Does knowledge improve the quality of life?译文简介
网友:我想这要看是什么样的知识。比如说,"智力 "类的知识,如光速的知识或水的化学成分知识,似乎只能以间接的、工具性的方式提高生活质量——也许这些知识会带来一些发明,节省劳动力,改善我们的健康状况,或者让我们的旅行更快、更方便,但这种知识并不能改善拥有这种知识的个人的生活......
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I suppose it depends on what sort of knowledge. Knowledge of an 'intellectual' sort, like knowledge of the speed of light or knowledge of the chemical composition of water, for example, seem only to improve the quality of life in an indirect, instrumental way - perhaps this knowledge will lead to inventions which save labour, improve our health, or allow us to travel faster and with more ease. But such knowledge doesn't improve the life of the individual who possesses it. The joy of knowing and discovering such facts about the natural world might give meaning to someone's life, but in this case their is nothing special about knowledge improving my life, it just happens to be the obxt of my desires. Similarly, discovering, learning and performing new card tricks might be what gives me pleasure - it seems that knowledge of this sort has no special status in terms of improving my life which I might not gain from other pleasurable activities.
比如说,"智力 "类的知识,如光速的知识或水的化学成分知识,似乎只能以间接的、工具性的方式提高生活质量——也许这些知识会带来一些发明,节省劳动力,改善我们的健康状况,或者让我们的旅行更快、更方便,但这种知识并不能改善拥有这种知识的个人的生活。
So, essentially, I think the answer is 'yes' - but there are interesting questions to be asked about the types and status of knowledge, and how such knowledge can be transmitted and realised.
例如,我可能会 "知道"仅仅以自私的方式追求自己的欲望不会给我带来幸福—— 这种知识肯定会改善已经意识到这一点的人的生活。
如果我告诉别人我的结论,比如自私的生活不会带来幸福,他们可能会接受我说的话,并把它当作他们所持有的信念,成为他们声称知道的东西—— 但他们很可能会继续像以前那样生活和行动,这种实用的 "智慧 "似乎必须在更直接、更个人的意义上 "知道 "或体验,这种知识以一种启示的力量打动人,完全不像注意到一个相关的事实。
I would rephrase this, with your permission, are there any people who's lives are ever improved by knowing something. If you accept this rephrasing you will I think accept that there are many such cases. For example if you are walking across the street and there is a bus about to hit you, your life will be improved if you know that, because you can get out of the way. If you are laboring as an office temp but you would be a great opera singer, your life would be improved by knowing that fact, because you could take steps to achieve that more satisfying career.
There may will be cases in which someone's life is made worse by knowledge. So for example if the office temp above will never be able to become an opera singer he might become unhappy by knowing that he would have made a great one.
Some have argued (e.g. J.S. Mill, Aristotle) then it is inherently noble to want to know what's going on, even if it leads to dissatisfaction, that it is slavish or inhuman to want to be ignorant. If they are correct then knowledge could improve the quality of human life even if it leads to unhappiness. They don't want to leave in a fool's paradise, even if it is paradise! I'll leave it to you to decide if you agree with them -- it is really each person's individual decision and (in my view) no other person can tell you what's right on this score.
有人( 比如密尔、亚里士多德)认为,有知道的欲望,即使会导致不满意,也是天生的高尚,而无知是奴性的或不人道的。
我会让你来决定是否同意他们的观点 —— 这实际上是每个人的个人决定,(在我看来)在这一点上,其他人不能告诉你是正确还是是错误。
For organisms, the only unadulterated knowledge is direct perception of the environment. All organisms depend on knowledge to survive. They perceive enough to fit into their fundamental needs and they conduct their subsequent behaviors accordingly. It they cannot do this they cannot survive. This is the most fundamental form of improvement that knowledge can bestow. At this primitive point, quality of life is simple.
Humans can abstract their perceptions with the use of symbols and gigantic neural networks. One can extrapolate the benefits from structuring perceptions this way to include many new and complex paybacks.
Yes, not only does knowledge improve the quality of life, it is life’s primary support. The exception would be having knowledge of something that can be detrimental to know. For instance, having the unnecessary knowledge of something that is painful can have an adverse impact on performance.
Sometimes yes. You can use basic physics, chemistry snd psychology knowledge for various life hacks, to increase your wuality of life.
Sometimes no. Some knowledge can decrease quality of life. Learning how a loved one got killed, for instance. Plus, many bright and very knowledgeable people led very disheartening and isolated lives (Immanuel Kant for instance), because of their knowledge and way of viewing the world. See also the philosopher Diogenes in ancient greece. He's the perfect example. (For some reason it seems that philosophers or other deep thinkers are especially subject to letting knowledge ruin their own quality of life. Don't convince yourself of Nihilism, for starters).
