Is software development really a dead-end job after age 35-40?

Is software development really a dead-end job after age 35-40?
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Yes for many of us. I am in my 30’s, and can see that there is a tiny fraction of jobs available beyond Senior Software Engineer.
Many people in other answers have suggested one can continue beyond 40/50/60… as long as one is passionate, up to date with new technologies, and look for right opportunities(where experience is counted more).
While the above is true, We should understand that IT Industry is still new, the so far Industry was able to accommodate many past software developers into Management, Architect, CTO role.
Now this sector is dominated by youth in the age of 24–36 (+-2 yrs either side). When these people turn 40, I am very pessimistic that their aspirations in technology can be absorbed in totality. Many will still find their place, but most will be wiped out.
Anything that can be automated (at reasonable cost), will eventually be automated. Unless we see massive industrial growth world wide (which can boost economies all over the place, and increase the demands massively), I can sense only cost cutting, restructuring, and out-flux of jobs/people who are good for nothing (except 10–20%, in relation to adding value against the demand). In addition, The highly paid ones will be replaced with low paid new workers.
Definitely NOT. As a Senior Technology Consultant at Big4 firms, I have led multiple teams of Software Developers and I have seen then growing and sometimes transitioning to other careers. If I had answered this question 10 years ago, then my answer would be yes, But now the job market and employer requirements are completely different.
I have seen and supported many software developers to switch their career to other lucrative job positions like Technology Consulting, Business Analysis, and Product Management.
For techno-management roles, people with software development background are given priority over non-tech people. That’s why it is definitely possible to transition your career from software development role to any other role post 35. Today, software developers who have 10 years of work experience usually age between 35-40 years. There is two option that they can choose:
Option 2: Management Role: If you are tired of coding, no worries, you can start guiding young engineers.
a. Product Management: If you are a software developer with 10+ years of experience, you can easily transition your career in Product Management and Technology Consulting. Every tech company like Google, Facebook, Amazon, Uber, etc. need people who can lead their product roadmap and development efforts, hence product management role would be very easy for software developers to crack.
b. Technology Consulting: Companies like Deloitte, PwC, EY, KPMG, McKinsey, etc. continuously look for people with a strong technical background and basic management skills so that they can lead digital transformation projects for big global companies. In my four years of consulting career, most of the project managers were a developer at some point in time. If you are interested in learning more about life at Big4 consulting firms, check my another answer.
Let me know in comments if you agree. Good luck!
a、 产品管理:如果你是一名拥有10年以上经验的软件开发人员,可以轻松过渡到产品管理和技术咨询行业。每一家科技公司,如谷歌、Facebook、亚马逊、优步等,都需要能够领导其产品路线图和开发工作的人,因此软件开发人员很容易胜任产品管理角色。
b、 技术咨询:德勤、普华永道、安永、毕马威、麦肯锡等公司不断寻找具有强大技术背景和基本管理技能的人员,以便他们能够领导大型跨国公司的数字化转型项目。在我四年的咨询职业生涯中,大多数项目经理在某个时候都是开发人员。如果你有兴趣更多地了解四大咨询公司的生活,请查看我的另一个答案。
I would not say that engineering is a dead-end job at all. But, there are few facts to consider:
You will likely plateau with a title like Senior Engineer, or Principal Engineer for many years. If you are truly extraordinary, you might become a “Fellow,” but that is typically rare and is usually found in larger companies.
After a certain point, you will also likely not not see significant increase in compensation beyond cost of living increases or bonuses.
You’re more likely to be in the ‘burbs rather than the new hip tech company in a major city
This works for many folks who are still software engineers. I have a many good friends well into their 50’s who are still coding aways in these roles and very content to do so. What sets these folks apart is the following:
They are sagely because they’ve seen it all before
They are comfortable with having significantly younger managers
They know how to adapt and never stop learning.
The last point is key: the moment that you feel that you’ve learned it all, you’re toast. If you don’t have the capacity to continually learn new things, you should consider a career shift. The 48-year old engineer that has 20 years of Java/JavaEE experience who can comfortably jump into a Node.js project and deploy it using Docker is going to do far better than the one who is still clinging to JavaEE WAR deployment model and resisting the new tech.
Never stop learning, that is key to success in this industry.
最后一点很关键:当你觉得自己已经学会了一切的时候,你就完蛋了。如果你没有能力不断学习新东西,你应该考虑换个职业。这位48岁的工程师拥有20年的Java/JavaEE经验,能够轻松地跳入Node.js项目。使用Docker来部署它会比那些仍然坚持JavaEE WAR部署模型并抵制新技术的人做得更好。
If you work as a professional software developer on the server then you don’t have to worry too much. But if you are a front end developer, the boys will try to get you out of your job by inventing new frxworks and libraries every night
So if you want to stay relevant at that age(40), you’d either get up to speed and learn the new frxworks or seek refuge in management related responsibilities like being a lead developer or a project manager.
The jaxcript world is full of turbulence and there are no signs they want to settle down any time soon.
No. I'm 61, I develop software almost every day.
The daily grind gets difficult to deal with; meetings, interruptions, etc.
I've been doing this since my late 20s and my annual income goes up every year, so do my responsibilities.
I'm currently trying to scale back my career in preparation of retirement: then I will cherry pick the things I want to work on. I don't think I'll ever actually retire.
Physical age has NOTHING to do with it. If you are a crappy programmer, it will be a dead end job.
I am 44 years old with 15 years of experience in software development and a large team management. I feel that my career is just starting to bloom especially with the recent advancements in AI, Automation and Robotics. I have also learned that the management track is a dead end in most of the mediocre companies, you literally get dumber. Stay close to the computer science, or science in general, constantly study if you want to move between top companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Micorsoft, lixedIn, Netflix and Samsung. Invest your time in Emotional Intelligence improvement and personal brand marketing.
