As the delta variant makes a deadly sweep through unvaccinated communities, renewing calls for masks and vaccine mandates, health experts say that rare “breakthrough infections” among vaccinated people are not a sign that vaccines are failing. Instead, they are a warning of how vaccine holdouts can endanger even their inoculated neighbors.

随着德尔塔变种对未接种疫苗的社区进行致命的扫荡,卫生专家再次呼吁人们戴好口罩和接种疫苗。卫生专家指出,已经接种疫苗的人中出现罕见的 "突破性感染 "并不是疫苗失效的标志。相反,它们是一个警告,说明拒不接种疫苗的人甚至会危及他们接种过的邻居。

The amount of breakthrough cases we’re seeing actually suggest that the vaccines “are still working great,” but too much is being asked of them, said Dr. Drew Weissman, who spent nearly two decades conducting research that led to the development of the mRNA vaccines manufactured by Pfizer and Moderna to stop the coronavirus.

德鲁-魏斯曼博士说,我们看到的大量突破性病例在实际上表明,疫苗 "仍然很有效",但人们对它们的要求往往过高。他花了近 20 年的时间进行研究,最终帮助开发出辉瑞和 Moderna 生产的 mRNA 疫苗来抑制冠状病毒传播。

Mounting research suggests the variants are placing greater strain on the vaccines. When people are infected with the delta variant, Huffman said they produce a thousand times greater viral load than seen from the original COVID-19 strain. That means the delta variant is more efficient at spreading and every time an infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks, they potentially release much more of the virus — and opportunities to get someone else sick — than earlier in the pandemic.


With only about half of the nation’s population — 163.3 million people — fully vaccinated against the coronavirus, the vaccine’s advantages begin to erode, said Weissman, a physician and infectious disease expert at the University of Pennsylvania. And in some pockets of the country, fewer than a third of people have received full vaccine protection.


“You can’t control a pandemic when 30 percent or even half the people are immunized,” he said.


It’s important to remember that occasional breakthroughs are expected with any vaccine. Getting vaccinated against the virus is a lot like applying sunscreen while vacationing at the beach, said Dr. Alex Huffman, an aerosol scientist and professor at the University of Denver. Sunscreen provides some protection against sunburn, but a cautious person might also wear a wide-brimmed hat or avoid sitting out during the height of the day. For COVID, face masks and social distancing, particularly at indoor public places, could be similarly useful in situations where there is higher risk, he said.


A substantial portion of people in the U.S. have been exposed to misinformation about the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines — including that breakthrough infections somehow mean that they do not work –obscuring how they and others perceive those risks, experts say.


Ann Marshall, a nurse practitioner and mother of two in Minnetonka, Minnesota, eagerly received her first dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine in February.


In the months before, she regularly submitted to nasal swab tests to ensure she posed no risk of infecting others, had tended to her 9-year-old daughter when she came down with the virus, and faithfully masked up when out in public. When her state relaxed mask restrictions in early July, she said she went maskless to the grocery store once, exercised at her gym twice, picked her kids from day camp and worked a few hours in her clinic.

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And then Marshall developed light chest congestion and body aches. She tempered her fever with ibuprofen and could not smell the brownies her daughter baked or taste the burger her husband grilled. Two days later, she was diagnosed with COVID-19 for the first time since the pandemic started.


Marshall said she felt “that maybe we stopped wearing masks a little too soon.”

马歇尔觉得 "也许我们停止戴口罩的时间有点早了吧"。

Marshall’s concern is shared by several public health experts, including Dr. Leana Wen, who said she was confused on May 13 when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lifted mask mandates for fully vaccinated people, easing social pressure on unvaccinated people and placing the country on the “honor system.”

马歇尔的担忧得到了几位公共卫生专家的认同,其中包括莱安娜-温博士,她表示,当5月13日美国疾病控制和预防中心取消了对完全接种疫苗者的口罩规定时,她感到很困惑不解。取消戴口罩缓解了未接种疫苗者的社会压力,使国家处于 "诚信制度"(honor system)”状态。

“We don’t trust the honor system,” said Wen, an emergency physician and public health professor at George Washington University and a former public health commissioner for Baltimore. “The unvaccinated are now putting the vaccinated at risk.”

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When scientists developed vaccines to slow the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, their vaccine candidates were judged effective based on whether or not people were hospitalized or died after getting immunized.


Even with delta, almost everyone who dies from COVID-19 — 99.5 percent of known cases — are unvaccinated people, along with 97 percent of people hospitalized for the illness. That suggests that the vaccines are still highly effective, said U.S. Surgeon General and Dr. Vivek Murthy during a recent press briefing.

