How is generative AI impacting your infrastructure?


In the rapidly evolving realm of AI technology, new developments surface nearly every day. Clearly, AI possesses a significant capacity to transform our lives, a technology that spans chatbots, facial recognition, self-driving vehicles, and early disease detection.


The global AI market was valued at $142.3 billion in 2023, with finance, healthcare, and the high-tech/telco markets taking the lead in AI adoption.

2023 年,全球人工智能市值达 1,423 亿美元,其中金融、医疗保健和高科技/电信市场将率先采用人工智能。

AI is already being used to monitor data center assets, proactively detect faults and improve energy efficiency by driving better power usage effectiveness (PUE). And its not just being used by Hyperscalers, but also by many large enterprise companies.


InfiniBand versus Ethernet

InfiniBand 与以太网对比

Ethernet remains the prevailing global standard in most data centers. But an increasing number of today’s AI networks now use InfiniBand technology, although InfiniBand holds a mere fraction of the market share at present, primarily for HPC networks.

以太网仍然是大多数数据中心的全球标准。但是,现在越来越多的人工智能网络使用 InfiniBand 技术,尽管 InfiniBand 目前仅占市场份额的一小部分,主要用于 HPC 网络。

Competition is emerging between InfiniBand market leaders and prominent Ethernet switch and chip manufacturers, whose next-generation chips have been designed to construct AI clusters using Ethernet instead of InfiniBand. Regardless of the protocol chosen, both InfiniBand and Ethernet share requirements for high bandwidth and low latency, necessitating top-tier optical cabling solutions for optimal performance to support large language model (LLM) training and inferencing.


Exponential demands for power and bandwidth


Two of the key challenges that data centers are facing relate to extreme power needs and associated cooling requirements for the equipment, and the exorbitant bandwidth needs of the GPUs.


Supercomputers with GPUs running AI applications demand vast power and multiple high-bandwidth connections. These GPUs demand from 6.5kW to over 11kW per 6U unit. When contrasted with packed data center cabinets, averaging 7-8kW and maxing at 15-20kW per cabinet, the extent of AI’s power appetite becomes clear. Many of the leading Server OEMs are also offering servers with these GPUs.


These GPUs typically need connections with bandwidth of up to 8x100Gb/s (EDR), 200Gb/s (HDR) or 400Gb/s (NDR). Every node commonly has eight connections, equating up to 8x400G or 3.2 terabit per node.


How will IT infrastructure cope with these requirements?

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Data center power and cooling demands are pushing network managers to reconsider their infrastructure. This often involves altering network blueprints and spacing out GPU cabinets further, potentially adopting end-of-row (EoR) configurations to better handle escalating temperatures.

数据中心的电力和冷却的需求正迫使网络管理人员重新考虑他们的基础设施。这通常涉及改变网络蓝图以及进一步拉大 GPU 机柜的间距,甚至可能采用行端(EoR)配置,以更好地应对不断升高的温度。

However, this means an increased physical gap between switches and GPUs. To accommodate this, data center operators might need to incorporate more fiber cabling used for switch-to-switch connections. Given these extended spans, direct attach cables (DACs) are unlikely to be suitable as they are confined to five meters at most for such speeds.

但是,这也意味着交换机和GPU之间的物理间隙拉大。为了适应这种情况,数据中心运营商可能需要增加光纤布线用于交换机之间的连接。 鉴于跨度如此之大,直接连接电缆 (DAC) 不太可能适用,因为在这种速度下,直接连接电缆的长度最多只能达到 5 米。

Active optical cables (AOCs) are also a feasible choice thanks to their capacity to cover greater distances compared to DACs. AOCs offer the added advantages of significantly reduced power consumption in comparison with transceivers, as well as enhanced latency.