Let's make some (algorithmic) assumptions.
You like really to program. If not, forget it, go as quickly as possible to some boring office duties
Your skills are better than average, your part becomes really important in the enterprise software your team is doing. If not, either the manager wants you out, or simply are others better than you. Better go for boring stuff.
Time goes by and you do not get a serious offer to climb on the hierarchy of the company. If this is most what you want, including increase of salary, search for other company that might give you better conditions, but probably not for pure programing.
Your company needs System Engineers, vital to search for what to do, not how to do. You get attracted by this. Then go for it
The company finally offers you a job of Line Manager, a small bureaucrat, dealing with a sort of database that keeps the track of what has to do daily your 5-6 programmers under you. You like to be the boss of those guys, you get some minor increase, and like to attend boring meetings with other LMs. If you go for it you certainly will never write a line of code your entire life.
If you got the age you meant, I am already 55 and passed through all aforementioned career choices, and you still like and program efficiently, you should not bother. No-one fires the ones that really do the jobs, first go all the others, office boring jobs, then managers, LMs, ultimately the System engineers. You stay
"their employability starts to decline at about age 35" is generally caused by an individual not being flexible, burn out, or not developing critical design skills.
Software engineering at its core is about problem solving. Many Languages (C++, Java, Python, etc) are built on the same core principles and excel at one purpose or another.
I work with a number of "older" programmers - most are in their mid to late 40s and 50s but I have also had the pleasure of working with a programmer in his 70s. They all have expressed these similar ideas:
Programming is problem solving, planning, and execution: Most young programmers learn syntax, problem solve via stackoverflow. Senior level guys will spend 90% of their time designing their code around use cases
Syntax is just that "Syntax" but you need to fully vast yourself in one language: Knowing a bunch of differently languages syntax is nice, but you will never master the hard stuff unless you get to it. after that, you can teach yourself a new language in a short time period.
At the end of the day, you really just have to like programming and problem solving.
By the time you hit 35 you have been coding for probably 10 years after getting your degree. Most programming languages and skills last for 3 to 5 years. JCL is no longer a current language nor is Cobol, Fortran, PL/I or Algol. Structured programming hasn’t been in vogue since 1970. You have no idea what obxts are or which open port to insert them into.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
My brother-in-law Tom Padgett was an accomplished electrical engineer. For years he ran the co-op program at Auburn University. He advised young engineers that once the project you are on was doing well, look for a new project with promise and move.
That was great advice years ago. It is not solely about vita building. Expand your professional community and you will find your options expanded as well.
Due to the spectacular growth in the field, the majority of today’s developers are under 40. In a sense, today’s developers are the baby boomer kids of computing. The question is whether this group will give birth to another generation. I believe they will.
Here is a little advice. Make sure you continue to develop social and communication skills with the same determination as you develop your technical skills. Keep options open and opportunity within reach.
Here is some advice that has stood the test of time - discern good from evil and then do good. To do good, make sure you equip yourself with the wisdom described in James:
“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.”
While this may not work to get you out of a dead end job, it will lift you out of a dead end rut. There is always work that is good to do. Just don’t wait to long to give it a shot.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I don’t believe that you can’t be technical after a certain age. I am 57 and well sought after for my technical skills. I will add, however, that older people do need to keep up with health and physical fitness. Also, like ambitious young people, I do study a lot to keep up. I have completed about 80 college courses, 1500 Pluralsight courses, and can easily help my two college aged children with any subject at their university. I probably spend more time studying then most college students do and have done so continuously for 52 years .
We are smarter than you think. In many cases, older people that are in senior technical or management positions are very technical, but do not brag about it with younger people. If a 25 year old man wants to challenge me about a skill that I mastered before he was born, I’d typically prefer not to fight about it. It does not buy you anything. I can tell you that as I’m sitting listening to really young developers, I sometimes think to myself that the person does not understand the web. … or sometimes Computer Science … or sometimes math and physics. I stay quiet now at times that I would not have 20 years ago, but it’s because I have more maturity rather than less intelligence.
In summary, we all decline a bit with age, but with modern medicine, a little bit of good fortune, and some common sense, that time is probably between 65 and 70 for most of us.
Yeah, but frankly, nearly every job except Mall Santa is a dead-end job after about 40.
If you’re enterprising (which I’ve discovered how much so I am not), you take that pile of skills and use it to manage people (if you’re inclined that way), or get out of the “job” of software development, and move toward an application of the amassed skills toward something you care about— work on things that gratify you; consult— you’ll know stuff off the top of your head that younger people won’t get for a decade; get on the board of a start-up as an advisor.
That being said, I started doing software development by accident— because when I started learning to program, I just loved computers and writing code and making machines do shit. The fact that it was a dead-end job never occurred to me
I starting coding "professionally" (that is, getting paid for my work) when I was 19 and had only had a FORTRAN class up to that point. So, that means (quick mental arithmetic) I've been doing this for almost 41 years. My latest job is the very first one where I got to basically design the whole system from scratch. I'm struggling a bit now to get back up to speed with web and mobile programming, but I'm far from a "dead end" so far, in spite of being almost 60.
I have been offered "manager" jobs over the years and have consistently refused them, since I prefer to program over managing people....
But, I know colleagues who have been laid off, and are my age (or older) who are having trouble finding work ("too much experience" !?), so I see how you could get the impression that there is no future after a certain age.
But, as others have noted, I think the key is to continue to provide VALUE for whoever you're working for.