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-------------译者:lilianliu13--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

If you travel into the suburbs of Hangzhou, you'll be greeted by a curious sight: a full-length replica of the Eiffel Tower, along with a knockoff Champs-?lysées from Paris to go along with it. There's nowhere else in the world that you could've found someone with enough money and a lack of common sense to build such a thing. Only in China, and I'm grateful for their strange decision.
In fact, there's not just a fake Eiffel Tower, there's also a fake England, Germany, and apparently even Wyoming. These unique property developments were all over the country, and I thought I'd go and check them out, starting with a fake London on the outskirts of Shanghai.

如果你来到杭州郊区,你会看到一个奇特的景象:一座艾菲尔铁塔的全长复制品,还有一座巴黎香榭丽舍大街的山寨版。 世界上没有任何地方能找到一个有钱又缺乏常识的人建造这样的东西。 只有在中国,我对他们的奇怪决定表示感谢。
事实上,不仅有假埃菲尔铁塔,还有假英国、假德国,甚至假怀俄明。 这些独特的房地产开发项目遍布全国各地,我想我应该去看看,先从上海郊区的假伦敦开始。