What''s an efficient way to overcome procrastination?译文简介
网友:好吧,如果我看了这个问题,决定稍后再写答案那我就是:拖延症患者 :D但我并不是,因此我写下了这个答案 :)那么,到底该如何解决拖延这个问题呢?开始重视时间......
很赞 ( 1 )
Well If I had read the question and decided to write a answer later : Procrastinator :D
But I am not so hence writing the answer ;)
So coming to the point how to tackle it ?
START valuing TIME .
You know it is so simple to understand that the single second gone is not going to come back anyhow? So why to do delay as always until unless you are too busy with some other important work ?
Well I am trying to put some suggestions in point form which could help you.(May be or may not be ,depends upon you )
Steps to overcome procrastination with great success:
好吧,如果我看了这个问题,决定稍后再写答案那我就是:拖延症患者 :D
但我并不是,因此我写下了这个答案 :)
那么,除非你忙于其他重要的工作,那么为什么要像往常一样拖延 ?
Change your environment. Different environments have different impact on our productivity. Look at your work desk and your room. Do they make you want to work or do they make you want to snuggle and sleep? If it’s the latter, you should look into changing your workspace. One thing to note is that an environment that makes us feel inspired before may lose its effect after a period of time. If that’s the case, then it’s time to change things around.
#1 把你的工作分成几个小步骤
#2 改变你的环境
#3 制定详细的时间表,规定具体的截止日期
#4 分解你的任务(参见#1),然后创建一个整体的时间表,为每个小任务设定具体的截止日期,这样,你就知道你必须在某个日期前完成每项任务,你的时间表必须健全——也就是说,如果你不在今天之前完成这个任务,就会危及到你之后计划的其他一切任务,这样就会产生行动的紧迫感,我的目标被分解到月度、周度,直到每天的任务清单,清单就是一个行动号召,我必须在指定的日期前完成这件事,否则我的目标就会被推迟。
Hang out with people who inspire you to take action. I’m pretty sure if you spend just 10 minutes talking to Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, you’ll be more inspired to act than if you spent the 10 minutes doing nothing. The people we are with influence our behaviors. Of course spending time with Steve Jobs/Bill Gates every day is probably not a feasible method, but the principle applies. Identify the people/friends/colleagues who trigger you – most likely the go-getters and hard workers – and hang out with them more often. Soon you will inculcate their drive and spirit too.
Tell others about your goals. This serves the same function as #6, on a larger scale. Tell all your friends, colleagues, acquaintances and family about your projects. Now whenever you see them, they are bound to ask you about your status on those projects.
#5 消除你的拖延陷阱
我知道有些人会故意删除或关闭他们的 Facebook 账户,但我认为这有点激烈/极端,因为解决拖延更多的是意识到我们的行动,而不是通过自我约束的方法来抵消,但如果你觉得这是必要的,那就去做吧。
#6 和那些激励你采取行动的人混一起
我敢肯定,我敢肯定,如果你只有10分钟与史蒂夫 · 乔布斯或比尔 · 盖茨交谈,你会比花10分钟什么都不做更有动力去行动。
Stop over-complicating things. Are you waiting for a perfect time to do this? That maybe now is not the best time because of X, Y, Z reasons? Ditch that thought because there’s never a perfect time. If you keep waiting for one, you are never going to accomplish anything. Perfectionism is one of the biggest reasons for procrastination.
Get a grip and just do it. At the end, it boils down to taking action. You can do all the strategics, planning and hypothesizing, but if you don’t take action, nothing’s going to happen. Occasionally, I get readers and clients who keep complaining about their situations but they still refuse to take action at the end of the day. Reality check: I have never heard anyone procrastinate their way to success before and I doubt it’s going to change in the near future. Whatever it is you are procrastinating on, if you want to get it done, you need to get a grip on yourself and do it.
