what is a basic computer skill you were shocked some people don't have?译文简介
what is a basic computer skill you were shocked some people don't have?
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Had a situation happen with an older coworker when I worked at Pizza Hut who knew I was in college for CS. She walked up to me with gusto and says, "I need a wind proof WIFI router because the wind keeps blowing it away" then when I tried to explain to her that wind doesn't blow away WIFI. I shit you not this lady goes, "No wonder you can't get a job in computers" A couple hours later, she's outside on the phone cussing out the ISP because they told her the same thing I did. Turns it was orchestrated by her grandson telling her to ask for windproof routers.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Yes, this can be extremely annoying. I sometimes have to help friends do something simple on pc just because most of them apparently can't even read. I just don't get it
I once did a bit of tutoring for folk, and I remember one lady asked how she could open Word. So I told her to move the mouse pointer over the Word Icon and double click on it, to which she replied "Oh no, I can't do that. I don't like those mice thingies..."
I hazily remember reading someone talk about how the Windows 95 games were actually great tools for teaching how to use a mouse. Like solitaire taught how to drag and drop and things like that.
我有些模糊地记得之前读过某人的这么一个说法,说Windows 95的那些游戏其实都是教你用鼠标的特别棒的工具。比如纸牌游戏就是教你怎么用鼠标拖拽之类的。
And minesweeper taught left vs right click.
Shape recognition.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
"I had to cut off some of the pins to make it fit..."
Them: “My computer turns on, but my monitor doesn’t show the picture!”
I worked tech support for an ISP and we had a storefront where customers could bring devices in for config. Had a lady once bring a router in with no power supply. She was dumbfounded and almost irritated when I told her I couldn't work on it. She said "why does it need a power cord? It's wireless!"
My buddy has a customer come in and complain the phone they sold them died. The battery was just depleted, and the man was irate when told that he had to plug his phone in the charge it every day. He tried to get a discount because he was told it was wireless so he assumed it would just charge itself via magic cell signals or something , and then he complained that his “old phone “ never needed charging .
How to close a fucking browser
I had a colleague who complained about her computer being slow after lunch. Took a look, and it turns out she was using 'minimise' instead of 'close' after reading emails - had over 200 emails open!
My co-worker, a 36-yr-old high school teacher, did something similar, except with actual apps/programs. She said her work computer had acting soooo slow for the past few months, so she asked me to take a look. Did a command+tab on her laptop and after like 5 seconds just a SHITLOAD of applications popped up. I'm talking, programs she'd opened up last academic year. Similarly, her Chrome had probably like 100 tabs open. She also had about 4 MB of free hard drive space - turns out, she had saved all of the zoom sessions from last year's pandemic year (about 150 GB worth), even though they were uploaded on our education platform. That poor machine was strugglin.
Reading. Seriously.
100% It's not like the olden days where your error messages were cryptic "Error 4072qiln" Then I understand why you would call me and say "What the F does that mean?" But if it says "error, printer out of paper" don't call me.
没错,这又不像是很久以前,你遇到的弹出来的报错信息都是“ERROR 4072qiln”那种密码一样的信息,那我倒是可以理解你给我打电话过来问我“这他妈是什么意思?”但是如果报错写的是“错误,打印机没纸了”,那你就别给我打电话。
I remember googling error codes, and finding forum posts that went like this:
Ugh. This!!! “What does the text box say?” “Press any key to continue” “Have you tried pressing any key?”
“There is no ANY key…”
Had a girl in my typing class that was stumped by the Any key. I told her to just type A N Y. She never looked up at the screen because she was trying hard to find the letters, so she thought it worked.
I'm in my 40's, I teach at a private elementary school. A teacher in her late 20's shared a google doc with me, and she had "centered" the title by hitting space bar a bunch of times.
oh god that centred one. That's what I used to do when i was 11 and using word 98
哈哈哈那个居中的。我11岁用Word 98的时候就是那么干的。
Not knowing what double click means
Click... 3 seconds later click
My mom is the opposite, Double Clicks every single thing. She can at least navigate a PC. The worst part however is she has her ENTIRE desktop full of icons. It’s gives my Fiancé a panic attack looking at it
my mom is so computer illiterate, the macbook I gave her, the iPad I gave her are both too much
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Does she know how to tell Siri to adjust the volume?
编辑:我妈简直爱死Siri和“Ok Google”了。甚至帮她给她的病人设置好了智能设备。智能语音助理对于老年人来说确实非常友好。
My dad uses siri for everything but doesn't allow enough time for siri to say anything and cuts her off. And he screams every command like a drill sargent. SIRI! FIND THE NEAREST GAS STATION! " would you like me to-" I SAID FINE THE NEAREST GAS STATION PIECE OF SHIT STUPUD FUCKING THING - my dad.
我爸干什么都用Siri,但是他从来不给Siri留回应的时间,总是会打断她。而且每次他都是像个军训新兵的中士一样大声把命令喊出来。“S I R I !给 我 找 最 近 的 加 油 站 !”“您是否希望我——”“我 说 给 我 找 最 近 的 加 油 站 他 妈 了 个 巴 子 的 傻 逼 东 西”——我爹。
My dad does the same shit. I used to actually get mad at him when I was younger, but now I just laugh my ass off.
Not knowing how to enter a URL. I've tried to get people to enter a URL over the phone and they just put it in the Google search bar
I'm always surprised how many business owners go to their own website by typing it in Google then clicking the lix. Bookmark that shit at least!
Just navigating Windows Explorer, and the organisation of files. The amount of people who just stick every single file on their desktop is crazy, and they're not arranged in any particular order. When they need to find a file they have to peer all around their desktop to find it.
My college roommate didn't know he could change his desktop background. He was blown away and went to show it to one of our other friends, who was also blown away because she didn't know you could change the background.
You'd be surprised how many folk don't know what to type in to search engines to find what they're looking for.
My girlfriend always thought I was super smart and could solve every computer problem through sheer force of my brain. Then I was helping her with a computer issue and after exhausting the basic troubleshooting steps I had, I googled her issue with some specific keywords and got some help articles to work off. She was blown away "you just google it?" And I'm like yeah, there are no unique situations and someone smarter than me has solved this issue before.
Until your issue is so unique that you can only find 3 help threads on random forums from 7 years ago with either no responses or "I fixed it" without the details on how
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Don't tell them; this is my job security.
My family thinks I’m super intelligent and can fix any problem they have. Most of the time, I just look it up on google
Everyone at my office thinks this of me, and they're always like, "how did you find that so fast!" And I'm just like, um, I went to google and I typed in "when is easter this year" or whatever. It's not even a skill, it's just like, it occurred to me to actually look for the information instead of just not bothering.
Using google efficiently and effectively is definitely a skill.
Okay, so I worked as a Best Buy computer tech in the early 2000s right around the time they were buying out the Geek Squad. I tell this story realizing how utterly ridiculous it is, but I attest that it happened as I tell it. I'm at work and the phone at our workbench rings. A woman is on the line, clearly stressed.
Honestly I'm surprised she even knew what a server was if she had that kind of train of thought
A lot of people who don’t understand computers say servers for everything. My grandma calls her Mac a server. Says she’ll connect to the server when she answers a phone call. Asked me to help her fix her server when her mouse was unplugged. Stuff like that.
Knowing how to save or open a document. I'm not kidding. I work with teenagers.
I worked at a university and there were so many college students that didn't know how to save their work. They come in, write out an entire paper in 2 hours, never saving, and then the computer glitches and they lose all their work.
Sit them down on any Adobe software for a couple hours and they will instinctly hit ctrl s whenever they take a breath from then on