Why can’t the UK be as great as the US?译文简介
Why can’t the UK be as great as the US?
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
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Yes how could we ever reach your standards?
Your lack of healthcare, dreadful employment laws, endemic racism, lack of gun control, creationists, lack of social care, regular mass shootings, lack of paid vacation time, expecting people to work for tips rather than a decent wage. Out of control trigger happy police. Ludicrously jingoistic warmongering attitudes. A fear of anything mildly liberal. Terrible food standards. The death penalty. An utterly corrupt political system.
And all the gun toting, right wing, bible thumping republicans who think all of the above is acceptable.
We would have to stoop very low to reach those standards.
There will never come a day when Great Britain gets down to the level of counties like the U.S.
I have had the pleasure to meet many Americans and it is a great shame that they are let down by a number of their citizens who seem to think they masters of our planet.
Yes, we are a 2nd-world country now, thanks to Reaganomics.
We’re backwards, corporations have all power, and an anti-democratic fascist Party obstructs the government to the extent we can get nothing accomplished.
Too bad I’m so old or I’d be trying to move to Canada, UK or Spain right now!
“They constantly fail to achieve the low standards they set themselves”. As seen on an old school report.
One thing that has stuck in my mind a Mcdonald worker in America gets just under $8 an hour doing the same job in Europe $22 with holidays sick pay health care and so on and so on. How can a country treat its people like this working fourth hours a week they would be lucky to have a bedsit, then they have to buy food. Thank my luck to be born in the UK it has its problems but I know I will have a roof over my head and I won't starve. I won't have to miss meals to get my meds I won't be made bankrupt over medical bills
Historically we have been greater. There would be no USA without us and other Europeans. Now? We are still greater for all the things listed in the answer that we DON’T have. Agree. We would have to stoop so low to get to those standards. Who wants them? We don’t.
This is obviously a troll question because the USA is tearing itself apart.
School shootings but don't allow gun control?
Outlawing abortions for medically ill women and removal of the basic right to control your own body?
This looks more and more like “The Handmaiden Tale” everyday
校园枪击案却不允许枪支管制? 禁止为患病的妇女堕胎,剥夺控制自己身体的基本权利?
You’ve got the countries the wrong way round. Why can’t the US be as great as the UK ?
It would be far to difficult an upsetting to lower ourselves to US standards. I would suggest that judging by some of the posts on this site, if the US could raise it’s educational standards to somewhere closer to the UK or anywhere in Europe it could be a starting point.
UP: 1200
I love America and Americans, for their generous hearts. But it is difficult to imagine what minimal intellect is behind so many of the questions asked on here by Americans. What tests and measures believes that the UK need to improve to exceed the standards of the US? I find myself filled with pity and sadness, that they are so deluded. Travel a bit, outside of the US, and you may well feel acute shame and embarrassment at your ignorance of the real world. And especially it’s opinion of America and it’s inhabitants.
To whomever asked this stupid question please be aware we were always called and in my opinion should still be termed Great Britain. The US is not nor ever has been know as Great America as it?
问这个愚蠢问题的人,请注意,我们一直被称为,在我看来,我们仍然应该被称为大不列颠(Great Britain)。美国现在和过去都不是伟大的美国,不是吗?
OK, sure, it’s great that we’re great and all, but that’s not actually the reason behind the use of “Great” in Great Britain.
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
Well in fairness to Great Britain, in the course of history which other country in the world at the height of its operations could claim:
The sun never sets on its [British] Empire.
Have direct and indirect control over 1/3rd of the world population and 1/4 of the Earth’s continental crust. Not bad going for a small group of islands in the middle of the North Sea with a mainland of 600 x 800 miles.
Given that you can fit the UK three times in to the State of Texas alone, have considerable sway on world events. (Nor make a song and dance out of it as USA does)
Again given its size, the UK can be a major player in both the UN and NATO (note my comment elsewhere, that when things go wrong [particularly USA] it is UK armed forced asked to “help out” )
Next to America the biggest supplier of overseas aid both from the public purse and international Charities. Including our contribution to the UN.
We still have a “Commonwealth” where certainly in Austrailia our Queen is well recognised and respected. And given the size of Austrailia to have that level or respect, and no arrogance towards it (genuine) ally United Kingdom, So the Commonwealth Countries are I supposed a reminder of our former greatness, but still sufficent to hold the title “Great” [Britain].
We also still offer help to other countries if they ask nicely; something USA have never quite grasped the concept of. In the view of USA it is “Rule by Decree….or else”.
So again for a little group of islands with a mainland of 800 x 600 miles, and still be able to trade in our own right with the rest of the word, and without crutches as we discovered with the EU needed when we decided to pull.
As for the EU as an entity in its own right, it will all end in tears; and thank heavens the UK did not surrender to the common currency [€uro]), as we would have had an even bigger hole to dig our seleves out of.
1. 大英帝国日不落;
2. 直接和间接控制世界1/3的人口和1/4的大陆地壳。对于一个位于北海中部、陆地长600 × 800英里的小群岛来说,这是一个不错的成就。
3. 考虑到德克萨斯州是英国的三倍大,而后者对世界大事有相当大的影响力。
4. 再一次考虑到它的规模,英国可以成为联合国和北约的一个主要参与者。
5. 英国是仅次于美国的最大的海外援助供应国,无论是从公共财政还是国际慈善机构。包括我们对联合国的贡献。
Don: Unfortunately there is nothing great about it anymore. Brexit and still no trade deal after nearly six years. Pound has dropped against the US Dollar, Euro, and Yen. My home electric, water and gas prices doubled this month. They didn’t go up 54%. They went up 102%! National Insurance contributions have risen.
