Americans of Reddit, what''s something normal in Europe that you think is completely absurd in America?译文简介
Americans of Reddit, what's something normal in Europe that you think is completely absurd in America?
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Lack of window screens. Last time I was in Italy, I accidentally left my hotel room window open. That night I spent an hour killing mosquitoes in the room and still got 20+ bites.
Yeah I still haven't figured that one out in places that keep windows open near year round. Stop the bugs!
This was in the US but….one time I was walking down the street on the north side of Chicago, it was late spring and someone had their second story window open without a screen. I watched a Pigeon land on the windowsill, poke it’s head in the window, and then fly inside. I said to myself “that person is gonna have a rough time”
Absurd is right. It's truly inexplicable. Especially in so much of Europe where there isn't air conditioning. If you're going to have windows open, then why not have a screen? And it's an easy aftermarket fix too, so there's really just no reason for them not to be there.
Thousands years old buildings around you.
Here in America if you mention a house was made in the 1800s you get an astonished look.
Friends om mine in Switzerland live in a medi house, just underneath a castle.
And say “that house must be haunted!” Cause that’s what I say whenever a house is older than 1970s
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hahaha that reminds me of the tumblr post that says “if you say ‘someone died in this house’ in America that means a man was stabbed to death but if you say it in Europe it means that 3 generations have lived and died peacefully.”
It doesn't exactly help that earlier colonists buried their dead in the basements during the winter in the northeast US, so there's a very real chance of unearthing bodies in old homes. I can't say if this happens in Europe, but any old home in the northeast US with an unfinished basement generally means don't do any renovating unless you want to have to call the cops and figure out what century the bones you just accidentally dug up are from.
I live in Salem, MA now and we had this happen on my street last summer. It was a nightmare. I have a degree in archeology and my neighbor knocked on my door like "Hi! We found a body, the police are coming but it's really old, could you-"
When I was a kid in Sharon MA in the 60s there were woods across the street from my house that we used to play in. Under the branches, leaves etc we found a bunch of grave markers of people who died in the late 1600s. I was always pretty sure they were people who were killed in King Philips War. In the 80s I was back there ( I live in CA now)with my fiance (now my wife) and they had built a whole bunch of houses in the woods right where those graves were. I saw some guy working in his yard and asked him about the graves. He gave me a strange look and said what graves? I said never mind and split. Haven't been back since.
Not necessarily in New England, but you won't find anything older than the late 1600s, at least (mostly cemeteries for that old. There's quite a few still intact in New England tho)
Regarding cemeteries, here in Sweden, it is common to reuse grave plots, a grave plot is normally rented for about 70 years, after that, the gravestone is removed and the plot is prepared for the next person.
Used to work at a pub that was built in the 12 or 1300s. Used to enjoy thinking how no matter how much the world outside the walls changed, people inside are laughing, arguing, joking, making friends and meeting lovers just as they would have the previous centuries.
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Please tell me more about these incidents!
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One of our pipes weren't working properly (air bubbles) so I turned that specific beer off until close so I could sort it out. The guy I was working with went home a few minutes early because we'd finished cleaning/bottling up. I went to the cellar to sort the pipe out so it can be used the next day. I thought I heard chairs scraping upstairs and figured my colleague was still kicking about or something.
Buildings whose foundations are in water. Hamburg, Venice, etc. I would be terrified
Actually, the center of Amsterdam is completely build on wooden piles, because the wet and soggy soil cannot support buildings. The Dam Palace uses 13,681 wooden piles for example. The piles have to be under water to be conserved, a low water table spells trouble as the piles may start rotting.
Paying to use the bathroom in a shopping center.
Public nudity. I remember the first time I experienced it in Germany. I was with my sisters at a local public swimming pool. Women just would stand up and openly change from their bathing suits into their clothes. Everything on display. Nobody batted an eye or payed any attention. They went about what they were doing.
Cashiers sitting down comfortably while they check you out.
Wait hol up, do cashiers have to STAND in America?
‘If you have time to lean, you have time to clean’ is a popular saying in retail.