#7 把你的目标告诉别人
这在更大的范围内起到了与 # 6相同的作用,把你的任务目标告诉你所有的朋友、同事、熟人和家人,在每当你见到他们,他们一定会问你这些任务目标的状况。
#8 找出那些已经达到目标的人
#9 停止把事情过度复杂化
你在等待一个完美的时机来做这件事吗?因为 x,y,z 的原因,现在可能不是最好的时机?
#10 抓紧时间,只管去做
Minh Le
To overcome procrastination, you need to foremost get to understand what makes you procrastinate.
I was very good at procrastinating. I would spend a lot of time excitingly thinking, making plans, and then ended up doing nothing feeling guilty and anger about myself. Sometime, I managed to work on some of the first items in my to-do list, got them finished and then procrastinated for the rest of the list. Things never get done. Not until one day I decided to find out why it's so difficult to fight against procrastination. I found out that it all comes down to two things: your perception of difficulty of the job and your action plan for the task that needs to get done.
So how do we override our perception? It's simple, just turn on your dirty mode and get your hands moving. For a moment, just jump into work without thinking hard about the result at all. The moment you take action, you validate your perception of the difficulty of the job. Once you're in the flow, it's much easier to finish things than to leave them unfinished.
Lastly, when it comes to procrastination, will power is something that needs to be put in careful consideration. Your will power is not unlimited, to be true, it's actually vice versa, most people's self-control ability is very limited. That's why it's so important to know how to make use of your daily chunk of will power. The more you practice, the more skilled you are at self-discipline, the more things you get done. You will always get better by practicing. And just like any other skill, your will power can be enhanced and expanded, which could helps you a lot in your battle against procrastination. Good luck then!
验证你的认知很重要,你对工作的行动计划也很重要。你只要制定一个好的行动计划就完成了50% 的工作:
对于剩下的50% ,你通过采取一系列的第一步来启动流程。
这里有一个陷阱 :
祝你好运 !
Prasanna Burgula
You need to understand this first; Why do people procrastinate?
One major reason is, procrastinating is an escapist attitude. Most people keep postponing because they don’t have the courage to face up the consequences and hence they keep postponing. The more they postpone, the price tag becomes higher and higher.
Stop procrastinating: Isn’t it time that we put off putting things off?
The best way to stop procrastination is to change your attitude, by becoming serious towards your goals & targets. When you become serious by taking out all the clutter, life becomes simple and you will have more focus/space to think for your own goodness.
“In today’s world, focus is more valuable than intelligence.”
Get clear about what you want in life. Take 20-30 minutes to do this quick goal planning exercise. Write down all your goals in some or all of these categories: career, education, relationships, financial, physical, mindset, creative, spiritual, public service, travel, leisure, and other. Once you have your list, then whittle it down to your top 10, then down to your top 5, and then your top 3. Do this by asking yourself, “Can I live without this?” Let your less important goals lie dormant on a “maybe” list that you can check on again in a few months.
dexe or relegate from your To-Do List those things that don’t relate to your top 3-5 goals. Just say bye bye. And don’t look back!
1. 弄清楚你想要什么样的生活
花20-30分钟做个快速的目标规划练习,把你所有的目标分门别类地写下来:职业、教育、人际关系、财务、身体、心态、创意、精神、公共服务、旅游、休闲和其他,等你有了清单,然后把它缩小到你的前10名,然后缩小到你的前5名,然后是前3名,这样做的时候要问自己:"没有这个,我还能活吗?" ,让那些不那么重要的目标在“可能”清单上休眠,几个月后你可以再检查一次。
2. 从你的待办事项列表中删除或降级那些与你的前3-5个目标无关的事情,跟它们说拜拜吧,不要回头 !
Plan your week completely. Sometimes procrastination happens simply because a task is not scheduled.
When you’re tired or have low motivation. Don’t be so hard on yourself about the timing of a task and then you won’t try to escape through procrastination so hard in the future. Just reschedule and get back on track later or tomorrow.
