Where can we find happiness?译文简介
Where can we find happiness?
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原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
No one called, my father used to call me once in a week because they all were busy in some real work.
It was cool and peaceful in the beginning but then thing's started to haunting me. Day's were obvious because I used to clean my paralyzed grandma and then do some household works, cleaning, washing, and all kept me busy. But nights were the hardest.
Night's bought some real overthinking gifts for me. I'm still 19, not a women. I'm still a child. Sometimes I fade up doing things that I don't wanna do, sometimes it's hard to work like an adult but I can't help it because I'm the only grownup in my family and if I won't support my family in tough times then who will. Anyway with anxiety and overthinking, I used to cry a lot missing my mother.
I started smoking ( my 2020 resolution was to quit it and also I'm not a chain smoker, I used to smoke twice a year) I smoked like 5 cigarette at one time.
I felt guilty, really guilty.
I decided to call my mother and tell her everything but I'm not that courageous.
I was feeling low, but someone noticed without even me saying him.
He said if I'm feeling alone, he can come over and sleep with me if I want, and if the darkness is haunting me or I'm feeling afraid.
I was surprised, I asked :- You live 200 KM's away and how come you come overrrre?
He replied:- wait and see the magic.
I was afraid and kind of surprised because I didn't knew what he was talking about. So I cleaned my room and waited for the night.
At 11:00 pm.
He called.
We used to face time once in a week but this time it was different. He told me to sleep while he was watching if a demon is actually coming through my bed to get me or not.
And then for the rest of the night, I slept peacefully.
It was just normal call but the little things and efforts made me bring me peace back.
We can find happiness anywhere, in little things, regular things.
Everyone wants to be happy in life and each person does many things to become happy. Some people look for it in promotion, some try to find it by studying, some look for it in a good spouse, and some look for it in wealth. I also tried to look for happiness in those things because that’s how I was taught, and I believed the happiness really did exist in those things.
I was born in Korea. Korean society is extremely competitive, especially regarding education. I went to school in Seoul, the capital city of Korea, and something that I was always told from when I was little was that I should study hard. That I should study hard and go to a good college, and then you’ll get a good job, which will give me a lot of money, which will allow me to have a better wife and make a happy family. At that time, although I agreed with what I was told, I always had a question about it on my mind.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
but as I went into teenage and hit puberty, I started losing smile. My family, the society, and the entire country forced me to push aside every other talent that I had and to only focus on school study. I was a confused teenager. They say you have to live diligently, that you will become happy later if you study hard, but on the other hand, what’s the point of all this if I’m not happy right now? I wondered. And not everyone had the talent for studies at school. I myself wasn’t too talented either. I failed to get admitted to the college that I wanted to go two times, and I couldn’t tell anyone about it because I was so ashamed of it. My father had tried to get admitted to the top college in Korea, but he failed as well after two attempts. He never liked to talk about it, and I naturally took it as something to be deeply ashamed of and feel inferior – the fact that I wasn’t the brightest at school. And then, when I was about 20, I came across meditation. As I meditated, I was able to calmly reflect on how I’ve lived my life until now.
Naturally, my mind drifted toward negativity. That negative mind made me sick, and I was sick for 3 months in summer. Before meditation, I couldn’t figure out the reason why I was so sick. Through the meditation I reflected on my life, and then I realized that I have caused all of this misfortune for myself. And then, I started looking back on the countless minds that I’ve accumulated in life and started to discard them. The more hours and days I put into meditation, the more I started noticing changes in myself. My mind started feeling lighter, and my sick body started regaining energy. My mind was changing from being negative to being positive. And then I realized that the happiness that I’ve been after until now, the happiness that comes from achieving or obtaining something was nothing but a mere illusion, like a dream. The true happiness was inside of me all along.
If I didn’t do meditation, if I didn’t empty my mind, I would have been chasing after the illusionary happiness forever. Happiness was inside of me. When I sincerely looked back on my mind and emptied it, the true happiness that has been there all along was revealed from within my mind. It’s been 20 years since I first started doing meditation. Now I’m living my life being grateful and happy every single day.
I am feeling pretty uncomfortable. I think I would be able to do this better if I could switch the cross of my legs.
I switch the cross of my legs.
A corner of my eye itches. I will scratch it. I will scratch it and then peace and I will be one.
I scratch it, and as I do my head itches, and my nose. I twitch around.
My brain is just as unsettled. I begin to go over all the things I need to do right after my meditation.
Come back. Come back to your breath but I can’t yes you can come back.
I want to stretch out my neck. I want to stretch out my neck and then silence will be mine
I need to sit in joy and pleasure and discomfort and pain and itchiness.
It will not be better later. I will never be perfectly comfortable and as such the time to be perfectly still is now.
Life is just like this. Things will be perfect just as soon as I figure out what I want. When I lose five pounds and let my hair grow long and find a boyfriend and learn to bake a perfect cake and get another job.
Life would be perfect if only I didn't feel so lost.
But the belief that happiness is somewhere else, after somewhere else, as soon as you do whatever, is a distraction - a decoy - from what you have to put in order within yourself.
Accept now. Find happiness now. It’s all we’ve got.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I got a tattoo today.
