Takao Shibamoto
I am a native Japanese, but I cannot tell the difference until I talk to them.
When I went to Taiwan, no one could tell that I was Japanese until I opened my mouth.


Even in the Philippines, people couldn’t tell that I was Japanese. I have kind of dark skin and big eyes for an East Asian. They figured out that I was Japanese because they talked to me in Tagalog but I responded in English.
I am pretty sure I can assimilate into whatever East/Southeast Asian nationality if I know their language well.
So in reality, even Asian people cannot tell the difference.

即使在菲律宾,人们也不能分辨出我是日本人。我有点暗黑的肤色和大眼睛,与东亚人相比算是有些不同。他们之所以知道我是日本人,是因为他们用塔加洛语与我交谈,而我用英语回应。 我很确定如果我精通他们的语言,我可以融入任何一个东亚或东南亚国家的民族。