Just do it, but don’t over do it. We often put pressure on ourselves to do certain tasks more often than we really need to, such as cleaning/tidying/laundry etc. So give yourself a break and set a schedule for these things that is not overwhelming.
3. 计划你的每一天
6. 做就是了,但不要做过头
Believe in yourself and in your ability to accomplish anything you want. If you’ve lost hope, know that you can turn things around. Release the fear of failure. Failure is just a learning experience. Slow and steady wins the race. A little bit done every day adds up to a lot over a year. If you have to, just fake your belief until it becomes real. Remember, you can do it!
Trick & Treat Yourself. Always have an incentive based work strategy, so that you know what you will get out a particular job. If you like the incentive then you will complete the job quicker than before.
For me, ice-cream after work is a big incentive!
7. 把大的任务分解成小的组成部分
8. 相信自己,相信自己有能力完成任何你想要的事情
释放对失败的恐惧,失败只是一种学习经验,你可以缓慢而稳定地赢得比赛,每天做一点,一年下来就会增加很多,如果你必须这样做,就将其假想成你的信念,直到它变成现实—— 记住,你能做到 !
9. 犒劳自己
对我来说,下班后吃上一支雪糕就是一个很大的激励 !
Kurt Guntheroth
Speaking from personal experience, you won't be able to beat procrastination until you realize three things about it.
Keep in mind that my answer is not scientific and probably would be seen as highly questionable by any professional psychologist. I'm sharing it only because I suffered from a very bad case of procrastination for years--and don't any longer. As a preface, I also want to emphasize that no amount of books, motivational videos and advice--including mine--would help you unless you truly make winning this fight your top priority. The motivation necessary to get over procrastination once and for all, can only come from within.
作为前言,我还想强调,任何书籍、励志视频和建议——包括我的建议——都不会对你有帮助,除非你真正把赢得这场斗争作为你的首要任务—— 一劳永逸地克服拖延症所需的动力只能来自内心。
Then a few things happened that made me brush aside everything I thought I knew about procrastination and more importantly, about myself. As result, I started approaching my procrastination differently. In retrospect, here're the key realizations that helped me, those three things I mentioned in the beginning. Without them I'd be still making resolutions.
To get there you have to observe and analyse your own behavior. Pretty soon you will see a pattern and that pattern may surprise you. In my case, I found that what for years I considered procrastination was essentially a form of internal sabotage. I realized that I was procrastinating over anything that was taking me away from going after my true goals.
1. 意识到你拖延的真正本质
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Late term papers and missed deadlines are small potatoes. If you're a chronic procrastinator you have a bigger thing to worry about--not living your life.You know, these finite minutes allocated for your existence? When you procrastinate you're not living them. At least, that's how I feel. You're kind of going though them on autopilot, but it's not the same as living. You can't successfully fight procrastination unless you realize what's at stake.
2. 意识到让拖延症妨碍了你,你会错过什么
Again, hardly a scientific claim. People look at procrastination as a personality flaw, a form of laziness, a mind's way to avoid unpleasant tasks. But if you're a chronic procrastinator, this definition of addiction (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/addiction) likely would sound very familiar: persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful. If you didn't consider your procrastination harmful and persistent you wouldn't be asking this question in the first place. As far as I'm concerned, not only procrastination is an addiction, it is probably the most widespread and the least understood addiction in history. So don't treat it lightly and know that the more you succumb to it the worse it becomes.
3. 要意识到你的拖延症是一种瘾,并以此来对待它
Whatever it is, the key is not how you do it. The key is why. Until you truly want to stop procrastinating, no amount of patented methods would work. You may get occasional improvements, but they won't stick. Trust me. I've been there. It will be just an illusion. But once you truly know what's at stake, pretty much anything would work. And nothing in the whole procrastinating world would be able to stop you.
你可以采用待办事项清单,你可以设定目标并跟踪你的进展,你可以建立一个奖励和惩罚的系统,你可以像我一样(类似简单的 "一夜戒烟 ",但对我来说确实有效)。