in Europe, but food will be real bad (and how about housing?!).
And there’s this fight between two factions going on, that starts to feel like what went on before the Civil War.
I hope I’m wrong, but I feel it everywhere: Overreach.
他们都在告诉你,“我们”必须首先在乌克兰获胜,一切都会好起来的。但是“我们”已经在乌克兰输了,我们在 2 月 24 日输了,“我们”应该与俄罗斯对话并与俄罗斯和平相处。为什么我们不是?因为我们不需要食物和能量?布鲁塞尔和达沃斯的人们不会感到饥饿和寒冷。但在欧盟的其他地方,他们会的。而且他们会来平衡这件事的。
As for the US, I’m scared there too. Energy prices may not get as bad as in Europe, but food will be real bad (and how about housing?!).
And there’s this fight between two factions going on, that starts to feel like what went on before the Civil War.
I hope I’m wrong, but I feel it everywhere: Overreach.
他们都在告诉你,“我们”必须首先在乌克兰获胜,一切都会好起来的。但是“我们”已经在乌克兰输了,我们在 2 月 24 日输了,“我们”应该与俄罗斯对话并与俄罗斯和平相处。为什么我们不是?因为我们不需要食物和能量?布鲁塞尔和达沃斯的人们不会感到饥饿和寒冷。但在欧盟的其他地方,他们会的。而且他们会来平衡这件事的。
很赞 ( 2 )
And all will include the right to decide who lives and who dies...
真相总会遭到反对。有些巨魔,这些人只是不想睁开眼睛。欧洲是我们祖先的家园,所以看到这一点很痛心。 文化和人民的毁灭。我建议每个人都做一个时间胶囊,这样考古学家就会发现被放火烧掉的神奇文化。
As Americans, we have been cut from the cloth of of rugged individualism, and we best search out those roots while times are still plentiful. As global trade begins to falter we will have no choice but to be self sufficient as a community & country or fall into the dustbin of history. I for one, do not choose that path.
我们要比他们聪明:储存食物、水、弹药、药品和财富。 在一个脆弱的系统中使自己、家人和城镇变得强大。
作为美国人,我们已经摆脱了粗犷的个人主义,我们最好趁着时代还很充裕的时候去寻找那些根源。 随着全球贸易开始动摇,我们将别无选择,只能作为一个社区和国家自给自足,否则就会落入历史的垃圾堆。 我不会选择这条道路。
悲剧的是,美国和英国有投票权的公民对此投了反对票。他们投票支持英国脱欧。他们投票给了特朗普。转移视线和选举作弊使他们的常识没有得到落实。我们本来可以吱吱呀呀地混日子。但那些极度富有的人,以及那些被他们贿赂和 "做生意 "的人说不。
And regardless, so many are leftists that you cannot save the west now.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Enough research proves it all goes back to allegiance to him.
Davos、WEF、Tri Lateral Commission、Bilderburg、Free Masons、Skull and Bones、Illuminati
and a billion more we are not even aware of.
If you have read the last book the good news is God the Father Jesus and the Holy Spirit win.
HInt: the USA was NEVER meant to be a democracy, in fact it was something the "frxrs" outright feared. And, take a look at EVERY SINGLE state constitution in the USA.... tell me when you find the word "democracy" in one of those texts. Hint: it's not in any of them, nor is it in the US constitution.
"民主 "是一个有趣的词汇。为什么?这是你想要的吗?你一定知道马克思对民主是怎么说的。
我觉得美国的公民投票比大多数英国和其他地方的议会同行更接近民主。瑞士似乎在运行类似于美国的模式,也严重依赖公民投票。不幸的是,达沃斯/世界经济论坛/企业 NGO 赞助的世界各地的政客们将自己卖给出价最高的人,并腐蚀了整个系统。我将西方政治环境称为全面腐败。
Ukraine never has been a "democracy" and it certainly isn't now. It has either been one of the eastern bloc com...st countries. Either way Ukraine has always been a third world country.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Not only will food and energy prices be permanently high, and businesses dependent on cheap electricity and gas go out of business, the Davos crowd is already assessing the member countries the cost of rebuilding Ukraine - hundreds of billions of Euros!
Europe has been screwed royalty by their rulers.
欧洲人是否认为一旦乌克兰战争结束,一切都会立即恢复到战前状态? 俄罗斯会以战前的价格重新开启天然气? 西方从俄罗斯攫取的6500亿美元会怎样? 有些人在战后幻想俄罗斯会支付赔款!这是不可能的。
Russia has 'ended its association with Western Nations'.
And, if I were a Russian, I'd be keen to see those Western' peoples ground into the dust, on account of how they have behaved.
俄罗斯每次以卢布卖天然气,都在持续且非常有效地打压欧元和美元的价值。我们将看到这 6500 亿美元将在不久时间内一文不值。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Of course the people aren't happy about it but the Cabal could care less -
You have to get to the point were you can do this.
Controlled demolition using policies to destroy things on purpose was always the plan.
That way you can achieve the outcome you desire because you control the destruction.
They could never control true anarchy and chaos because they could never plan an obxtive outcome and achieve it.
Anarchy just keeps you guessing what will happen with hundreds of different possible outcomes.
1、Open North Stream 2
2、Starve and freeze your own people
The European politicians found the obvious choice to be #2