Why is a naturally black-haired White person such a rarity?
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A White person can have black hair. The highest frequency of black-haired Whites is found in Southern European countries. For example among Italians, 31% are black-haired, though in Portugal, black hair is less common than in Italy. Nevertheless, black hair becomes less and less common as one reaches Northern European populations. For example less than 3% of the Dutch and Irish have black hair. Oftentimes, in Northern Europe, dark brown hair is called “black hair”. Dark brown hair isn’t black hair. Many Scottish, Irish who are said to be “black-haired”, actually are dark brown-haired!
Yamulamba Pretorius
Most of the dark hair in North, West, East Europe is dark brown not black.
There is no such thing as natural black hair. Even the blackest hair is just a very dark shade of brown.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
To the Spanish-trained eye, it is evident most of those beautiful children pictured above in your comment with Nadal are from Northern Africa, of the Berber/Amazigh etnia and not Spanish kids.
Spanish children are mostly rooted in the pre-roman population of Europe, mostly the ancient non-Indo-Europeans population the Iberians and Basque plus the more recent Indoeuropean Celts.
In addition, there is since several centuries ago a minority rooted in India and fierce of their race and traditions that are the Gipsys, who entered into Europe about a millennia ago and who are also Spanish adding a lot to Spanish culture, mainly in music and dance with Flamenco. But you should not confuse Spanish Celtiberians either with Spanish Gipsies or with Berbers from Northern Africa. Or with any of the new arrivals of ethnic people from Africa or Asia that are entering into Europe, mainly from Muslim countries.
Then in Spain, there is a lot of sun during spring and summertime. We are social people who live outdoors not indoors or as if just leaving a hospital after a year, so we try to get our suntanned skin which we love once spring comes after winter, flooding beaches and mountains, as for us suntan skin is a healthier and much more attractive look than some kind of sick pale white skin color.
Hengsen Kerpangsen
The “black” hair found among Europeans is usually just a very dark brown. The difference can clearly be seen when a dark haired European stands next to an Asian/African/Arab/Indian/Polynesian/Native American in the direct sunlight. The non-white races have pure black hair, while most dark haired whites merely have a very dark brown.
In Europe, we do not refer to ourselves as whites, but by our nationalities. Spanish, French, German, Danish, etc. The white thing is a USA obsession that is dividing that country. Or maybe it always was.
In Spain, we are not short of those natural black-haired European beauties. Here you have several typically dressed Andalusian women.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Anna Hag
92% of the Worldwide population have black/brown hair, nothing is special in black color.
In Europe, dark brown and black hair are considered black anyway.
Nothing special? See the pictures again…
When 92% of the world's population has black hair, then black hair can no longer be considered either exotic or unique.
My idea of beauty is not a statistic. You are free to have your own taste.
Anna is a Russian. I was married to one for 20 years. They are as literal minded as a snapping turtle.
I do like her though!
Stop speaking about “Europe” when you have no idea about it. That’s your personal idea. I already explained that in Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, English and, to a certain extent, German, but I’d say in Slavic languages too, “brown” hair and “black” hair are not exactly the same and we say rather brown than “black”. Of course, there are also people who have real, totally black hair, but I can say those with brown hair are the majority, at least in Spain, Italy, Portugal, I guess also Greece, etc. Maybe not in all areas and towns, but generally, yes.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Spanish women are absolutely gorgeous. My mother used to collect Lladro figurines, which exemplified the beauty of the women of Spain. I was mesmerized by her collection, which was her pride and joy. It wasn’t until I got to experience the Costa Del Sol as a young US Navy pilot did I get to experience the beautiful women of Spain. Wonderful memories of so many elegant and beautiful women.
José María Trevijano
When I was a young student in my early teens, back in the seventies of the last century, I used to learn English during the summertime living with a US family and my annual present to the parents at my arrival was a small figure of Lladró that they really appreciated.
I was also mesmerized with those figures and with the incredible artistry of some of them that I could see at some main street shops in Spain of exorbitant price but well deserved given the time and artistry required to create them.
Despite the death of the founder, new designs, and the usual family fighting in family businesses, Lladró is still producing those beauties.
Beautiful people for sure but most of these people don't have black hair. Most have dark brown hair. Even my dad (Greek) looks like he has black hair but it's just very dark brown.
In Europe, dark brown and black hair are considered black anyway.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Nope, that’s not correct, in Europe (no idea about Scandinavian countries, though) it is quite the contrary, we say brown hair more than “black”, exactly why “completely black” is a thing we do not have soo often, not as much as “brown”, for sure. Of course, there are also people who have real, totally black hair, but I can say those with brown hair are the majority, at least in Spain, Italy, Portugal, I guess also Greece, etc. Maybe not in all areas and towns, but generally, yes.
What we do not have, of course, is the crazy American thing of “skin colours” and “races”, as the OP says. Never ever. Do that in Europe, and people would immediately think you are a mad racist. “Race”, in Europe, is a term used for dogs or horses, and nobody really cares what “colour” Italians, Greeks, Portuguese, Spanish, French or Moroccans are. Of course, there are racists also in Europe, and they are quite the only ones who use such terminology; differently from the U.S., the vast majority of people never use it. Social problems in Europe are mostly associated with the religion or with the politics, not with the skin colour like in the U.S.