即使是只参考德尔塔变种病例,百分之99.5的因病去世的人都是还没未接种疫苗的人,还有百分之97的因病住院的人也是如此。这表明疫苗仍然还是非常有效的,美国外科医生Vivek Murthy博士在最近一次新闻发布会上说。

The CDC is counting vaccinated people who have been hospitalized or died from the coronavirus. Based on data available so far, that very rarely happens.


In a study published July 28 in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers analyzed results from nasal swab tests collected from 1,497 fully vaccinated health care workers at Israel’s largest medical center, with the last tests gathered by April 28, when the alpha variant was taking hold in Israel. They found 39 breakthrough infections. Those who were infected presented with mild symptoms, if any at all, the study authors wrote. And these results were finalized months before the delta variant dominated the pandemic. In a July 21 study published in the same journal, researchers noted there were “only modest differences in vaccine effectiveness” between people exposed to the alpha variant versus the delta variant.


But in the U.S., no one knows exactly how many breakthrough cases there really are because nationwide data doesn’t exist. The agency does not count vaccinated people who have been diagnosed with the disease but are asymptomatic or have only mild symptoms, said Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of Brown University’s School of Public Health. That’s problematic, he said, because the way researchers count infections among vaccinated people is vital to investigating this continually evolving virus, he said.

但是在美国,没有人知道到底有多少接种后的突破性病例,因为这种全国数据并不存在。布朗大学公共卫生学院院长Ashish Jha博士说,该机构没有计算那些已被诊断出患有该疾病但没有症状或只有轻微症状的接种者。他表示这是有问题的,因为研究人员统计接种者感染情况的方式对于调查这种不断演变的病毒来说至关重要。
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Dr. Jennifer Nuzzo, an epidemiologist and professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, said that CDC’s decision to track only severe COVID-19 cases among fully vaccinated people is reasonable because it tells us whether the vaccines are working as designed.

霍普金斯大学公共卫生学院的流行病学家和教授Jennifer Nuzzo博士告诉我们,疫情防控中心决定只追踪完全接种疫苗的人中的严重病例很合理,因为这告诉了我们疫苗是否能按照计划的那样发挥作用。

Vaccines don’t supercharge one’s immune system so that it zaps the virus before any symptoms develop. And testing positive after being exposed to the virus does not mean your vaccine failed, she said. You could still test positive while your immune system is building its response, which could result in blunted symptoms, if any at all.


She discouraged organizations — like pro baseball teams — from doing surveillance testing among vaccinated people without symptoms, saying “it probably does more harm than good” in eroding public confidence.

这位博士不鼓励各大团体例如说职业棒球队,在没有症状的疫苗接种者中进行核算检测,她认为这在打击公众信心方面 "可能弊大于利"。

When the chance of dying from COVID-19 is about one in 200 for an unvaccinated person, while the chance of adverse events from an mRNA vaccine is about 2 to 4 per million, Weissman said the choice is clear. It bothers him “to no end,” he said, when he hears of patients who ask to be vaccinated against COVID-19 when they are already infected and moments before they are intubated: “They could have taken the vaccine a month earlier and not ended up in this position.”

当未接种疫苗的人死于COVID-19的几率约为200分之一,而mRNA疫苗发生不良事件的几率只约为每100万出现2到4例时,作出接种疫苗的选择还是很明确的。当魏斯曼博士听到病人在已经被感染的情况下,在插管前一刻要求接种COVID-19疫苗时,他感到 "非常困扰"。"他们本可以在一个月前就接种疫苗,而不会落到这个地步"。
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In this moment, when there’s public confusion around fully vaccinated people getting sick with the virus, some Republican lawmakers, such as Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, have suggested that moves to mandate masks could further undermine confidence among the unvaccinated.

在现在这种公众对接种完疫苗的人还感染病毒感到困惑之时,一些共和党的立法者,例如德克萨斯州参议员特德-克鲁兹(Ted Cruz)提出了意见,强制戴口罩的举措可能会进一步打击未接种疫苗者的信心。

Fauci said the solution was not to avoid mandates but for Republican leaders to promote vaccination. He pointed to Arkansas’ Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson, who has traveled across his state in a series of community chats to answer people’s questions about the vaccines and encourage more people to get immunized as hospitals fend off a surge in cases.


“We would not be in this situation if we already had now the overwhelming proportion of the population vaccinated,” he said.
