
What is the Great Wall of China's current status? Is it still effective in keeping out invaders or stopping invasions from happening?
Profile photo for Aya Shawn
Aya Shawn
Living in Singapore, professional investorDec 17
This map shows the exact location of the extant Great Wall in China
Many Westerners believe that the Great Wall, located on China's border, served as a defense by separating the nomadic peoples of the north from China.
But they overlooked one thing: China's territory is not static.
The last large-scale construction of the Great Wall in Chinese history was 500 years ago, during the Ming Empire. A large part of the Great Wall left in China was built during this period.
Therefore, the Great Wall can only reflect the northern border of China during the Ming Empire.
After the collapse of the Ming Empire, the Qing Empire was established. They have strong military strength, and they have pushed China's territory hundreds of kilometers northward, with the farthest point exceeding 1,000 kilometers. Since the establishment of the Qing Empire 300 years ago, the Great Wall has been located in the hinterland of China and no longer plays a military defense role.


The territory of modern China was inherited from the Qing Empire, so we will see the map above.
How can a city wall located in the hinterland of China play a military role?
Although modern China has continued to repair and protect the Great Wall, its only remaining role is as a cultural heritage and tourist attraction.
As the largest and longest structure built by human civilization, the Great Wall has great historical significance. Perhaps long after the demise of mankind, the Great Wall will still be the first human architectural relic found by alien civilization.


What was the purpose of building the Great Wall of China, as invaders could easily climb over it?


Profile photo for Aya Shawn
Aya Shawn
Living in Singapore, professional investorDec 15
The Great Wall actually has many functions.
When the questioner talked about "the invasion of invaders," he was actually just focusing on a certain function of the Great Wall.
1. Military function
This is what most people know about the Great Wall. In ancient times, it isolated the nomads in the cold zone and prevented their cavalry from entering China. Soldiers defended themselves on the Great Wall and killed those enemies who tried to get close to the Great Wall.
No problem, this is indeed one of the functions of the Great Wall. But this function is not always effective. The Great Wall is too long and requires countless soldiers and troops to garrison it. In some remote sections, it is entirely possible for stowaways or small groups to cross it. This is especially true when the empire declines and the army lacks personnel.

1. 军事职能

But if you look at these Great Walls on the top of the mountain, do they need to be defended in such places?
In any case, in some areas where a large number of troops can be deployed, the defensive capabilities of the Great Wall are effective. In fact, those important passes on the Great Wall have never been defeated militarily.
But if you look at these Great Walls on the top of the mountain, do they need to be defended in such places?


2. Traffic function
In ancient times without highways and railways, it was dangerous for people to travel through forests and deserts. The Great Wall is actually a long road. Not only does it have a flat surface, but it also has stairs that are easier to climb. There will also be houses and fortresses at each distance, as well as warehouses and inns. The ancient Chinese and their troops walked along the Great Wall, just like we drive today and follow the highway. They can go faster, safer, and constantly visit various rest stops and replenishment points.
Therefore, the Great Wall was a very important transportation facility in ancient China and also an ancient highway.


3. Border and trade control
Because of the existence of the Great Wall, it is difficult for grassland peoples to enter China at will, and it is also difficult for Chinese people to enter the grasslands at will. Just like the border wall between the United States and Mexico, although they will use various means to sneak across, this greatly increases the difficulty.
The existence of the Great Wall isolated people from both sides and controlled trade. All imports and exports must be carried out at designated checkpoints, and the government can control the content of transactions and collect taxes. The Great Wall was actually the customs house in northern China in ancient times.
Chinese history records that the Ming Empire spent more than a hundred years building the Great Wall and consumed a lot of money, but it was basically compensated by the trade tariffs set on the Great Wall. It can be seen that the economic benefits brought by the Great Wall are huge.

3. 边境和贸易管制