Staff at UK GP surgeries facing abuse and ‘tsunami of demand’
- emergency summit reveals deep crisis with serious impact on mental heath of doctors, dentists and staff


(Primary care in England is ‘in meltdown’, says the chief executive of the Salford Primary Care Together partnership.)


NHS staff at GP surgeries are facing unprecedented abuse and aggression from patients, while stressed doctors are increasingly suffering from mental illness, because of an appointments system “in meltdown”, family doctors’ leaders have revealed.


The scale of the deep crisis in GP surgeries was revealed in an emergency summit of more than 60 NHS doctors, dentists and administrative staff in Salford, which the Guardian attended, triggered by a recent rise in verbal abuse.


“Patients are short-tempered and not happy waiting for anything … They want letters. The latest one was a request to speak to a GP because he needs a letter to confirm anxieties that cause him a problem in long queues – because he wants to take his son to [Southport amusement park] Pleasureland and does not want to queue.” Jan Crowshaw, GP manager


It comes after a recent poll by the body representing GP surgery staff across the UK found that 75% of them face abuse every day, including assaults, threats, racism and sexism.


Jan Crowshaw, a GP practice administrator in Salford for 27 years, said: “In all my time I have worked for the NHS, we have never ever encountered the level of vitriol that has been levelled at us in the past few weeks. We have all noticed not only huge increases in patient demand, but also massive increases in complaints.


“Perhaps most distressing of all is a real surge in the number of patients who feel it is appropriate to shout at, swear at and insult not just our non-clinical staff but clinical staff as well. We have one member of staff reduced to tears every single day.”


NHS figures released this month show that GP practices in England delivered almost 5m more appointments in March 2021 than the month before, and nearly 3m more than in March 2019.

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“We are aware of one instance of a dentist committing suicide during the pandemic because of financial losses and job losses and I’m sure there are many more suffering with depression and stress-related illnesses.” Hamza Anwar, dentist


But surgeries are still struggling to meet the increasing demand for appointments and GPs have faced fierce media criticism for carrying out phone consultations because of Covid restrictions. NHS England has now told all GPs that they must offer face-to-face consultations.


The Institute of General Practice Management (IGPM), which represents staff across the UK, carried out the poll. It has launched a campaign video on YouTube calling for a zero tolerance approach called “If I die, it will be your fault” – after one of the most common abusive statements directed at staff.


Kay Keane, a practice manager in Stockport, told GP Online: “A man attended our practice with six knives because he didn’t get the treatment he wanted. He smashed up the waiting room and threatened staff members. It was terrifying and unacceptable.”

斯托克波特的一名诊所经理凯·基恩告诉GP Online网:“一名男子带着6把刀来我们诊所,因为他没有得到他想要的治疗。他砸碎了等候室,并威胁工作人员。这种行为是可怕和不可接受的。”

“Digital medicine is seen as lazy and actually it’s harder. Fifty per cent of a face-to-face consultation is [watching the patient] walk across the room. You are trying to see that down the telephone line. And it’s really, really hard. And I don’t think people understand that.” Lance Gardner, chief executive of Salford Primary Care Together


Lance Gardner, the chief executive of Salford Primary Care Together, who organised last week’s Zoom call of worried NHS staff from local practices, said surgery staff are having serious mental health problems as a result of the intense pressures on them.


“Primary care is in meltdown. It has never been like this. I am terrified that I am going to get a phone call that somebody in primary care has taken their own life. GPs are having to seek medical advice and counselling. People are mentally falling over. They have been hit by a tsunami of demand,” Gardner said.


The Salford summit also heard how patients’ attitudes towards GPs were not the same as they were in the past.


“We were already busy to start with. It’s not like we started off with a great deal of capacity to fill … Patients are on long waiting lists and conditions slowly get worse as time goes on and we have to manage that. They keep contacting the practice to find what is happening [with their treatment or operations]. That causes a significant amount of absorption of time.” Dr Nick Browne, GP


“The patient perception of us has changed,” Dr Nick Browne, a Salford GP, said. “Somebody mentioned to me that they feel as though patients are coming to us with much more minor problems at a much earlier stage. Their expectations of our response is much greater.”


The British Medical Association, the UK’s largest doctors’ unx, wrote last week to the health secretary, Matt Hancock, to request an urgent meeting about the GP crisis. The fear in many surgeries is that patients needing urgent care will be missed because appointments are snapped up so quickly.


“A patient turned up at the surgery and threatened staff with a hammer because he couldn’t get an appointment that suited him.” NHS staff member, in the Institute of General Practice Management campaign video


The BMA’s GP committee chair, Dr Richard Vautrey, said it was very concerning to hear of the rising levels of abuse and aggression being experienced. “There can never be an excuse for this kind of behaviour,” he said. “Unfortunately, GPs and practice staff are very often at the receiving end of this frustration, when really it has originated as a result of many issues outside the control of the practice, such as lack of resourcing, chronic understaffing and years of underinvestment by the government.”


Prof Martin Marshall, chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners council, said the supply of doctors was not enough to meet demand: “This was already the case before the pandemic, and we are now at crisis point. We are hearing from our receptionists and practice staff that they are bearing the brunt of this frustration, and even anger, and this is having a serious impact on their wellbeing and morale.”


“The job of being a GP is largely undoable at present and these pressures are keenly felt by our teams,” he added.


Crowshaw said staff were “drowning under the workload”. “We don’t want to miss the cancer or suicidals. [But] our access has become first come, first served, with those that shout the loudest at the head of the queue.”

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“The mental health and wellbeing of [pharmacy] staff is at an all-time low and staff are also facing abuse from the public.” Luvjit Kandula, director of pharmacy transformation, Greater Manchester


Some fear the situation will get worse as patients on long waiting lists for operations turn to their GP for extra care. Increasingly surgeries are just shutting down and “handing in their keys” because they cannot cope.


“I was talking to our lawyer and she said six GPs in the last week in April rang her law firm to hand their keys in,” Gardner said. “They hadn’t had six GPs s hand their keys in the previous six years, never mind in five days.”
