Why There Will Never Be a True “Theory of Everything”译文简介
Reality seems to be diametrically opposed to human comprehension
Theodore Greenbaum
Essayist, Fiction Writer, Occasional Humorist
作者:西奥多 · 格林鲍姆
Essayist, Fiction Writer, Occasional Humorist
作者:西奥多 · 格林鲍姆
It’s generally assumed that physics provides us with obxtive truths about reality. The general consensus seems to be that we are slowly but surely figuring things out, getting gradually closer and closer to understanding everything there is to know about the universe, and all of reality may someday be understood through the unbiased lens of a perfect, obxtively truthful “Theory of Everything.”
This optimistic outlook, unfortunately, is completely unfounded. There is no obxtively truthful way of describing reality on a fundamental level, and there never can be.
人们普遍认为,物理学为我们提供了关于现实的客观真理。普遍的共识似乎是,我们正在缓慢但肯定地弄清楚事情,逐渐接近理解宇宙中的一切,所有的现实有朝一日可能会通过一个完美的、客观真实的 "万物理论 "来理解。
This optimistic outlook, unfortunately, is completely unfounded. There is no obxtively truthful way of describing reality on a fundamental level, and there never can be.
人们普遍认为,物理学为我们提供了关于现实的客观真理。普遍的共识似乎是,我们正在缓慢但肯定地弄清楚事情,逐渐接近理解宇宙中的一切,所有的现实有朝一日可能会通过一个完美的、客观真实的 "万物理论 "来理解。
To understand why, we could start by examining language, the ways we communicate our knowledge. All of human language is wrought from metaphor and is inherently non-obxtive. There is no sentence in any language which is not modified in some sense by an individual’s experiential bias or by the presence or absence of contextual information, which itself will be rooted in further metaphors and require explanation ad infinitum. If I write, “Donald Trump sure is a smart guy!” the reader would obviously need to know whether I am being ironic or sincere. The meaning of the sentence is modified by the bias of the reader, and by their individual perception of bias within the speaker. A sentence like “Hope is the thing with feathers” will undoubtedly produce a different image in the mind of anyone who reads it.
如果我写道:“唐纳德 · 特朗普肯定是个聪明人!”读者显然需要知道我是在讽刺还是真诚的赞扬特朗普的聪明,一句话的含义被读者的偏见,以及他们对说话人内在偏见的个人看法所改变。像“希望就像插上了羽毛”这样的句子无疑会在读者的脑海中产生不同的印象。
如果我写道:“唐纳德 · 特朗普肯定是个聪明人!”读者显然需要知道我是在讽刺还是真诚的赞扬特朗普的聪明,一句话的含义被读者的偏见,以及他们对说话人内在偏见的个人看法所改变。像“希望就像插上了羽毛”这样的句子无疑会在读者的脑海中产生不同的印象。
Obviously, the language of modern physics is not so deliberately subjective, but it is subjective nonetheless. A common statement like “all the information about a particle is encoded in its wave function” cannot be verified or falsified without completing the impossible task of extricating it from a strictly metaphorical understanding. Physicists can alleviate these ambiguities to a certain extent with the use of additional sentences which specify their intended meanings, but so long as they use language to make these specifications, there will always be further specifications to make. We can make a definition approximate obxtivity by avoiding theoretical and physical descxtions entirely, recounting only the strict details of experimental observation, but even within these details rhetorical ambiguities will arise.
The only form of human language which admits no subjectivity is mathematics, which may suggest that mathematics is the route by which we can make obxtive physical statements. Trouble arises, however, when we try to assign meaning to these mathematical statements and connect them to the phenomena they are meant to describe. Take Schr?dinger’s equation for example. We might say that it is an obxtive statement because the mathematical rules are well defined and the equation will function in the same manner for any mathematician, but as soon as we apply meaning to the equation and say that it describes quantum probability or a particle’s wave-function, we immediately enter once again into the realm of subjectivity and metaphor. This fundamental problem in asserting meaning in mathematics is what led Albert Einstein to write, “As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.”