Transitioning data center backbone interconnections between switches will necessitate parallel optic technology to sustain increasing bandwidth demands. Several existing choices for parallel fiber optic technology employ eight fibers in conjunction with multi-fiber push-on connectivity (MPO/MTP fiber connectors). These MPO Base-8 solutions permit the adoption of either singlemode or multimode fiber and facilitate smooth migration to higher speeds. For enterprise data centers, contemplating a Base-8 MPO OM4 cabling solution is advisable when upgrading to 100Gb/s and 400Gb/s. Conversely, cloud data centers should sext a Base-8 MPO singlemode cabling solution while transitioning to 400Gb/s and 800Gb/s speeds.

为了满足不断增长的带宽需求,数据中心骨干间的交换机之间连接必须采用并行光学技术。现有的几种并行光纤技术采用八根光纤与多光纤推入式连接(MPO/MTP 光纤连接器)。这些 MPO Base-8 解决方案允许采用单模或多模光纤,便于向更高速度平稳迁移。对于企业数据中心来说,在升级到 100Gb/s 和 400Gb/s 时,最好考虑使用 Base-8 MPO OM4 布线解决方案。

Innovative new fiber enclosure systems on the market can flexibly support different fiber modules, including Base-8 and Base-12 with shuttered LC, MTP pass-thru modules, and splicing modules. They allow for easy access and improved cable management.

市场上创新的新型光纤外壳系统可以灵活地支持不同的光纤模块,包括带闭合 LC 的 Base-8 和 Base-12、MTP 直通模块和熔接模块。它们可以方便地接入并改进电缆管理。

In the realm of AI applications, where latency holds immense significance, Siemon suggests opting for “AI-Ready” solutions employing ultra-low loss (ULL) performance alongside MTP/APC connectors. The incorporation of ultra-low-loss fiber connectivity becomes pivotal for emerging short-reach singlemode applications (backing 100, 200, and 400 Gb/s speeds over distances exceeding 100 meters). This ULL connectivity effectively meets the more stringent insertion loss prerequisites set by AI applications, thereby enhancing the entirety of network performance.

在人工智能应用领域,时延具有极其重要的意义,Siemon 建议选择 "人工智能就绪"(AI-Ready)解决方案,该方案采用超低损耗(ULL)性能和 MTP/APC 连接器。对于新兴的短距离单模应用(在超过 100 米的距离上支持 100、200 和 400 Gb/s 的速度)而言,采用超低损耗光纤连接至关重要。这种超低损耗连接可有效满足人工智能应用所设定的更为严格的插入损耗要求,从而提高整个网络的性能。

Additionally, Expert advises the adoption of APC (angled physical connect) fiber connectors, including the MTP/APC variant, for specific multimode cabling applications, alongside the traditional singlemode approach. The angle-polished end-face configuration of APC connectors (in contrast to UPC connectors) reduces reflectance, thus elevating fiber performance.

此外,除去传统的单模方法外,专家 还建议在特定的多模布线应用中采用 APC(带角度的物理连接)光纤连接器,包括 MTP/APC 变体。APC 连接器(与 UPC 连接器相反)的端面角抛光结构可减少反射,从而提高光纤性能。

AI stands as a disruptive technology, yet it harbors the capacity to transform not just our professional lives but the very fabric of our existence—and data center operators need to prepare for it. Adopting measures to facilitate a seamless shift to elevated data speeds, and enhancing the energy efficiency of data centers, should be a particular focus. Those data center operators who adeptly brace for AI’s demands will find themselves well-placed to leverage the forthcoming prospects accompanying its evolutionary journey and its widespread integration.


Trends in New AI Use Cases

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

While generative AI and related applications are rapidly evolving, several emerging areas already show significant potential in the near term. Some leading new AI applications to watch for include:


Generative AI: Generative AI involves the creation of new data, such as images, text, music, or video, by AI models. This technology has applications in various fields, including content creation, design, gaming, and virtual reality. Generative adversarial networks (GANs), that are designed for iterative self-correction learning, have shown remarkable progress in generating realistic, high-quality content.

