Have you ever had a supernatural experience?译文简介
Have you ever had a supernatural experience?
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Ohh yesss….!!!! I have been gone and still going through alot of Supernatural things which I can't explain it in full words.
Since I am A Spiritual being from past 7 years from the age of 15, now i am 22. I had been studying Hinduism and Christanity and habe alot of curiosity to learn and expercience new things.
From past 7 years I have been going through Spiritual Awakening journey which involves many of Supernatural experciences that one could imagine in his/her lifetime, these journey leads the way to higher dimensions than our small dimenion. You are been revealed by many secrets of these creation,your true identity, your purpose on these planet by divine energy when going through these experience.
Recently I saw a being when i was half awake on my bed in early mornings, than suddenly a being with small height and solid shape eminating a very pure golden light was sitting next to the chair , he was literally glowing golden light with emmense love and peace, I was experciencing it with half awakeness. As soon as i woke up he gave me a small smile and disappeared quickly. Till now i had no idea who that being was and why do he visited me. I asked one of the angels and received a message that certainly he was a being from higher dimension or Spiritual world and had a message for me regarding my purpose on these planet.
Every person on these planet experience supernatural things on daily basis just we are not awared about it. The sun rising daily at the perfect time, the moon shining with the stars, the plants growing and turning into a big tree, the way you breath, the way you talk, the way you walk, the way yoir mind think, the way nature is been working, the way these planetary systems and these universe is been working in a very profound and with perfection. Dont you think these all and many such things are supernatural which happens daily in frontof us, the point is we are not awared about these or we take such things as common happenings but they are not, these things makes us living. Supernatural doesn't just involves ghost stories or Paranormal incident there much more things in these cosmic manifestation which you see everyday but aren't aware about it. Just think over it more deepily how your own body is working in a perfect way, the heart is beating 24/7 these is also a Super natural thing to experience.
To experience supernatural things one has to increase his/her mind awareness or just look in to your inner mind, work on it,meditate your everday would be supernatural.
I would be lying if I said every damn day, but really I do mean very very often.
I will give you an example a few hours old. Mt second most recent example would have been approximately 50–51 hours before this event.
I went into a favourite pub of mine on the way home from my shopping tonight, it was and still is a beautiful day. The summer sun has started arriving, and I love a cold drink on days and nights nights like this.
I am not the greatest example of a spiritual person but I am certainly not the worst either so I do enjoy a drink quite often..
Anyway I digress.
I was sitting alone, and shortly after I arrived a bunch of alternative looking people arrived, one was a bit gothy, another a bit hippy and that sort of thing. When I heard them talking about sciences I started listening in to their conversation, or trying to, I could hear the odd thing and enough to know they are my kind of people.
About half hour after I began actively listening, intermittent with conversations about marvel from another nearby table I caught the attention of one of the young women and asked her to elaborate on their topics because I couldn't quite hear everything but it sounded interesting.
A few minutes later, someone from a different table brought her a chair, and what resulted was very pleasant 30 minute conversation in which the following took place.
Summarised, and powerphrased she was an empath and could tell peoples feelings at a distance and the vibration of people, I asked her to give examples around the bar of people with toxic or negative vibes and she pointed out a girl 8-9 feet behind us. I pointed out that anything can be healed if you know how and demonstrated this.
The girl in red was indeed pretty miserable looking, like she was either dragged out to the pub or her boyfriend might be cheating on her or something.
So I asked her to watch and feel.
Closed my eyes, did a little light magic with some words and about ten seconds later the girl began smiling, sat up a bit more and my company said her whole demeanor just changed...I stopped at that point.
There are other examples I could cite from this conversation that would defy scientific understanding (well, at least one other example). It's up to you to choose what you prefer to believe.
To outside observers nothing happened, and if it did it was coincidence with astronomical timing if at all but that can't be proven. To my company and I this is something that is very normal and regular and very much easy to grasp the details off.
I have experienced something very strange which I could not explain, but as I can’t explain it I can’t say it was ‘like a ghost or alien encounter.”
My apartment, in Jakarta, was on the 11th floor of a particular building. My colleague, Kevin (Hong Kong Chinese and very superstitious), had the apartment directly below on the 10th floor.
One night I woke up at about 2am to see what I can only describe as a cloud of vapour, or mist, becoming denser and looking more solid. I had not been drinking alcohol. As I became more alx the cloud suddenly vanished. I remember that it scared me, briefly, at the time but I went back to sleep and by morning it just seemed like a silly dream or, perhaps, something to do with the local weather.
A few days later I noticed that Kevin was a little ‘off’. Quiet, not his usual character. He wouldn’t talk about what was bothering him.
I asked another colleague if he’d noticed anything wrong with Kevin. “Yes. He thinks he saw a ghost on Tuesday (the night I’d had my strange ‘dream’). He told the apartment manager about it, and the apartment manager told him it would have been one of the workers who was killed during construction of the apartments. One of them was killed in Kevin’s apartment. He saw some sort of figure forming from a cloud of vapour next to his bed.”