以薛定谔方程为例,我们可以说这是一个客观的陈述,因为其数学规则定义得很好,方程式对任何数学家来说都会以同样的方式起作用,但是一旦我们把方程式的意义应用到方程式上,说它描述了量子概率或粒子的波函数,我们立刻又进入了陷入了主观性和隐喻的领域,阿尔伯特 · 爱因斯坦写道: “就数学定律指向现实而言,它们是不确定的,如果它们是确定的,它们便不指向现实。”
以薛定谔方程为例,我们可以说这是一个客观的陈述,因为其数学规则定义得很好,方程式对任何数学家来说都会以同样的方式起作用,但是一旦我们把方程式的意义应用到方程式上,说它描述了量子概率或粒子的波函数,我们立刻又进入了陷入了主观性和隐喻的领域,阿尔伯特 · 爱因斯坦写道: “就数学定律指向现实而言,它们是不确定的,如果它们是确定的,它们便不指向现实。”
A “Theory of Everything” must necessarily walk a line between mathematical code divorced from theory and metaphorical creation story divorced from certitude. The only way to accurately and completely describe the universe without recourse to metaphor would be to literally write the equation for the universe, to write a code which could circumvent all ambiguity and, using nothing but mathematical law, reproduce the entire universe with fidelity.
一个 "万物理论 "必须在脱离理论的数学代码和脱离确定性的隐喻性创造故事之间做出选择,准确而完整地描述宇宙的唯一方法,就是直接写出宇宙的方程式,写出一个能避免所有模糊性的代码,只用数学定律,精确地再现整个宇宙。
一个 "万物理论 "必须在脱离理论的数学代码和脱离确定性的隐喻性创造故事之间做出选择,准确而完整地描述宇宙的唯一方法,就是直接写出宇宙的方程式,写出一个能避免所有模糊性的代码,只用数学定律,精确地再现整个宇宙。
To some, this may not seem all that far-fetched. Many people subscribe to the idea that our universe is an elaborate computer simulation. Even Neil deGrasse Tyson has argued that it’s a strong possibility. The notion that we may be living in “The Matrix,” so to speak, has been bolstered by rapid advancements in computer technology, an increasingly digitized world, and an unerring faith in human scientific ingenuity.
I am not quite so optimistic. We have every reason to believe that the universe is infinitely expansive, infinitely complex, and eternal in duration, but even if none of these statements were true, there would still be no computer or simulation that could run the “code” or “program” of the universe, nor any brain that could comprehend it, because there could never be a computer or thinking machine with more RAM than the reality it exists within. One cannot fit the entire universe into a computer which exists in that universe, and even if a computer with infinite processing power did exist, we would still have to write a code which could somehow reproduce the infinite complexity of our physical reality.
And it’s not just a problem of complexity. Complexity, perhaps, could be overcome on an infinite time scale. The problem is that the universe isn’t just really big and really complicated — it’s fundamentally incompatible with human comprehension.
All of human understanding is, by necessity, rooted in dichotomies. The concept of hot necessitates a cold counterpart, just as black necessitates a white counterpart. In the same manner that computers store and process information using digital codes of ones and zeros, our brains store and process information using individual neurons which alternate between states of rest or excitation. Our entire capacity for thought and knowledge is determined by this binary state of individual neurons, and we are predisposed to think in dualities. It is completely beyond our mental capacity to envision any system of language or understanding which could exist without duality. A language without duality would not be a language. It would be an infinite homonym.
Reality, on a fundamental level, possesses no black and white dichotomy by which we could come to understand it. We have been raised to believe there is a fundamental distinction between space and matter. Space is a big sea of nothingness with bits of somethingness flying through it like billiard balls. But this is demonstrably false.
If General Relativity taught us anything, it’s that space — far from being void, vacuum, or merely the nothingness that somethingness moves around in — is in fact an energetic, dynamic field. Space itself is a medium, and it is the mediator of gravitational force.
If General Relativity taught us anything, it’s that space — far from being void, vacuum, or merely the nothingness that somethingness moves around in — is in fact an energetic, dynamic field. Space itself is a medium, and it is the mediator of gravitational force.
If quantum physics has taught us anything, it’s that matter — far from being indivisible building blocks of substance hurtling through a void —is really distributed across space and behaves according to mysterious wave dynamics. Particles are impossible to pin down and capture at a single, substantive point.
