Would a Chinese speaker today be able to communicate with a Chinese person from 100 AD?

今天会说中文的人能够与公元 100 年的中国人交流吗?

Just wondered if a Chinese speaker (mandarin/cantonese/etc.) today would be able to communicate with a Chinese person from approximately 2000 years ago? Or has the language evolved so much it would be unintelligible. Question for the history and linguist people! I am guessing some key words would be the same and sentence structure but the vocabulary a lot different, just a guess though.

纯属好奇,一个现代的中国人(讲普通话/粤语等)能否与大约 2000 年前的中国人交流?还是说语言已经进化到双方无法理解的地步?想问一下论坛里的历史和语言学家!我的猜测是有些关键词和句子结构是一样的,但词汇量有很大不同,这只是我的猜测。