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"It's unprofessional and makes you look lazy" is something pretty commonly said (in some variation) by employers in the States and Canada
Yup. It's why when I was working retail I did almost every job in the store but that was the one I basically refused to do. Walking all day is fine. Standing in place all day is miserable.
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Why do they have to stand? I don't get it, it's pointless
"We are working here not sitting around"
The fact that Europeans can and need to speak multiple languages. I can drive for 20 hours and all that changes is accents.
Walkable/bikeable cities. I thought every major country was just highways and parking lots but apparently cities over there are made for pedestrians.
I'm a 40 minute train ride away from a city that has been continuously inhabited for 4,000 years so naturally the roads aren't designed for cars.
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A lot of those cities were build long before cars were invented
Lack of air conditioning
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My friend had two American 20 year old girls staying with her during the summer in her apartment in Barcelona. She has a couple of fans but no AC. The very first night the girls started crying because of the heat and called their parents. Eventually they adjusted to the heat though, and my friend will never again forget to mention the lack of AC
As a Greek person, we all have AC here. It's unbearable otherwise.
I think people in the UK especially don't understand that if they were overlapped with North America...they wouldn't even be in the US. They'd be somewhere in the middle of Canada. Same with Paris and Berlin, they'd be in Canada. It gets hot in the US, especially the Southern areas (which would be more like Africa on the map). A lot of people here die of heatstroke without AC.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
In Germany, there mostly was no need for AC as temperatures are usually quite moderate. Also, the stone houses here even out temperatures quite well.
You only need it two weeks a year in UK
Acquaintance is from London, he confesses he sneered at the American “obsession” with A/C until he moved to Louisiana with his new bride and then to Arkansas.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Most of my relatives are in England. When we have heat waves here (Ontario) they’re phoning all worried that we’re ok. Of course we are. Practically every house, car , store and building has AC. Most don’t realize we get very hot summers as well as freezing winters. We’re ready for anything.
Walking everywhere. I don't have a car so obviously I walk everywhere and it's gotten to the point where I enjoy it, even if it's thirty minutes to my destination. Back in the states I would drive my car two minutes to the store instead of taking a ten minute walk because that was too far. (Not to mention you get looked at like you're some weird homeless person if you're walking down the street.)
Kissing people as a form of greeting
Just in France, the number of kisses when you greet varies from 1 to 5 depending on where in France you are. I don't go back often and I'm confused everytime as everybody I visit lives in a different place with a different custom for this...
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My dad met a girl I liked and decided to do the double kiss greeting. When he was moving from left to right he accidentally kissed her on the lips.
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Well, more so for the UK, but... what even the fuck is your measurement system?
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idk, we just use everything. seeming not too long ago, imperial was still the norm. but everyone understands metric and its probably most commonly used. never heard of anyone using yards tho.
You can take single cans from a box/6 pack of beer or soda in Norway and buy just that one. If you tried that here you'd get suspected of stealing.
True for Germany too! But don't be a dick and start a new sixer, when there is already one where someone took a cab or bottle from!
Serving water at room temperature in restaurants.
The use of the word c*nt seems to be alright in England and some other countries. In the US, it’s one of the worst words ever.
I was once greeted by my younger brother shouting "happy birthday ye cunt"
However, in Australia and New Zealand it can also be a neutral or positive term when used with a positive qualifier (e.g., "He's a good cunt")
Correct, We call our mates "cunt", and we call cunts "mate"
Big American trucks wouldn't even fit on some of your roads
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Canadian here, do I count? Is this one of those "Americans (North Americans[US and Canada]) moments?
All of Finland basically shuts down for July. To be fair it’s a glorious month to enjoy the country
Yeah, knew it wasn't just Sweden, but I didn't feel like looking up the other countries. Finland and... maybe Norway if we follow that pattern.
Compared to many other countries, it's a privilege for sure.
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原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Ordering pizza for delivery that arrives unsliced.
This might honestly be the strangest answer in the thread. I had no idea that was a thing.
Public transportation that’s cheap, efficient, supported/appreciated, and actually takes people places they want to go.
the level of workplace protections for employees, specifically around being fired
Yeah, at least in Germany and Sweden the federal labor laws are significantly better than unx protections in many countries (and the U.S.). Applies to many white collar professions to boot.
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