The “obxts” which we have thought of as “matter” are not merely raisins embedded in a bread loaf of nothingness — they are fluctuations in an omnipresent field. There is no fundamental distinction between space and matter, and thus there is no inherent dichotomy through which we may divide, conquer, and properly understand our universe.
Take the electron, for example. An electron is supposedly a “point particle” or a “discreet packet of energy,” but what does that even mean? We must imagine it, evidently, as either a dimensionless non-obxt or as a little baggie of abstract force. In either case, if we had a perfect microscope with which to zoom into an electron, we would expect to find nothing solid — just “energy” or “empty space,” which are just abstractions. The same is true with protons and neutrons, the “elementary particles” making up the nucleus. It was discovered that protons and neutrons are like small nuclei themselves: they are composed of quarks, which lix together in an atom-like structure.
以电子为例,一个电子被认为是一个“点粒子”或“分散的能量包”,但这究竟意味着什么呢?显然,我们必须把它想象成一个无量纲的非物体,或者一小袋抽象的力,不管是哪种情况,如果我们有一台完美的显微镜,可以用来放大电子,我们可能会发现其并非某种固体——只是“能量”或“空白空间”,这些都是抽象的东西,构成原子核的“基本粒子”——质子和中子也是如此,人们发现质子和中子本身就像小原子核: 它们是由夸克组成的,夸克以类似原子的结构连接在一起。
以电子为例,一个电子被认为是一个“点粒子”或“分散的能量包”,但这究竟意味着什么呢?显然,我们必须把它想象成一个无量纲的非物体,或者一小袋抽象的力,不管是哪种情况,如果我们有一台完美的显微镜,可以用来放大电子,我们可能会发现其并非某种固体——只是“能量”或“空白空间”,这些都是抽象的东西,构成原子核的“基本粒子”——质子和中子也是如此,人们发现质子和中子本身就像小原子核: 它们是由夸克组成的,夸克以类似原子的结构连接在一起。
Based on the developing trend, the quarks, too, are predominantly empty space, perhaps punctuated by some other, “more elementary” particle that has yet to be discovered. Inside these “more elementary” particles, the same rule would apply: there’s a whole lot of empty space, dotted here and there by even smaller particles, and these smaller particles will just be a whole lot of empty space with even smaller particles inside them, and so on to infinity. There is no reason to believe that we will ever find a chunk of elementary matter. No matter how far we zoom, we will never find an indivisible Lego brick or a cosmic billiard ball.
基于这种发展趋势,夸克也主要是空无一物的空间,也许还有其他一些尚未被发现的“更基本的”粒子,在这些“更基本的”粒子中,同样的规则也适用: 有大量的空间,点缀着更小的粒子,而这些更小的粒子又是一大片空间,里面有更小的粒子,以此类推,直到无穷大,我们没有理由相信我们会发现基本物质,无论我们走多远,我们永远不会找到一块不可分割的乐高积木或者一个宇宙台球。
基于这种发展趋势,夸克也主要是空无一物的空间,也许还有其他一些尚未被发现的“更基本的”粒子,在这些“更基本的”粒子中,同样的规则也适用: 有大量的空间,点缀着更小的粒子,而这些更小的粒子又是一大片空间,里面有更小的粒子,以此类推,直到无穷大,我们没有理由相信我们会发现基本物质,无论我们走多远,我们永远不会找到一块不可分割的乐高积木或者一个宇宙台球。
Even if it requires a millennia of advancements in microscope or particle accelerator technology, physicists will eventually have to embrace the fact that matter and energy, whatever they may be, are not housed within indivisible particles but distributed everywhere. There is no such thing as a fundamental particle, just as there is no such thing as empty space.
A famous koan asks us, “You can make the sound of two hands clapping. Now what is the sound of one hand?” If matter does not consist of little billiard balls whizzing around through “empty space,” then this truth must reinforce our certainty that the universe, on its most fundamental level, is inherently immune to human understanding.
The “oneness” of the universe is impossible for our duality-based intellect to grapple with in any meaningful way. Even if we had the perfect super computer — an intellect so advanced it could handle more bytes of data than there are “particles” in the universe — it would never be able to represent our reality with true fidelity, because of that baffling oneness.