有时候并不能,有些知识反而会降低生活质量,例如,学习了解自己所爱的人是如何被杀害的,此外,许多聪明博学的人因为他们的知识和看待世界的方式而过着令人沮丧和孤立的生活 ( 例如康德),还有古希腊哲学家第欧根尼,他就是最好的例子。( 由于某种原因,哲学家或其他深刻的思想家似乎特别容易让知识毁掉他们自己的生活质量,千万不要用虚无主义来说服自己 )
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Knowledge is certainly a prerequisite to a decent quality of life. However, in my view, is only one facet with regards to improving one's quality of life.
In fact, knowledge can be rendered utterly useless if not coupled with the right virtues which would allow for the effective application in relevant situations where one's quality of life is at stake.
For example, it is almost "common knowledge" that adhering to a consistent exercise routine can yield substantial health benefits, thus ameliorating one's quality of life. However, the discipline (a virtue) required to stick to a consistent routine is usually what is in short supply, not the knowledge. Yes, the more you know about your how your body works, injury prevention, etc., the better off you will be. But it is only one part of the equation.
The question of virtues is one that I've given much thought as I've embarked upon the maturation process over the commencement of my adulthood years, and, at this moment in time, I've come to the conclusion that it's better to focus on developing the correct virtues as opposed to the acquisition of knowledge.
Of course, that's not to suggest that acquiring knowledge about a particular subject matter with respect to one's quality of life has been rendered unimportant and trivial. It is essential, but, in my mind, not the most challenging part of improving one's prospects of living a happy life. It's identifying and strengthening the virtues required to apply such knowledge to one's circumstances that is well and truly the defining factor in this regard.
Hope that helps a bit, and thanks for the A2A.
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Yes and no. The more knowledge we accumulate the more it places us in good steed to make better/more informed decisions about our own lives (although this isn't a rule), thus adding to the likelihood of being able to live a 'good' life, with a high standard of living and the ability to maintain that standard of living.
On the down side, knowledge can also drive you nuts, because you can see more clearly than most others what is happening in the world and how those problems can be solved, yet there is much ignorance (often willful), in the world that continues to hold humanity back and even contributes to our own destruction; and this can have negative impacts on both your physical and mental health.
The good news is that people with knowledge usually have enough insight to find ways to deal with their anxieties and fears and can often achieve a level of harmony with their environment to allows them to focus on the positives in this world rather than the negatives; and as having knowledge increases the likelihood of you having more leisure time, or personal time than those less knowledgeable people (once again not a rule but a strong possibility), you will have more time to devote to the things you love in life rather than your obligations. With the addition of a higher level of disposable income one can construct their own environment around themselves and their families to achieve a level of inner piece, which is the key to living a 'good' life.
我们积累的知识越多,就越能让我们对自己的生活做出更好/更明智的决定(虽然这不是一条规律),从而增加了能够过上 "好 "生活的可能性,过上高标准的生活,并有能力维持这种生活水平。
随着可支配收入水平的提高,一个人可以围绕着自己和家人构建自己的环境,达到内心所需更高的层次,这才是过上 "好 "生活的关键。
I a not sure if it is always the case on a personal level. Perhaps there is something like blissful ignorance that some people can appreciate as a good life, but I think most of are to curious. We want to know things and at least we think it improves the quality of life.
My view
Personally I think that is a justified position that knowledge improves the quality of life, because personal knowledge also helps us to improve our personal conditions. We see a lot of misery and poverty around the globe and education is a powerful tool to fight those.
Global and public knowledge
On the global scale of human knowledge the question is a no brainer to me: there is no doubt that the answer is yes. The best examples are medical knowledge and technological knowledge. Both defnitely improve the quality of our life
Not necessarily .
First, the knowledge needs to be of something beneficial. Knowing the fine art of how to snort cocaine, or how to kidnap a millionaire's kid won't necessarily bring long term joy into your life. But even having useful knowledge won't enhance your life if it is not applied.
So, first, it depends on the knowledge and on how you use it.
Also, knowledge can adversely affect your character, and thus your relationships with other people.
For example, it makes some people egotistical and arrogant—which can cause them to be overly satisfied with themselves, but will in all likelihood alienate them from some other people. But then, some people are perfectly happy being their favorite fan. So, to them, that's not so much a negative.
Knowledge separates humans from savage beasts. Civilization requires knowledge. Practical knowledge is for making or doing, theoretical knowledge is just for knowing, like this answer
Even “useless knowledge” has a value for we can learn from mistakes.
