If time travel permits us, in which ancient wonder of the world do you want to go, and why?译文简介
If time travel permits us, in which ancient wonder of the world do you want to go, and why?
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The Pyramids when they were newly built. Ancient Egypt, especially at that time, was just such a different culture and civilization from anything seen before or since that experiencing it first hand would be a thrill.
Michael Burke
There must have been an amazing sense of pride watching foreigners come to your city and see the pyramids for the first time. Even today in their dilapidated state they’re mesmerising. Brand new and with nothing even remotely close to their grandeur they must have been absolutely astonishing.
If it was me I’d go to the hill on the way (if there was one) into town just to see the look on peoples faces when they got first sight of them.
There is a TVA travel advisory out against going to Egypt during the ten plagues.
This would’ve been about 1500 years before that, so I should be good.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
That’s assuming the Egyptian timeline is accurate. It most likely isn’t, as kings and pharaohs would fudge a lot to make Egypt seem more impressive than it is. They even had kings recorded as living thousands of years, which we have no precedent for in any record, including the Bible.
The other problem is that the Egyptians had a thing about rewriting history and new Pharaohs “Cancelling” their predecessors.
So the historical records and timelines have a lot of gaps
Great pick Khalid! I never would have thought of your answer but it would be more than amazing to see what Egypt looked like them!
It is amazing to think really that when Roman Emperors engaged in a bit of tourism to see the Pyramids, they would have been as ancient to them as classical Rome is to us!
That image doesn't do justice on how majestically shining those pyramids would be when they were built. Pure white glistening in the sun!
Your picture left out the UFO landing pad.
And where is the Stargate?
Don't be silly. It's there, in plain sight. Of course the great pyramid would open in case of an incoming space vessel and reveal the landing pad, you sausage!
当一艘太空飞船到来时,大金字塔会打开,露出着陆点! /大笑
Only if you were one of the few elite. Be thankful you can visit the pyramids today: in the past, you might have been one in the gang hauling the limestone blocks
Why are they so shiny and white in that artist's impression?
They’re shiny and white, because the Pyramids of Giza were originally covered in polished limestone. You can still see a bit at the top of The Pyramid of Khafre.
Of the Seven Great Wonders of the Ancient World? Unfortunately that does feel rather limiting, though I suppose the the philhellene in me would choose the Statue of Zeus in Olympia. In particular, I’d go during an Olympic year so that I might get to watch the ancient games as they were.
A relatively close second would be the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, though I fear it was little more than your average ziggurat with a garden on the top level. Even so, I’m sure I wouldn’t be disappointed as their must be some reason behind the endurance of its reputation.
“Seorabeol in Silla”
That'd be nowadays Korea, right?
Yes, modern day Gyeongju, Korea to be exact
I imagine the Weiyang palace would be a great choice if you also only had a few minutes to live. Otherwise the guards might be cross with you for looking around
I imagine those at Machu Picchu wouldn’t be thrilled to see me either. But if I can time travel, I’m sure I also got a cloak of invisibility or one of those Mission Impossible masks at the very least.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Not a wonder I know but id go back far enough in time to antartica, before it was covered in snow and a lush continent full of life. Who knows what amazing things and animals we could find
Sorry, had to get that out of the way.
But that would be some time back, almost 300 million years ago when it was a part of the Gandwana supercontinent. Very small creatures back then if I’m not mistaken, but would be interesting nonetheless for the flora alone.
但那是一段时间以前的事了——大约3亿年前,当时它是甘瓦纳超大陆(the Gandwana supercontinent)的一部分。
While many of these wonders would indeed be great to look at (and hopefully photograph!) - and nobody has mentioned the Great Pyramid when it still had its cap and outer shell - but the one I would love to see would be the Great Library of Alexandria. And take many many many photos of various books, maps and documents that were lost forever when it fell into disuse.
If that doesn’t count since it’s not on the official list of 7 Great Wonders of the Ancient World, then I’ll go see the Great Lighthouse (of Alexandria) and stop by the Library while I’m there.
And if we’re not allowed to take pictures, then yes I’d probably go see the Colossus as well.
Very tempting are the two that we often feel we know the least about in terms of their physical appearance and construction - the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the Colossus of Rhodes.
Choosing between the two, I think Rhodes would be a spectacular thing to see, but the bigger mystery is Babylon, so that would be my choice, BUT……..