一个著名的公案( 注:koan,禅宗术语,心印,公案)问我们: “ 你可以发出两只手拍打的声音,那一只手的声音是什么?” 如果物质不是由在“虚空”中呼啸而过的小台球组成的,那么这个事实必定会加强我们的确定性,即宇宙在其最基本的层面上,本质上是无法被人类理解的。
The “oneness” of the universe is impossible for our duality-based intellect to grapple with in any meaningful way. Even if we had the perfect super computer — an intellect so advanced it could handle more bytes of data than there are “particles” in the universe — it would never be able to represent our reality with true fidelity, because of that baffling oneness.
一个著名的公案( 注:koan,禅宗术语,心印,公案)问我们: “ 你可以发出两只手拍打的声音,那一只手的声音是什么?” 如果物质不是由在“虚空”中呼啸而过的小台球组成的,那么这个事实必定会加强我们的确定性,即宇宙在其最基本的层面上,本质上是无法被人类理解的。
We know that reality is not nothing. It is not a 0. We know it is not a homogeneous something. It is not a 1. We know it is not a mixture of something and nothing — it is not a string of 1’s and 0’s. It’s somewhere in between something and nothing, in a state that logical systems will never be able to approach.
As another famous koan tells us: between “is” and “is not” is the dwelling place of those who know.
正如另一个著名的公案告诉我们的: 在“是”和“不是”之间是知者的居所。
As another famous koan tells us: between “is” and “is not” is the dwelling place of those who know.
正如另一个著名的公案告诉我们的: 在“是”和“不是”之间是知者的居所。
很赞 ( 4 )
Well, I'm bookmarking this excellent essay for future reference. I learned some physics I'd never seen presented in quite this way before. And I thoroughly appreciate the significant point you've made about the inability of the dualistic mind and its inventions to comprehend the oneness of the universe. Thanks for writing this.
There may be a fundamental (sic) misapprehension in the article. It assumes, for example, that reality is like an infinite regression of matryoshki, but we know that at the Planck scale there does seem to be a finite limit beneath which there is insufficient "room" for phenomena to occur. Furthermore, a "theory of everything" is not the same as "absolute comprehension." We can have very effective theories that we nevertheless do not fully comprehend. As Dirac said of his own famous equation, "it knew more than I did." It's unwise to philosophize about reality in the abstract, because of the danger of unrecognized assumptions, not to mention insufficient understanding of physics. This article appears to tumble headfirst into that trap.
这篇文章中可能有一个基本的(原文如此)误解,例如,它假设现实就像矩阵的无限回归,但我们知道,在普朗克尺度上,似乎确实有一个有限的限度,在这个限度之下,没有足够的 "空间 "来发生各种现象。
此外,"万物理论 "并不等同于 "绝对理解",我们可以有非常有效的理论,但我们却不能完全理解,正如狄拉克在谈到他自己的著名方程时所说,"它比我知道得更多",对现实进行抽象的哲学思考是不明智的,因为这存在着未被承认的假设的危险,更不用说对物理学的不充分理解,这篇文章似乎一头扎进了这个陷阱。
Sorry, but this is just silly: both its analysis of physics and linguistics are absurd. Physics is not the search of "obxtive truth." It is the search for a theory which explains observable phenomena better than any other theory. Language does not depend on "dualities." What is the opposite of "dog" "Red" "Mathematics"? The brain is NOT just a series of "on/off" neurons. It is a complex web of connections BETWEEN on/off neurons. The fact that we "think" of space as empty is irrelevant. Current theories of physics says it is not.
很抱歉,但这实在是太傻了:这篇文章对物理学和语言学的分析都是荒谬的。物理学不是在寻找 "客观真理",它是在寻找一种比其他理论更能解释可观察到的现象的理论,语言并不依赖于 "二元性", "狗""红""数学 "的反义词是什么 ?大脑不只是一系列 "开/关 "的神经元,它是一个由开/关神经元之间的连接组成的复杂网络,我们 "认为 " 空间是空的这一事实是无关紧要的,目前的物理学理论认为并非如此。
There may be no restriction on our ability to learn the general principles and symmetries upon which the cosmos operates. And this is what is really interesting!
