@Aya Shawn
Looking back at the history of China to 4,000 years ago, ancient Chinese history books recorded the birth of the first dynasty:
A man named Dayu led the young men of the tribe to dig ditches to guide the floods. Saved the entire area. He was elected as the leader and managed the entire region.
When he died, his rights were seized by his son, who established the first dynasty in Chinese history: the xia Dynasty.


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From the establishment of the xia Dynasty, the legitimacy of the ruler in the Chinese consciousness was established: if he can lead everyone to jointly fight against threats (natural threats and enemy threats), he becomes qualified as a ruler.
The Chinese abstract this legalization into a concept: The Mandate of Heaven
Meaning: God appointed him to lead this country to prosperity.
Therefore, in the eyes of the ancient Chinese, the rulers of the empire were noble, mysterious and worthy of respect. They are usually correct and will lead everyone to fight against threats and give everyone a stable life.


In fact, every ancient Chinese empire did this. The existence of the ancient Chinese empire had several key missions:
1. Food
The empire needs to solve the problem of food for everyone. When this problem cannot be solved, it usually means the collapse of the empire. People think that the empire has lost "The Mandate of Heaven".
2. Law and security
The empire needs to maintain social stability and fight crime. When many criminal gangs appear in the Empire and cannot be controlled, it usually means the collapse of the Empire, and it is believed that the Empire has lost "The Mandate of Heaven".
3. Fight against disasters
Cold, drought, flood; causing huge losses. These are all problems that need to be solved by the empire. They must continue to build water conservancy projects, maintain levees on rivers, and maintain canals and reservoirs. If an empire loses its ability to withstand natural disasters, it usually means the collapse of the empire, and it is believed that the empire has lost "The Mandate of Heaven".
4. Fight against the enemy
Most of the time, it refers to the enemy in the north. Nomads are always trying to invade and plunder. The empire must maintain a strong military to solve problems. The Great Wall is the greatest remaining evidence of this work. If an empire loses its ability to fight its enemies, it usually means the empire's collapse, and it is believed that the empire has lost "The Mandate of Heaven".

1. 食物
2. 法律和安全
3. 抗击灾害
4. 与敌人作战

Once an empire fails to complete two, two or three of the above four tasks, the Chinese people lose trust in the empire, and resistance and revolution often follow. There have been 11 powerful empires and dozens of relatively small dynasties in Chinese history. Their collapse and demise were basically due to problems with the above four tasks.
Therefore, for the ancient Chinese, empire was an important part of their lives. If the empire is running well, everyone supports him. If there was a problem with its operation, they would overthrow it and replace it with a new one. Their only criterion for looking at empires and rulers is how well they run, not based on any "belief".