“I failed my way to success.” Thomas Edison. Something like,”I discovered thousands of things that DID NOT work.”
“我的成功之路是失败的”托马斯·爱迪生,比如,“ 我发现了成千上万个没用的东西。”
First of all, I have to start with the most important type of knowledge: The type of knowledge that makes us true Homo sapiens. The knowledge that keeps us on the path to peace and true freedom and is completely in line with humanity is self-knowledge. However, without self-awareness, it is impossible to develop self-knowledge, so we need both of them together.
Why do self-awareness and self-knowledge are fundamental? Because Humans naturally need to love and accept themselves in order to continue to live, and this is our innate instinct, which is why many negative people who cause destruction to the world do not fully realize how negative they truly are, and they continue to do their bad deeds by lying to themselves and/or justifying their negative actions. Nobody can survive with full-blown self-disgust and self-hate; they will either commit suicide or change their behavior.
首先,我们必须从最重要的知识的类型开始 :
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
The above mention type of knowledge is completely in line with humanity and keeps us away from cruelty and all the pain we inflict both on each other and all other living things.
When we have cultivated self-awareness, self-knowledge, universal love (opposite to sextive/selfish/limited kind of love), and have a clear idea of where to look for happiness; we will be ready to learn anything and use any knowledge we have in a positive way, then anything we choose to do will not be driven by ignorance, greed, and delusion.
We are the master of our destiny. Your happiness is NOT somebody else responsibility. It’s yours, you are responsible for it.
大多数人仍然相信,为了获得幸福,我们需要从外部世界或外部奖励中获得和获取一些东西,事实上,恰恰相反 : 为了获得真正的快乐,我们需要付出,因此,我们会得到内在的奖励,这些奖励将培养我们的自尊, ( 理直气壮地赢得的) 自爱,这是真正幸福的最重要的基础。
当我们培养了自我意识、自知、博爱 ( 与选择性的/自私的/有限的那种爱相反) ,并且清楚地知道在哪里寻找幸福,我们才能准备好学习任何东西,并以积极的方式使用我们所拥有的知识,那么我们选择做的任何事情才不会被无知、贪婪和妄念所驱使。
Yes and no.
Socrates (a philosopher) claimed that life without philosophy wouldn't be worth living (he actually is supposed to have said, "the unexamined life isn't worth living"). So a life worth living will require at least some knowledge, and in fact, if you live to an age of adulthood, you will have acquired not only knowledge, but an actual philosophy of life, whether you know it or not.
So in one sense, being and staying alive improve through knowledge.
On the other hand, both a little knowledge and a lot of knowledge can be a dangerous thing.
Ignorance may be bliss but it sets you up as a target and victim placed squarely in the crosshairs of anyone not so ignorant who lacks the moral empathy or social sympathy to leave you alone in your blissful state and not take advantage of your ignorance.
At the same time, elite powers and unruly mobs tend to distrust and eliminate those who are more intelligent, knowledgeable, and wise. History is littered with the dead bodies of philosophers, prophets, and preachers who knew too much - including old Socrates himself. And one doesn't have to be a philosopher, prophet, or preacher to die of too much knowledge - Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby may be examples of exactly that fate.
Life is necessarily and inevitably risky, and things like security, safety, quality, and luxury, etc., are fleeting and tenuous at best. Knowledge equips you to deal with that fact of life, but it also reveals to you - and exposes you to - more of the risk at the same time.
苏格拉底(一位哲学家) 声称,没有哲学的生活不值得过下去( 其实他说的应该是"浑浑噩噩的生活不值得过 ),所以有价值的生活至少需要一些知识,事实上,如果你活到成年的年龄,不管你是否知道,你不仅会获得知识,而且会获得实际的人生哲学。
Knowledge helps guide you in the right direction.
The more knowledge you have, about yourself, about the world, and about everything you can and cannot do, the more likely you will be to make a choice in the right direction.
Most people do not make a choice because they did not inform themselves enough!
In this Age of Information knowledge is power.
Or at least a big boost to power, it is not everything of course.
But the more knowledge you have about the world, in any way, shape, or form, the more likely you are to live a better life!
There is a definite Correlation there.
Although, I do have to mention that the people living the best lives usually do not focus on their knowledge, they focus on their feelings.
That being said though, knowledge is definitely an amazing starting point and can help improve your quality of life IF YOU USE IT RIGHT!
Knowledge alone does not do anything. You have to take a corresponding Action with the knowledge you acquired.
Just knowing what to do is easy.
But actually doing it is another step entirely.
大多数人之所以没有做出选择,是因为他们对自己的了解不够 !