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每日新素材,等你来认领! http://www.ltaaa.com/translation

-------------译者:劉繼魯--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Thieves have reportedly pulled off a spectacular heist in the German city of Dresden's royal palace, one of Europe's most renowned museums. Police in Dresden say the break-in at the palace's Green Vault took place in the early hours of Monday morning. It has yet to be confirmed what exactly was stolen, but the loot apparently includes three priceless sets of jewellery. Dresden's prized collection of historical treasures includes crown jewels and bowls carved out of crystal.

据报道,数名窃贼在欧洲最著名的博物馆之一——德国德累斯顿市选帝侯王宫实施了一场精心策划的盗窃。 德累斯顿市警察说,窃贼们在星期一凌晨闯入了宫殿的绿穹珍宝馆。 目前尚未确认具体有多少文物失窃,但被盗的藏品中包括了三组价值连城的珠宝。 德累斯顿珍贵的有着悠久历史的藏品中就包括了王冠上的宝石和用水晶雕刻而成的碗。