Alex Mann
It’s not hard to understand.
Jews were living in Ghettos prior to being sent to camps. These Ghettos were beyond cramped and extremely impoverished. The Germans then promise better living conditions and rations at specially constructed camps.
People tend to believe in the best-case scenario- especially when they are powerless. Could you come to terms with the fact that you are about to be slaughtered in a gas chamber or would you accept what the “authorities” were telling you?


People want to believe- they want to have hope. Everybody would want to believe what the Germans were saying was true.
Also, this is a pre-Holocaust world. The idea of a nation trying to exterminate an entire ethnic group was just unimaginable. We today live with the knowledge and history of the Holocaust so we know it’s possible. People at this point didn’t.
Everything seemed logical. Why kill all the Jews when you could use them for labor? It’s the middle of a war after all.


Jews are then transported to Auschwitz. When they arrive their luggage is taken out of the train and the Guards tell everyone to take a shower before entering the camp. Disease and lice were common, having everyone get cleaned before entering the camp makes sense.


As people are herded towards the gas chambers the guards talk them up. They ask them what skills they have and what jobs they did, saying stuff like “we need shoemakers, come find me after the shower and I’ll help you find a post”.
Then everyone enters a dressing room. There are signs that say “clean is good” and “wash yourself well”. Everyone disrobes and then is pushed into the gas chamber.


At this point, I suspect many people knew something was up. The gas chamber didn’t really look or smell like a shower room. But what can you do?
1.Keep in mind most of the people sent to the gas chambers were old, sick, disabled, or weak. The young healthy Jews were often taken into the camp to be used as slave labor.
2.The victims were surrounded by armed guards and barking dogs. If they resist, they get mowed down. It seems better to hope for the best and take your chances in the weird shower room.


Once everyone is in the gas chamber the door is latched shut and the lights go out. Then the gas is poured into the room from the ceiling. Panic and chaos break out as people claw to try and get above the gas.


About 20 minutes later, everyone is dead
These victims had no idea what they were walking into. They didn’t know about gas chambers or German extermination.
The earliest victims hadn’t even heard rumors about GENO.... and the later victims only heard scattered rumors, nothing solid.


Jean Brandt
Jordan Peterson says that the Nazis literally used factory pest extermination methods on the people they put in the camps, including Jews, because they viewed them as a pestilence on their nation.


Alex Mann
He’s incorrect.
Look I like Peterson, I honestly do. But Peterson is just not a historian- he is a clinical psychologist and a very good one at that.
Germany didn’t start by using cyanide- that kinda came about organically. First Jews were sent to ghettos and the first “extermination” efforts came from the Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing squads).
The gas chambers became an experimental method and then when they worked they were fully implemented.
Now the reason was because of conspiracy theories.
Hitler believed the Jews were behind Com...ism and had conspired to lose Germany WW1 and destroy the Aryan race. He viewed the Jews as the enemy.


Paul Jones
He has a point, the Nazis didn't view them as human, they looked at them as if they were cockroaches. It is the ultimate dehumanising.


Doug Manning
How did a small band of Einsatzgruppen and their Ukrainian collaborators convince 33,771 Jews to assemble in Kyiv and then lead them into the Babi Yar forest where they were executed? Why wasn’t there resistance or at least mass pandemonium?
The answer? Small steps.
First you post signs ordering the Jews to assemble for relocation, otherwise they will be found and shot. They’ve heard stories of Jews in other countries being relocated, so they assemble rather than face death for staying behind.
Then they’re ordered to march. Those too weak or disabled to keep up are shot dead. So you keep marching.
You’re led to the forest, which seems weird, but you hold out hope that what the guys with machine guns told you about relocation is true.


Then you’re ordered to strip off your clothing. Now you know you’ve been lied to. One of your group tries to flee and he is gunned down like a dog. You don’t want to die like that, so you strip. In the distance you hear the volleys of gunfire. You try to wrap your head around the realization that they intend to kill all of you. But why? You’re confused, terrified, naked, and shivering. You grab the hands of your family members, knowing these will be your last moments. All you can do is try to comfort one another. There is no escape. A mass resistance at this point could overwhelm your captors, but that takes coordination. You see a woman refuse to remove her clothes; she is beaten to death right in front of you.


You march with a column to the execution site where you see the bottom of a ravine littered with corpses. You are numbed by fear. They tell you to stand still while the guns are readied, and you do it. Up until this point you’ve hoped for a miracle, but now you just want the nightmare to end. It will in a moment.
This was the experience of Dina Pronicheva, one of the few to survive the Babi Yar massacre by playing dead after the bullet intended for her missed its target. She later crawled up through the soil that covered the corpses and escaped. It was her testimony at the Subsequent Nuremberg Trials that helped bring those responsible to justice.

这就是迪娜·普罗尼切娃(Dina Pronicheva)的经历,她是为数不多的几个在巴巴雅森林大屠杀中幸存下来的人之一,因为本来要射向她的子弹没有击中目标,她就装死。后来,她从覆盖着尸体的泥土中爬了出来,逃了出来。正是她在后来的纽伦堡审判中的证词帮助将肇事者绳之以法。

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Allan Richardson
One thing about the Ukranian collaborators: they had survived the Holodomor under Stalin (and a similar starvation/GENO.... under Lenin), so “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” logic drove them toward the Germans. After solidifying their power over Ukraine, the Germans began to kill Ukrainians also; they were just as Slavic as the Russians, so to the Nazis they were just as “inferior.”


After the war, as Germany itself and the countries occupied by Germany were liberated (in the case of Ukraine, reoccupied by the Red Army of the USSR) and denazified, the collaborators were brought to justice (mostly) and Nazi ideology became unthinkable. But Ukrainians still hated the Russian government, even after the USSR collapsed. Although some Nazi groups reorganized once it was allowed (Ukraine’s post-Soviet constitution affirms freedom of speech and peaceable assembly), the vast majority of Ukranians today hate both Nazism and Com...ism. And since Putin’s war started, they hate Putin’s policies (but not necessarily all Russian people).

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Charles E Rapin
The idea that the Germans and others in their thrall would remorselessly slaughter Jews and others they deemed not worth living resonates for me as the defining episode of modern society. I have never trusted mankind in general since the enormity of the regime's callousness and cruelty dawned on me.


Jose Lizano
Those guards talking the victims up, giving them hope of… a slave job… bothers me really bad…
What a bunch of assholes.


Eric Brody
Same stuff goes on today. Mandatory mask and vaccination and all. Government and pharmaceutical corporations lies and censors people and people want to believe what they aay


Alex Mann
A mother arrives at Treblxa carrying her 6 month old child- the child is crying. A notorious Guard nicknamed Ivan the Terrible walks up to her, annoyed by the baby.
Ivan takes the baby from her, smashes it against a brick wall until it’s a pulp of bloody flesh, and then hands the corpse back to the mother. 15 minutes later the mother was dead from cyanide gas.
If you think that is in ANYWAY similar to mask mandates you are insane.


Joshua Cyrus
No comparison. Just get off this thread!


Babak Houssani
The level of arrogance and ignorance that it takes to compare your mask experience to those victims of the holocaust is beyond shameful. It’s disgusting.


Marco Bianchi
Well, there were also Jews that actually helped the guards to run the camp and to make the whole process smooth…


Linda Johnston
Hoping to be seen as too useful to exterminate Just trying to survive


Ricky Keegan
And yet we still have neo-Nazi groups here in America Who deny the holocaust happened despite the photos & evidence! And how many of their fathers fought against the Nazis in World War II !?!? What a disgrace they are to Democracy, Freedom & the Veterans who died to defeat Nazi Germany!