Don’t ask me to explain it. I can’t. Was I seeing something in a Twilight Zone between realities, something that can only be seen in the ‘right’ state of mind? It is something I think about from time to time.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I had to deal with spirits all the years I was growing up because there were many attached to my mother, and even when we moved to a different house, whatever spirits were in the vicinity would manifest in our home. I hated it!
My brothers and my mom weren’t afraid, they thought it was interesting and sometimes fun when the spirits would play tricks. They would try to figure out where the knocking was coming from, or be amused when collections of things would go missing one at a time and then reappear one at a time over several days. As for me, it scared the crap out of me and I never got used to it.
When I was a teenager, a spirit manifested as a fluffy white cat, and I knew it was going to remain attached to me. I would come into my bedroom (I always kept the door closed), and the cat would leap off my bed to the floor on the far side of my bed. But when I looked for it, it was never there. Sometimes I would see it slix around a corner of the wall in my periphery vision, but of course when I looked it was nowhere to be seen.
When I was driving around town once, I saw it sitting on a picnic table at a favorite teen hangout, and when it saw me, it leaped off the table on the far side. I looked under the table to see which direction it was headed, but it never reached the ground, it just vanished.
Right then, I decided I was NOT going to be plagued by spirits like my mom. So I decided to pretend there was no such thing as spirits, no matter what evidence presented itself. I told the white cat to go away, I was not going to acknowledge it anymore. From then on, I either pretended I saw or heard nothing, or that it was the wind, or the old house settling, or that the shadow I saw was the light bulb flickering or whatnot. I knew I was lying to myself but I was like a little kid with my eyes closed and fingers in my ears chanting, “Na na na, can’t hear you!”
But then I got involved with a partner who wasn’t afraid of them and found them interesting. Oh, crap! We had moved into a 100-year-old house that several people had died in over the years, and it was haunted. It would take many paragraphs to tell even SOME of the experiences we had in that house. If anyone wants me to start listing them, let me know in a comment.
Edit: per a request, here’s my first ghost story of my old house. When my partner and I were just moving in, we were both there doing some work on the house while the kids were in school so we didn’t have to look out for them while working. I was upstairs and she was downstairs. At one point she asked if I wanted some lunch and I replied I’d love some. After about 20 minutes I heard her coming up the stairs and thought, oh, good, lunch is ready. I only heard her come about 1/2 way up though. I kept working while I waited but she never showed so I thought she must have forgotten something in the kitchen. After about 1/2 an hour, I came downstairs to find out what had happened to my lunch. She looked surprised and said that she had heard me coming down the stairs about 1/2 an hour ago, so she just left it in the kitchen for me. It was then that I realized that although I had heard someone come 1/2 way up the stairs, I never heard them go back down. Those stairs were to play an important role in the haunting of the house from then on…
Yes, but I can't put my finger on whether it was supernatural or just a human organisation thing.
Anyway, when I was 18 I lived in a flat with my single mother, she would go to work everyday and I'd stay at home alone with the cat
My flat was a ground floor flat which had a balcony, if you stood on the balcony and looked through the balcony window you would see my living room where the computer was,
One day I was doing my usual alien websites and videos when I decided to get up from the computer to fetch a cup of tea and a snack, when I got up I turned and looked out of my balcony window and saw a figure of a man, it was quite scary as seeing someone outside your balcony they seem big and it's a strange feeling when you see someone outside right outside your balcony facing in.
Anyway he didn't seem to be looking in and there was those curtains where you can see out but people can't see in,
It was strange because he seemed to be staring at the plants on the balcony in almost a investigative manner, he stood there for about 2min and then turned and walked away, I found it perculiar and was worried it was a burglar or something so I checked the front door and balcony door to make sure locked (which they were)
I would look out now and again and 5min later the man appeared yet again at the balcony (he didn't try to climb the balcony or anything but instead just stared into the balcony) I found it very strange this guy coming back at the edge of my balcony yet again,
Its a strange feeling as you know your safe inside but there's something about a guy standing at your balcony not leaving, you almost feel locked in so I decided to talk to the man.
I grabbed a kitchen knife
He spoke very calmly and acted almost like a freindly well known neighbor, I got angry and lied telling him the Police were called (he didn't seem bothered in the slightest) he then started talking to me about computers and seemed interested in how I found computer's and how much I enjoyed them, he asked me a weird set of questions which were 'How long will you be interested in computers?’ 'Are computer's something you would like to go into?’ and finally 'What attracts you so much about computers?’. After giving blunt anwsers I just went back in and locked the balcony door.
He stood there for about 1min more and walked away.
The man didn't seem Alien nor did he look or sound weird, not did he give off unearthly vibes, he didn't even give creep vibes even tho he acted creepy.
The creepiest thing of all was a week later when I got a letter through the post from the hospital asking me to attend a appointment for a questionnaire study and blood samples which I never attended.