生成式人工智能(Generative AI)涉及由AI模型创造的新数据,如图像、文本、音乐或视频。这项技术在包括内容创作、设计、游戏和虚拟现实等各个领域都有应用。生成对抗网络(GANs)是为迭代自我校正学习而设计的,已经在生成逼真、高质量内容方面取得了显著进展。

AI in Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP continues to evolve, with advancements in language understanding, sentiment analysis, and language generation. OpenAI's GPT models, for instance, have demonstrated impressive language generation capabilities. Future applications include more natural and conversational virtual assistants, improved language translation, and enhanced content creation.

自然语言处理 (NLP) 中的人工智能: NLP 不断的发展下,在语言理解、情感分析和语言生成方面取得了进步。例如,OpenAI 的 GPT 模型已经展示了令人印象深刻的语言生成能力。未来的应用包括更自然、更富对话性的虚拟助手、进阶的语言翻译和内容创作上的增强。

Edge AI: Edge computing combined with AI is gaining traction. By deploying AI algorithms and models directly on edge devices, such as smartphones, IoT devices, and autonomous vehicles, real-time decision-making and local data processing can be achieved. This enables faster response times, reduced latency, and improved privacy.

边缘人工智能(Edge AI):边缘计算与人工智能的结合正在逐渐受到关注。通过在智能手机、物联网设备和自动驾驶汽车等边缘设备上直接部署人工智能算法与模型,可以实现实时决策和本地数据处理。这有助于加快响应速度、减少延迟,并提高隐私性。

Explainable AI (XAI): Explainable AI focuses on making AI models and their decisions transparent and interpretable to humans. It aims to address the "black box" nature of deep learning models and provides insights into why certain decisions or predictions are made. XAI is crucial for building trust in AI systems, especially in domains like healthcare, finance, and law.


AI in Robotics and Automation (XAI): The integration of AI with robotics is advancing automation capabilities across industries. Collaborative robots, or cobots, equipped with AI can work alongside humans in manufacturing and assembly tasks. AI also enables robots to learn and adapt to new environments, enhancing their autonomy and versatility.

机器人与自动化领域的人工智能(XAI): 人工智能与机器人技术的融合正在推进各行业的自动化能力。配备有人工智能的协作机器人(或 cobots)可与人类一起完成制造和装配任务。人工智能还能让机器人学习和适应新环境,增强其自主性和多功能性。

AI for Cybersecurity: As cyber threats become more sophisticated, AI is being employed to strengthen cybersecurity measures. AI algorithms can detect anomalies in network traffic, identify patterns of malicious activity, and prevent cyber-attacks. AI-driven cybersecurity systems can respond and adapt to evolving threats in real-time, providing enhanced protection.


AI in Personalized Medicine: AI is revolutionizing healthcare by enabling personalized medicine approaches. Machine learning models can analyze large-scale patient data, genetic information, and medical records to identify patterns and correlations. This can aid in disease diagnosis, treatment sextion, and predicting patient outcomes, leading to more effective healthcare interventions.

个性化医疗中的人工智能: 通过实现个性化医疗方法,人工智能正在彻底改变医疗保健。机器学习模型可以分析大规模的患者数据、基因信息和医疗记录,以确定模式和相关性。这有助于疾病诊断、治疗选择和预测患者预后,从而实现更有效的医疗干预。

AI for Climate Change and Sustainability: AI is being explored to address pressing environmental challenges. It can help analyze climate data, optimize energy consumption, predict weather patterns, and develop sustainable solutions. AI-powered systems have the potential to optimize resource utilization, reduce emissions, and contribute to environmental conservation.


AI in Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP continues to evolve, with advancements in language understanding, sentiment analysis, and language generation. OpenAI's GPT models, for instance, have demonstrated impressive language generation capabilities. Future applications include more natural and conversational virtual assistants, improved language translation, and enhanced content creation.

AI在应对气候变化和可持续发展方面的应用: 人们正在探索利用人工智能来应对紧迫的环境挑战。它可以帮助分析气候数据、优化能源消耗、预测天气模式并制定可持续的解决方案。基于人工智能的系统有潜力优化资源利用,减少排放,并促进环境保护。