I’m curious, when applying for a job where you live, does your potential employer ask your race/ gender? That’s a thing here in the U.S. and I find it really odd and don’t know what the purpose of the question is.
US University recently introduced racial segregation, that's funny when some people in quora continue reject human races. Look it up:
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I'm in England and yes, they do. All forms ask for ethnicity and gender.
I'm from Colombia and live in Mexico. I've worked in both countries. Neither country asks for race in their job application forms. And I'll go beyond a bit: the Mexican Migration Institute does not ask for race in its application forms for residency, visa or citizenship. And people from everywhere apply for those statuses, so, you can ask anyone.
In Germany they ask about nationality in relation to work permit, gender is kind of obvious as there's your name on your cv.
Race is not a thing.
Gender male / female sure, you should put it in the most applications.
“Race” does not exist, only for dogs or horses - never use that word for human beings, forget it. But it is not just in Europe, in South America or Australia is the same. The only place where that word is used must be the United States, maybe South Africa. Places that have or had segregation, racism, apartheid, etc.
We distinguish people only according to their nationality as shown in the passport. So, an American with Italian ancestry, for example, is just a U.S. American for us, exactly like an American with English ancestry, and nothing else. And so on.
I’m curious, is race a thing in the UK? In the US, we occasionally hear news stories about discrimination against black people in the UK in in daily life as well as by the police. I also read UK news online (from reputable sources like the Guardian and FT, not crap like the Sun) and over the past couple of years, they have also had stories about racial profiling and discrimination by the police. It seems to me, that either the UK has different attitudes from continental Europe or your assertation that race is not an issue in Europe is somewhat idealistic.
I live in Liverpool, England. Race is a thing. We don't have a large black population in Liverpool but racism happens. We have a high Muslim population here. There will always be discrimination where there are people different than you. I don't think it matters whether it is skin colour or culture. I faced discrimination as a child because I had an unusual name and because I have olive skin. Yep, something as small as having a tan in the summer made me different. In the 80s when I was growing up people didn't have foreign holidays so anything different was noticed. The food I ate was picked upon.
We don't have the same racial tension as in America between black and white. It is more subtle but it is there no matter what people like to believe.
Islam is a religion, not a race. I don't think the UK has any racial issues considering that 40% of the UK population are non-European migrants. European Whites are minority in London. In 2019 I was in London downtown, I was only a White person in the buses.
I know Islam is a religion but how many English people are Musli...? So it is about race and religion. I've lived in England most of my life and people do discriminate. But here you are again, just making up your own narrative because you were in London once
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I was in London 5 times visiting my friends. Ethnic English people are indigenous people of the UK, Christianity is their native religion, not Islam. Why English people should become Musli...? Maybe Musli... must convert to Christianity already since they moved to the Christian UK? What basically Islam has to do with the United Kingdom? Brits don't own anything to anyone because Brits are worldwide minority and the UK is their only home.
我去过伦敦5次,去看望我的朋友。英国人是英国的原住民,基督教是他们的本土宗教,而不是伊斯兰教。为什么英国人应该成为穆斯林?也许穆斯林自从搬到基督教的英国后就必须改信基督教? 伊斯兰教和英国有什么关系?英国人不欠别人任何东西,因为英国人是世界上的少数族裔,英国是他们唯一的家。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I didn't suggest that English people should convert to Islam. The fact is that most Musli... are not ethnically British. So when talking about discrimination against Islam it is generally accepted that there are people of middle Eastern etc origin that are Muslim and that's why I include them in the racial discrimination group.
Middle Eastern people are worldwide majority and not indigenous to the UK therefore cannot complain for any discrimination because worldwide majority cannot be discriminated by definition.
Wow. Do you actually believe the stuff you type or do you just like being wrong?
No. In Europe black is black and dark brown is dark brown. People mistake brown for black but true black hair is not so common.
In Russia you will be considered black if you have a black hair because according to the european classification, you must have blond hair and blue eyes to be considered White. Remember that Italians weren't considered White according to the American classification in the 19th century and had to prove their “whiteness” in the court to get the US citizenship
I never read such a load of bovine manure ever before!
There is no such thing as “European Classification “ of whites!
I also think Anna Hag is talking a load of tripe.
Check out her WW2 comments….she or rather, He is either being paid by the Russians or gets his information from CNN
Ahhh Anna, I was wondering when the Aryan comment would rear its head.
Still being a slave to Russian propoganda?
So if you have black hair you are black and to be white you must have blond hair and blue eyes; where does that leave a green eyed redhead like me?
Red-haired in Russia are called gingers
Black, like real black hair, is rarer than blond in Europe.
If you're confusing brown with black and mixing them up in the same group, I think you need to see an ophthalmologist.
You nailed it Jose Maria!
America seems to be stuck in a loop of racial identification and socio-psychological perversion surrounding that perception. Everything about people seem to be in terms of black or white as opposed to America as a culture.
One can argue that a culture where race defines people above all else, perhaps hasn’t yet reached its maturity to be worthy of being called a genuine cohesive culture.
I’m Australian, and I remember getting a job in the 90’s with an American company. One question on the paperwork was “race”. I laughed and wrote “human”. Later I found out that of the three of us who got the job, two had chosen human and one was just too weirded out to fill it in.
Americans. They weird.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处