五分之一的男性在 65 岁之前死亡,注意这些,可以挽救你的生命
1 in 5 men dies before 65 – don’t be that guy. These Men’s Health Week tips, from taking your pulse to checking for lumps, could save your life译文简介
五分之一的男性在 65 岁之前死亡——不要成为其中的一员。
1 in 5 men dies before 65 – don’t be that guy. These Men’s Health Week tips, from taking your pulse to checking for lumps, could save your life
五分之一的男性在 65 岁之前死亡——不要成为其中的一员。
五分之一的男性在 65 岁之前死亡——不要成为其中的一员。
Many men don’t go for medical check-ups because they ignore symptoms, fear learning what might be wrong or feel vulnerable during examinations by doctors
Cultural norms are also at play, a doctor says. But there are ways men can monitor their own health, such as the six self-check tips a UK charity provides
Cultural norms are also at play, a doctor says. But there are ways men can monitor their own health, such as the six self-check tips a UK charity provides
Some men ignore symptoms of ill-health because they fear hearing bad news. Photo: Shutterstock
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Why, when some men catch a cold, do they make it out to be something more serious – suggesting pneumonia or bronchitis? And yet when they’re really sick, they ignore the symptoms, minimise their discomfort and avoid the doctor?
Ahead of Men’s Health Week, which starts on June 13, Dr Johnathan Chow Jun-fung, doctor-in-charge of the men’s health service of Hong Kong’s Family Planning Association, explains that men are often perceived as the stronger sex, a view “further burdened by cultural norms of masculinity, braveness, and self-dependence”.
在 6 月 13 日开始的男性健康周之前,香港家庭计划指导会男性健康服务负责的医生乔纳森·周解释说,男性通常被认为是更强大的性别。例如爷们儿气质,勇敢,独立自强这样的对男性的传统标签进一步加重了男性的负担。
(译注:香港家庭计划指导会(The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong ),简称家计会或FPAHK,是中国香港一个志愿机构,致力为港人提倡、推广及提供性与生殖健康方面的资讯、教育、医疗及辅导服务)
在 6 月 13 日开始的男性健康周之前,香港家庭计划指导会男性健康服务负责的医生乔纳森·周解释说,男性通常被认为是更强大的性别。例如爷们儿气质,勇敢,独立自强这样的对男性的传统标签进一步加重了男性的负担。
(译注:香港家庭计划指导会(The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong ),简称家计会或FPAHK,是中国香港一个志愿机构,致力为港人提倡、推广及提供性与生殖健康方面的资讯、教育、医疗及辅导服务)
They’re expected to “man up”, or ignore health concerns. Some men say they are afraid of learning what might be wrong, and they feel vulnerable and uncomfortable during examinations. And this often prevents them from seeking necessary care.
Men’s life expectancy is universally shorter than that of women – one in five men dies before 65; 75 per cent of premature deaths from heart disease are in men; 67 per cent of men are overweight; middle-aged men are twice as likely to have diabetes as women; four out of five suicides are men.
Men’s life expectancy is universally shorter than that of women – one in five men dies before 65; 75 per cent of premature deaths from heart disease are in men; 67 per cent of men are overweight; middle-aged men are twice as likely to have diabetes as women; four out of five suicides are men.
Dr. Johnathan Chow, doctor-in-charge of the men’s health service at the Hong Kong Family Planning Association.
In addition, men are more likely to smoke, eat and drink more, including eating too much meat and not enough fruit and vegetables.They are also more susceptible to illness on account of “the different interplay of biological factors, including differences in hormones, genetics and metabolism, which increase men’s predilection for developing life-threatening chronic diseases such as coronary artery diseases, stroke, and liver diseases at an earlier age”, Chow says.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
That’s why, he stresses, “it’s crucial for men to take action as early as possible; avoidance won’t make the problem go away and it could harm the individual in the long run”.
What complaints force men to see their doctor?
Chow says the most common issues he sees “include sexual dysfunction problems, including erectile dysfunction (ED), premature ejaculation (PE) and low sexual desire; sexually transmitted disease screening; male sterilisation; lower urinary tract symptoms – especially associated with benign prostate hypertrophy, subfertility and genital dermatosis (skin lesions) and pain”.
(译注:勃起功能障碍(Erectile Dysfunction,ED)又称阴茎勃起障碍,指持续性的不能达到或不能维持充分的勃起以获得满意的性生活,病程在3个月以上。国际勃起功能问卷-5(international index of erectile function, IIEF-5)是ED诊断的重要工具之一,内容包括阴茎勃起及维持的信心、完全勃起进入阴道频率、进入阴道后维持坚挺的频率、性交时保持勃起的困难程度、3个月内对性生活和性关系的满意度等5个问题每个问题0-6个等级分。根据评估结果,ED的严重程度可分为轻度、中度、重度。IIEF-5评分小于7分为重度ED,8-11分为中度ED,12-21分为轻度ED,22-25分为无ED。)
Chow says the most common issues he sees “include sexual dysfunction problems, including erectile dysfunction (ED), premature ejaculation (PE) and low sexual desire; sexually transmitted disease screening; male sterilisation; lower urinary tract symptoms – especially associated with benign prostate hypertrophy, subfertility and genital dermatosis (skin lesions) and pain”.
(译注:勃起功能障碍(Erectile Dysfunction,ED)又称阴茎勃起障碍,指持续性的不能达到或不能维持充分的勃起以获得满意的性生活,病程在3个月以上。国际勃起功能问卷-5(international index of erectile function, IIEF-5)是ED诊断的重要工具之一,内容包括阴茎勃起及维持的信心、完全勃起进入阴道频率、进入阴道后维持坚挺的频率、性交时保持勃起的困难程度、3个月内对性生活和性关系的满意度等5个问题每个问题0-6个等级分。根据评估结果,ED的严重程度可分为轻度、中度、重度。IIEF-5评分小于7分为重度ED,8-11分为中度ED,12-21分为轻度ED,22-25分为无ED。)
Erectile dysfunction is defined as the inability to achieve a sustained erection for intercourse. It can affect men at any age, with increasing prence and severity in advanced age.
