Death Toll Rises to at Least 55 After Powerful Earthquake in Japan
The authorities continued to look for people buried in the rubble of collapsed and burned buildings in the coastal epicenter of the disaster.


At least 55 people were killed in the powerful earthquake that struck western Japan on Monday, the authorities said a day after the disaster, as they continued to comb through the rubble of collapsed and burned buildings.


The dead included 24 in Wajima, a city in Ishikawa Prefecture, the coastal epicenter of the earthquake, which triggered tsunami warnings, extensive evacuations and widespread power outages after it hit around 4:10 p.m. on New Year’s Day.

石川县轮岛市死亡24 人,该市是此次地震的沿海震中,地震发生于元旦下午 4:10 左右,引发了海啸警报、大规模疏散和大面积停电。

A large fire broke out in Wajima after the quake, which registered 7.6 on the Japanese seismic intensity scale. Some died after being trapped in rubble from destroyed buildings.


The tsunami warnings were lifted on Tuesday morning, and the quake did not produce waves as high as initially feared. The police, firefighters and members of the country’s Self-Defense Forces were still assessing the damage, which included buckled roads along with charred houses and commercial facilities.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

About 33,000 homes in Ishikawa and neighboring Niigata Prefecture were without power on Tuesday morning, said Yoshimasa Hayashi, chief cabinet secretary. Close to 20,000 homes across four prefectures lacked running water. Mr. Hayashi said that 57,360 people had fled their homes and gone to nearly 1,000 different evacuation facilities across the affected prefectures.

日本内阁官房长林芳正周二上午表示 石川县以及邻近的新泻县大约有33000户家庭停电。四个县近20000户家庭停水,已有57360人撤离家园,前往受灾各县的1000个疏散设施避难。

He said officials continued to search for people buried under rubble after 120 such incidents were reported to local police or fire departments, raising the possibility of a higher death toll. Mr. Hayashi said that nuclear power plants in the affected prefectures continued to report no abnormalities.


Officials warned residents in the affected areas to brace for further aftershocks, landslides or new tsunami warnings. Speaking to reporters at a briefing on Tuesday morning, Noriko Kamaya of the Japan Meteorological Agency said there was a 10 to 20 percent chance that an earthquake of equivalent intensity could occur in the next week. She urged residents to exercise caution during sea-based activities such as fishing.

有关部门警告受灾区域内的居民要做好应对余震、山体滑坡或新的海啸预警准备。日本气象厅的河山典子女士周二早上的新闻发布会上对记者表示 ,未来一周内发生同等强度地震的概率为10至20%。她敦促居民在进行海上活动(例如捕鱼)时保持谨慎。

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida told reporters on Tuesday that teams were working to clear roads blocked by landslides or damaged buildings. He also said that retailers were supplying water, food, blankets, portable toilets and more to those housed in evacuation centers.


Miharu Nishiyama contributed reporting from Tokyo.