The page of my journal dated 8/6/18 reads: “dear heart, I know it hurts a lot but don’t give up on your mission to be grateful to life for teaching you things that you never wished to learn. This isn’t the end ; I promise.”
Today, my journal entry lives in my skin and serves as a sweet reminder that I’m the author of my life, this is my story and it’s far from over. I’m not lost ; I’m on my way to become better. There’s power in fragility - you just have to find it.
I was the most unhappy person on June 8th, 2018 but it couldn’t stop life from teaching me lessons that a soul living in comfort would have never learned.
You will find happiness in small things. Your present condition doesn’t define your future. This is just a chapter of your book. Write your own story and never let it end. Meet every character of your story with courage and love. Some people will give you love and some will make you feel terrible but it’s the beauty of life, it goes on.
If someone didn’t tell you today, let me tell you. You’re beautiful and you deserve love. I love you stranger!
Thank you. :)
Hwal Jeong,前非政府组织工作人员
My room is tiny. Before going to bed, I sit by myself in my tiny room and make time to do some meditation and prayer. Since it’s difficult to meet with people due to COVID, it seems that I’m spending more time meditating by myself.
Korea has always put a lot of emphasis on do something good without others knowing about it. It shows that they put more emphasis on the mind which is the driving force of the action, rather than what appears on the outside. Another way to put it would be that behind every action, there is the mind which caused one to act that way. I think that’s why it’s said that mind is what makes everything exist and that mind is everything. Therefore, the most important thing would be what kind of minds we have as we live our daily lives.
What minds do we live with when no one’s watching us? When no one’s watching us, we just do things however we like. Most of the people living in this modern society seek pleasure and happiness from the outside since they do not have the true happiness within themselves. They have to meet with people, watch TV, go online, etc. It’s only when they are doing something that stimulates their senses that they feel some joy, and even alive.
So, people constantly have to watch something, eat something, meet with someone, try some clothes on, etc – they are constantly seeking something from this outside. Unable to escape from the illusionary world of sensory stimulation, people are enslaved to it, unable to find their true self. Since our minds are tied to our desires and are not able to find our true mind, we are not able to live a true life – instead, we are dreaming false dreams, doing false deeds, wasting life.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Then, how can the people of modern society who are living in the illusionary world of their five senses find their true self? The answer is to do meditation to reflect on oneself. These days, because of COVID, many places are offering guided meditation online.
I am so happy even in my tiny room, because I have cleansed my mind and found Truth. I am so happy that Truth is within me. I’m always happy. This happiness and joy do not change. The pleasure that I felt through my five sense before knowing Truth was so temporary and impulsive, relying on my sense only. In the end, it only fatigued me. But my life after knowing Truth is nothing but filled with happiness and joy.
There is no one who love me. Only Truth loves me truly, so I must rely on Truth and love Truth only. But then, if I truly love Truth, I can love everyone – because Truth is everything. It’s such a simple Truth, but one can only come to realize it when his mind reaches that state. I wish people would do meditation and feel happy even within their tiny rooms, instead of feeling frustrated in this era of COVID.
When you find your true nature, your mind can always be filled with love and gratitude, and you can live a righteous, sacred life. You live your life according to that mind – so if your mind is true, you can live a true life. There is the will of the world, will of Truth in everything in this world. Now is the era when everyone should reflect on their minds, discard their false mind, find the true mind, and achieve human completion. I wish everyone will cleanse their minds, be enlightened to the principles of the world, and live with freedom and happiness.
Take good care of your mind, and always be happy.
Anubhav Jain写了3本关于生活、活着和动机的书。
What is nowhere?
Let's explore where exactly is happiness?
It's pouring down in the form of drops from the dark sky.
It's present in the first ray of sun everyday.
It's present in the food you eat after being hungry for hours.
It's in a jug of water on a hot summers day.
It's in the breath of your lover.
It's in a cup of hot tea/coffee when you are stressed, tired or stuck.
It's in the lap of your mother.
It’s in long chats with friends, family and neighbours.
It's in quilt on a cold winter's night.
It's in the toilet where you relieve one of the biggest pressures on your body. (Not a joke)
It's in every breath you take and fulfill the craving of your lungs.
It's in having a disease free healthy body.
It's in the feeling of being needed.
It's in your bold decisions.
It's in waking up every morning and finding out you haven't lost anything from yesterday.
It's in staring at little puppies playing on roadside, unaffected by this world.
It's in the good old memories of everything and everyone you lost in the journey of life.
It's in waking up early in morning on a holiday with nothing compulsary to do.
It's in the pleasant breeze of summer nights.
It's in the feeling of surviving the toughest days of your life.
It's hidden in almost every basic thing we see, feel, touch, do and consume everyday.
But we fail to notice it until we are deprived of these basic looking essential things.
Learn to observe, realise and smile at countless beautiful moments everyday.
Realising that life is good will help in sending some crucial signals from your heart to your mind to activate the closed shutters of happiness.
Moral of the answer-
Happiness is everywhere until you become a critic of your own life!
Happiness is not a trophie, it is just a realisation!
You can't find happiness, you just need to bring it out!