A 2017 population survey by the Family Planning Association of Hong Kong among women of reproductive age showed the prence of erectile dysfunction in their partners was around 4.8 per cent.
Chow says the proportion of patients consulting for erectile dysfunction has gradually risen, from 18.4 per cent in 2016 to 21.4 per cent in 2021. Patients as young as 18 may seek help.
Erectile dysfunction is often a crucial indicator of something bigger and more serious: atherosclerosis – the thickening or hardening of arteries, diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol – another risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease which could lead to potentially fatal consequences such as heart attack or stroke.
That’s why it’s so important men don’t ignore what may on the surface manifest as a glitch in their love life.
Premature ejaculation is just that – ejaculation that happens too soon or too fast. In his practice, Chow says six to seven per cent of his patients have this complaint. And while it might be embarrassing to talk to your doctor about it, it’s not uncommon, and the prognosis for a positive outcome is good.
Premature ejaculation is just that – ejaculation that happens too soon or too fast. In his practice, Chow says six to seven per cent of his patients have this complaint. And while it might be embarrassing to talk to your doctor about it, it’s not uncommon, and the prognosis for a positive outcome is good.
So how can we encourage the men we love to seek care – especially when something has apparently gone wrong in a private part of their body?
“Partners are encouraged to be empathetic, compassionate and judgment-free. With regards to PE and ED, which are the most commonly encountered sexual dysfunction problems in our clinic, we encourage men to bring their partner with them to a consultation to enable a mutual learning opportunity. The more their partners know, the better they are prepared to help,” says Chow.
“It’s important for men to understand that ED and PE are not a reflection of their masculinity and that the relationship is just as valued. By reassuring them that these are common problems, couples can stay positive about these treatable conditions given the array of available treatments.”
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Men still show reluctance to be screened for sexually transmitted infections – or STIs. But they need to have it to avoid passing one along. Men and women should be tested with every new partner, especially because some infections, such as chlamydia, can be asymptomatic and lead to complications such as chronic pain and infertility even in men.
Here’s a list of steps men can take to assess their own health condition, courtesy of the UK-based charity Men’s Health Forum.
1. Keep an eye on your pulse rate
You can take your pulse with two fingers on your wrist. Know your resting pulse rate and understand the difference between that number and when you exercise and – crucially – the time it takes to return to resting rate. A high resting heart rate is indicative of poor fitness levels as is a heart rate that remains elevated minutes after exertion.
You can take your pulse with two fingers on your wrist. Know your resting pulse rate and understand the difference between that number and when you exercise and – crucially – the time it takes to return to resting rate. A high resting heart rate is indicative of poor fitness levels as is a heart rate that remains elevated minutes after exertion.
If your middle measures more than 94cm (37 inches), you’re probably overweight and need to do something about it. Photo: Shutterstock
2. Be honest about how much excess weight you’re carrying – especially around your middle
Measure the belly at the widest point – usually at belly button level. If the number is more than 94cm (37 inches), you’re probably overweight, which predisposes you to risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and even cancer.
If the number is greater than 101cm, you’re considered obese and need to speak to your doctor, as the risk of all of the above rises with the number on the tape measure.
Measure the belly at the widest point – usually at belly button level. If the number is more than 94cm (37 inches), you’re probably overweight, which predisposes you to risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and even cancer.
If the number is greater than 101cm, you’re considered obese and need to speak to your doctor, as the risk of all of the above rises with the number on the tape measure.
3. Notice change in how you look or feel
Look in the mirror. Are any moles changing shape or bleeding? Any lumps? Are you suffering any breathlessness or unexplained pain, especially in the chest area? A persistent cough? Blood where you don’t expect to see blood – in your saliva, in the toilet bowl? Any change in bowel movements?
These may mean nothing. Or they could be a marker of something really serious. See your doctor anyway.
Look in the mirror. Are any moles changing shape or bleeding? Any lumps? Are you suffering any breathlessness or unexplained pain, especially in the chest area? A persistent cough? Blood where you don’t expect to see blood – in your saliva, in the toilet bowl? Any change in bowel movements?
These may mean nothing. Or they could be a marker of something really serious. See your doctor anyway.
4. Monitor your bathroom breaks
How often are you having to pee? Does it flow easily? Are you waking up to pee more often at night?
Peeing more often or difficulty peeing could be a symptom of prostate enlargement, which is not necessarily a sign of prostate cancer. But it could be, so get it checked. Peeing often in large amounts is a pointer for diabetes.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
How often are you having to pee? Does it flow easily? Are you waking up to pee more often at night?
Peeing more often or difficulty peeing could be a symptom of prostate enlargement, which is not necessarily a sign of prostate cancer. But it could be, so get it checked. Peeing often in large amounts is a pointer for diabetes.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
5. Check your blood pressure
Be aware of what the healthy range is and work to get there. That might be by losing weight or decreasing your salt intake. High blood pressure, hypertension, puts you at risk for many ailments, including stroke.
Be aware of what the healthy range is and work to get there. That might be by losing weight or decreasing your salt intake. High blood pressure, hypertension, puts you at risk for many ailments, including stroke.
6. Give your testes a good feel in the shower from time to time
Any lumps? Testicular cancer is more common in young men, in their 20s to mid-30s. Caught early, it’s highly treatable.
Any lumps? Testicular cancer is more common in young men, in their 20s to mid-30s. Caught early, it’s highly treatable.
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