Utilities are due to increase again in October.
Great Britain? Ah no……
Interesting question, which raises in me an other, even more interesting question: “When has the U.S. been great and what kind of greatness was it that made the U.S., allegedly, ‘The greatest country on earth’ ?”
Because I really can't see any time period, nor reason, of the so called “greatness of the U.S.”. All l see are U.S. Americans that have convinced themselves about the awesome awesomeness of the U.S., but they are also pretty much the only ones that think so.
Here we go again.
You are being indoctrinated.
Most US citizens are about as worldly wise as the citizens of North Korea.
That really is true. The Average American knows very little about the rest of the world. We are so large and separated by great distance from other countries. Sadly we know very little about our own country. History and civics are not taught well in America.
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
Stuff like this reminds me of a guy who worked briefly with my team about year before COVID.
Let’s call him Sam.
Sam, aged 17, joined an international team of IT professionals, the youngest of which was me and I was 35. Sam was with us on unpaid work experience, cocksure and over-confident. Whatever anybody else said, Sam wasn’t really interested and was quite convinced that every other member of the team was old-hat, held back by rigid thinking, and freewheeling through their career. Sam thought he knew everything; he was also naive enough to think that someone who thinks they know everything becomes Mr Popularity, and that other people would recognise his brilliance and enter orbit around him.
He did twice as much work as anybody else, but all the work he did had to be double-checked and extensively revised. We spend more time fixing what he did than if we’d just done it ourselves. He buggered up everything he went near. Even really simple tasks; rushing headlong into everything with a heady mixture hyperactive exhuberance and off-the-chart levels of personal arrogance, he didn’t think through anything, and routinely sacrificed detail for speed and considered that an appropriate trade-off. He was flashy and even peripherally impressive, but he had no substance and no humility. The people who liked him the most were the people who knew him the least.
He didn’t care what other people thought or how his “efforts” were being received, because he didn’t respect anybody. His mindset was that he knew he was right, so people around him would either agree and support him unconditionally, or they wouldn’t and they’d be wrong and who wants to know what a wrong person thinks? In short, you’re either with him or you’re not worth worrying about.
We couldn’t get rid of Sam fast enough. He was only with us for three weeks but it felt like a lifetime. Nobody had the heart to tell him to his face that he was the most annoying, stuck-up little snot-nosed jack-off we’d ever worked with… and frankly, we just couldn’t believe that he would need to be told in the first place, thinking it was glaringly obvious - that he annoyed everyone he met and that the team considered him to be, on balance, a liability and a hindrance.
Am I being appropriately transparent, here?
It's long past that. The USA is a newcomer with a very short history, still only finding their way in the world.
In a couple more thousand years they may have caught up, they might even have stopped using cheques. Sadly for them, they'll still be years behind the rest of the world as we all continue to progress.
I'm sure they'll cope.
The question should have been why is the US not as great as the UK,as the US so far has never ruled a quarter of the world in its history and had the backing of its former colonies.
Possibly because the US has never wanted to rule a quarter of the world or colonize other nations.
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
When one sees how much the USA gets involved with foreign conflicts, it would be easy to assume that it thinks it already does.
And we get criticized when we don’t get involved soon enough, as in WWII. When we have gotten involved, it’s usually been with the willing involvement of our close ally and partner, the UK, who set the pattern for us in such matters long before we became international adventurers.
The willing involvement you say, yes, that’s what allies do, get involved, support their friends; unlike WW2 when you sat back and just made money from us until you were forced into the conflict. As a point of interest, Britain has only relatively recently finished paying you back for your ‘help’ in WW2.
Nations rarely get involved in wars other than for self-interest, lofty political rhetoric notwithstanding. The US was an ocean away and rightly hesitant to get dragged into yet another bloody European conflict, the second in less than twenty years. We were not a Commonwealth member either. Every country has many flaws and none of us is in a position to lecture any other.
Selling to Germany during a war with them wouldn’t categorise the USA as an ‘Ally’.
I still don’t regard the USA as an ally, as actions speak louder than words. My comments aren’t aimed at the American people, but at the political masters who don’t tread very carefully with others around.
There are only 3 reasons the US wants a working relationship with the UK:
Unilateral profitable trade
A convenient and expendable strategic base in case the US feels threatened
A stool-pigeon when things go wrong
I’ve seen no evidence of any real benefit from our alliance. Most of the conflicts we end up in the middle of are as a result of our UK politicians, brown-nosing American politicians and American interference in the politics of foreign governments.
1. 单边有利可图的贸易;
2. 如果美国感到受到威胁,这是一个方便的、可牺牲的战略基地;
3. 出了岔子的时候,它就是个替罪羔羊。
Based on recent events, I am not at all confident that the present-day USA can make its 250th anniversary in 2026 in a viable position for the next few decades.
The individual USA folk I have met and worked with abroad are generally sound people who have enriched the lives of others.