On the other hand, deterministic chaos and quantum mechanics have taught us that any exact and detailed predictions on how the future unfolds (on any time or spatial scale) are impossible. If the initial conditions cannot be known perfectly, for example, no accurate predictions can be made. You can get acceptable models for the weather on a one week time frx, but the models fail fairly fast beyond that.
This is something we need to process, accept, and stop wasting time/effort on hopelessly idealistic work-arounds.
“There is no obxtively truthful way of describing reality on a fundamental level, and there never can be… The problem is that the universe isn’t just really big and really complicated — it’s fundamentally incompatible with human comprehension.”
This is self-serving nonsense. Why? Because these categorical assertions themselves can’t be true per their own claims: they are self-immolating. Said another way, these categorical assertions appeal to the very thing they decry.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
If everyone thought like this, no-one would ever build anything that worked.
So I don’t agree with you.
Lots of things work.
Would I be right in guessing you might have never had any experience of building something that worked?
PS btw, isn’t your story itself a theory of everything?
Superb piece. The research that makes up the search for a Theory of Everything results in many important discoveries, but the idea that we will reach that goal is unrealistic and leads to theories like simulations and multiverses, which cannot ever be confirmed. But, hubris is a defining feature of human beings so it isn’t surprising.
A theory of anything or 'everything' is always metaphorical. It explains or describes what something is like.
The key point is the descxtion / explanation and the subject of the descxtion / explanation are two totally separate things.
Both have infinite scope for further complexity. In theory, theory describes reality. In reality, reality doesn't care whether theory is right or not.
任何事物或 "万物 "的理论总是隐喻的,它解释或描述了某些东西是什么样的。
Physics itself and the mathematics behind it is clear and un-ambiguous. The problem arises when we try to explain that to people not well versed in mathematics. Then we naturally rely on various interpretations of what the mathematics is telling us, using the language at hand, and it is that interpretation which always leads to ambiguities and questions such as "is an electron a wave or a particle".
物理学本身和它背后的数学清晰而明确的,当我们试图向不精通数学的人解释时,问题就来了,然后,我们自然而然地使用手头的语言,依赖于对数学所告诉我们的东西的各种解释,而正是这样的解释总是导致歧义和问题,如 "电子是波还是粒子"。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
This optimistic outlook, unfortunately, is completely unfounded. There is no obxtively truthful way of describing reality on a fundamental level, and there never can be.
Agreed! Human beings after every 30 40 years begin believing that they have found the absolute explanation.. They have been doing it probably for millennia.
——同意! 每过30 - 40年,人类就会开始相信他们找到了绝对的解释,人类这样的行为可能已经有几千年了。
If you are willing to understand the universe with a before, with all being primarily Pure Information (pure that it is dimensionless as we have dimensions for the the physical senses), and that that Information In-Forms Energy to be waves or act like we think matter would behave, then there could be no matter particles to find. We don't have to go ever-deeper, but just start at a different place.
In the double-lilt experiment, the measurement apparatus (even a human) can In-Form the wave forms and have them behave like we think matter particles should do; but they are just In-Formed Energy (not particles at all)!
The Greatest insight into an issue is always going to require that we reconsider our founding assumptions (call it Context if you will) and re-considering assumptions is more useful that criticizing how we measure and analyze data.
So, If Before included a field of Pure Information which In-formed the Big Bang process, then it would be very important to reconsider just what the initial Pure Information field looked like and would need to contain for us to get the early universe; then all that came after.
Also, if information is both everywhere and available instantaneously, then 'strange action at a distance' is not so strange and those who could change Energy in our galaxy from another galaxy could appear to do 'impossible' things in our galaxy and on our planet.
如果你愿意用以前的观点来理解宇宙,以纯粹的信息为主 ( 纯粹的信息是无维度的,因为我们有物理感官的维度 ) ,并且信息形成能量,成为波或像像我们认为的物质一样运动,那么我们可能就不需要去找寻物质粒子,我们不需要更深入,只需要从一个不同的地方开始。
此外,如果信息是无处不在的,而且是即时可用的,那么 "远距离的奇怪行为 " 就不足为怪了,那些可以从另一个星系改变我们星系的能量的人可以在我们的星系和我们的星球上做 "不可能 "的事情。