If I could expand the question by a smidge, my first choice would be the Great Serpent Mound in Ohio, USA. This monument is poorly understood in both the intent of its original form, what it represents, and its purpose and use. These answers could prove even more interesting or add greater understanding to the culture that created it than a visit to one of the classical wonders would.
Although not ancient, definitely the Titanic on the night of its sinking. Just to know how everything played out, what the iceberg looked like as the ship approached it, how people reacted, what they were saying, how long it took for them to realize what was happening, and if there were are any key events missing from historical accounts would be deeply satisfying. There’s an aura of mystery surrounding that fateful night that have kept people intrigued for more than a century.
A sinking city, an apocalyptic event from which few escaped.
Honestly I would had wanted to see the colossus of Rhodes at it’s glorious self before it was destroyed by if I’m not mistaken an earthquake.
Games like God of War 2. Makes me wonder now what it was like when it was still standing proud during it’s glorious ages.
If it was still around, just imagine what awesome selfies people could take.
I’m not sure whats awesome about a closeup of a face with a partially visible background.
Surely a landscape photograph of the standing monument would be far more impressive.
The Colossus didn’t bridge the harbour entrance; this idea was a Victorian invention. It stood off to one side. It was also considerably smaller than depicted.
巨像没有在港口入口处架起桥梁; 这个想法是维多利亚时代的发明。
Reminds me my experience of seeing Statue of Liberty for the first time.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
The Statue of Liberty is twice as large as the Colossus was
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
You mean
If I time travel to back then, rent out a boat and cross the strait while looking straight up, all I see will be just the blue sky???
Yes. It according to recent study, in the exact spot in which the Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes exists today, there was the foundations of the ancient temple of the Sun-god 'Helios' and probably that was the spot where Colossus stood in the Antiquity. The location is on a hill and overlooks all three harbors of Rhodes.
33 metres is not small
I think his point is that it’s nowhere near as tall as depicted in the first picture. The first pic depicts the statue as closer to 100m if not higher. Statue of Liberty without pedestal is 46m tall, so 33m isn’t that tall for modern standards, although plenty tall for the times.
Indeed. I wasn't disparaging the statue. Just suggesting that it would be somewhat anticlimactic if you excitedly time travelled expecting to see the thing in the first picture.
Judging by what I assume to be people in that.picture, it would actually be about the height of that statue's knees. Certainly not small, certainly by the standards of the time, but not as tall as that statue.
To make a parallel, when I was younger, I read that a tyrannosaurus rex was about 4m. I thought that meant it was 4 miles and was suitably impressed, when really it was 4 metres. Now, is 4 metres big? Gell yes, and if I saw a 4 metre tall carnivore heading my way, I'd be off like a shot. Still, had the young me travelled back in time to see one, 4 metres would have left me wondering where the real ones were, not this pygmy.
The collossus of Rhodes didn’t straddle the harbour, that was a piece of “artistic licence” in a woodcut centuries after the fact. It was a statue that stood on the harbour wall (but not straddling the entrance). This is a more realistic illustration:
Michael Burke
With all the embellishments that have been added over the years I think people would be pretty disappointed with the actual one.
Disappointed or not.
At least I'll know for sure.
I can grow from an emotional perspective.
Kinda depends, if we approach it with a modern perspective it wouldn’t amaze us at all I mean there’s plenty of statues bigger never mind buildings. If you approach with the same attitude as the ancients then this thing was a behemoth and a technological marvel especially during the Bronze Age I mean they casted that thing with tools not even good enough to go in our shed these days
If anyone imagines that the Colossus looked anything like this illustration, they must be barmy. The Greeks did not have the technology to construct such a statue: in fact, I doubt that Gustave Eiffel could have done it, although it might just be possible today. It is obvious that Herodotus never saw the statue, because his descxtion of it is ridiculous: he could only be relying on old salts’ tales told over a krater of wine.
如果有人想象巨人像这张插图,那他们一定是疯了。希腊人没有技术来建造这样的雕像: 事实上,我怀疑古斯塔夫·埃菲尔能否做到这一点,尽管这在今天是可能的。很明显,希罗多德从未见过这座雕像,因为他对它的描述是荒谬的。他依据的只有那些喝了一桶酒后老盐商讲的故事。